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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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My local group has had some talk about possibly maybe perhaps having a Necromunda campaign later this year. So I better get a gang built and painted.


The dwarfs have caught my eye, so for March I vow to build and paint some Squat.


Also for reasons that are beyond me I have misplaced one of the squat sprues (maybe it’s with the Votan stuff), so at the moment I have only 4 bodies + the FW mini mecha, I guess they will have to do.



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So while there’s a few hours left to be on time I’m starting to go cross eyed so I’m calling this what I got done on time; if a few hours away let’s me get more done I might update. 


- 3x Kataphron Destroyer
- Led by a Tech Enginseer
- 1 Manufactorum Ruins
- Plasma Conduits

- Canoness

- Battle Sister

- Arco-flagellant

- Bike Captain

- Bike Apothecary

- Terminator Librarian

- 12 Terminators

- Scout Sergeant

and my partner completed their spider


Going into overtime:

1/2 kit of manufactorum ruins

2 battle sisters

2 seraphim

1 sister repentia

and my partner is still toiling on their 10 warriors, 3 scarabs and their overlord



Edited by Stolid Fox
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These next few months are going to be a bit tough so I'm going to scale my oaths back just a bit. My fiancé and I are planning a wedding and when we get busy I don't even have the mental faculties left to spell "paint" let alone hold a brush. Anywho- I did "finish" this month, but like last month not super pleased with the quality. Still, it has been nice to play games with models that are not plastic colored.  Behold, my x1 Wazbom Blastajet, x3 Deffkoptas and x10 Grots. 


I plan on going back and doing some more detail work and adding some free handing to the Wazbom. Probably some flames on the wing and some sort of Orky looking roundel. 


I have so far completed Jan & Feb and a total of:


1 Warboss in Mega Armor

10 Boyz

1 Deffdread

1 Wazbom Blastajet

3 Deffkoptas

10 Grots


For March I pledge to paint 1 Deffdread & 10 Boyz. Keeping it a bit simpler for now!



February Vow 2023.jpg

Edited by Kazian
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So I still have work to do on some magnetised weapon options for the Sang Priest, but here are the rest of the models INKS has commissioned,


Trajann Valoris




Sanguinary Priest w/magnetised Backpack and arms (arm options still to be finalised),






A Blood Angels Kill Team,










and a Iron Warriors Fire Team




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4 hours ago, INKS said:

I love the exo driller suit and the squats here. I like them more than votann which I guess they are supposed to be the same as? either way very cool

My fluff understanding is that they have been out of contact with the Leagues of Votan for many thousands of years, so their tech is not as good or advanced, but still plenty good to give the Imperials a run for their money.

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Well I ain't going to make the Last Minute Deadline.  I would have but circumstances beyond my control (Fire fighting again) have meant I have the choice between model painting for a few hours or actually getting sleep before work tomorrow...  At least with another 48 hours or so for the Overtime I should at least get that.  


Also still waiting on my next Hachette Delivery with models and unable to find the body of my Eradicator sarge that my children lost which was going to be my other pledge so not entirely a loss...

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Well, February definitely hasn't turned out the way I had planned. Between two extremes (one, a pleasant out-of-town holiday and the other a cumulation of real-life issues, including business- and health-related troubles), I weren't able to paint the models I vowed to paint. With regret and shame, I must admit that I failed.


On the bright-ish side, from my humble vow, I managed to paint the four scouts/neophytes and am halfway through with the bikes and... I have a nice pledge to finish in March ;)


Furthermore, I realised that I never expressed my profound gratitude for picking my Redemptor as January's Favourite. Thank you Grotsmasha! I am truly honoured and this revelation did make my day when I learnt about it!

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53 minutes ago, Brother Christopher said:

On the bright-ish side, from my humble vow, I managed to paint the four scouts/neophytes and am halfway through with the bikes and... I have a nice pledge to finish in March ;)

Just remember that no matter how many models you've pledged to the month, posting a single model locks in the completion :thumbsup:

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Due to airbrush issues that delayed my basing, my 24 models for March aren't completely finished yet. Bases are getting varnished now, so should be finished in time for the overtime.


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47 minutes ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Bases are getting varnished now, so should be finished in time for the overtime.



Bases look great -- is that the baby-wipe/dryer-sheet marble method?

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1 hour ago, andes said:


Bases look great -- is that the baby-wipe/dryer-sheet marble method?

Yeah. Went too heavy on the sheets this time (should have kept them in for a second dryer cycle to be less dense), so the marble isn't quite where it should be- too much black. However, with the airbrush issues I'm not re-doing it, so they're just going as is. 

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13 hours ago, Trokair said:

My fluff understanding is that they have been out of contact with the Leagues of Votan for many thousands of years, so their tech is not as good or advanced, but still plenty good to give the Imperials a run for their money.

very cool

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I, ThePenitentOne, vow to complete these ten Kabalites by March 31, 2023.



These Kabalites Mod.jpg


I actually hope to finish them much earlier than that so that I can make a second pledge this month. If I succeed with both pledges, I'll have 15 PL of Kabalites ready to fight. 

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