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First DC list Vs Black Legion 750pts


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Hi Everyone, Happy New Year!


I've just purchased some of my friends old Death Company models from him and very excited to start painting to build up a small army for some friendly games against a buddy who has just started his Black Legion.


I'm hoping to create a list that I can use for more competitive games in the very near future, up to 1000/1500pts at most. 


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


++ Vanguard Detachment -3CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels) [43 PL, -3CP, 748pts] ++

+ Configuration +

**Chapter Selector**:[/b] Blood Angels

Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]

Game Type:[/b] Open


+ HQ +

Lemartes [6 PL, 120pts]:[/b] 3. Exhortation of Rage, 4. Mantra of Strength, Litany of Hate


Sanguinary Priest [6 PL, 120pts]:[/b] 6. Selfless Valour, Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Jump Pack, The Armour Indomitus, Warlord


+ Elites +

Death Company Marines [8 PL, 180pts]:[/b] Jump Pack
. 5x Death Company Marine w/ thunder hammer: 5x Frag & Krak grenades, 5x Thunder hammer


Death Company Marines [15 PL, 168pts]:[/b] Jump Pack
. 8x Death Company Marine w/ chainsword and bolt pistol: 8x Astartes Chainsword, 8x Bolt pistol, 8x Frag & Krak grenades


Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 160pts]: Twin lascannon
. Dreadnought combat weapon w/ heavy flamer: Heavy flamer


++ Total: [43 PL, -3CP, 748pts] ++




It feels very light on bodies, but I was hoping to get the DC units across the board and into combat as soon as possible, possibly running the priest with the hammers squad and lemartes with the other?


The Dread is there as I really like the model and I feel like the twin Las might help pick off things like his hellbrute or the odd termie if the hammers can’t get the charge on them.

Edited by tedlambb
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Hi tedlambb! Welcome amongst the brothers who have fallen for the black rage. Whilst I rarely play lower than 1k point games and never ran a DC heavy list in 8th or 9th I still have some suggestions. Do you have some spare models to play around or are you bound to those? 

First of all I don't see the huge advantage taking the priest, as one of his major skills (6+ fnp bubble) is useless for anyone but himself. Sure, he can add some attacks to a squad and occasionally heal a wounded marine but overall I would take something else instead. Especially as you do have a low model count ;) for those points you could get another 5 man squad DC Marines. Or another DC beatstick character. 

Also I would run 5 man squads max. You don't have to worry about coherency, your strats are less expensive and moral is an issue for DC these days. 

Last point would be to mix the weapons in each squad. DC has plenty of attacks and especially in a low point game it feels like massive overkill to run 5 hammers in one squad. Don't know how many warhound titans you are planning to take down :) 

Also keep in mind that everyone who has the black rage cannot fall back from melee, so watch out for tarpits and chose your fights carefully. 

Hope this helps somehow! 

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It's a nice list with a good theme. Though... 


What about a Librarian Dread? He can get a 2nd movement due to his spell Wings of Sanguinus" (if I correctly rember the name) 


What about some Infiltrators as Standard Troops? Sure, they aren't DC, but your list doesn't contain pure DC units, too. You'll save cp then (because you're able to run a Patrol detachment then), which you could spend on... 


What about a DC Dread? You can use the Forlom Fury Stratagem on it to enhance its speed. 


That way you're able to bring 3 units in charge distance turn 1: both Dreads and the Infiltrators (or the DC instead of the DC Dead, whichever seems to do the best job).


To be honest I'm not sold on lascannons these days. Multimeltas offer the same number of shots, better damage (on short range) and are way cheaper. Sure, they are only 24", but 750 points are played on very small tables. 



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On the whole, the list is fine. It feels light because Marines are, by enlarge, and elite army and in that army, your force is comprised of Elites choices! It's powerful and should you catch something, it's going to make a mess.


As it looks like you're playing Open Play to start with, you needn't worry about things like Objectives but when you increase the list and switch to Matched Play, it might be worth considering some Troop choices or whatever else, depending on how you want to play the force (with Arks of Omen coming soon, this could further influence things).


Why have you opted for Selfless Valour on the Sanguinary Priest?



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