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Upcoming BL Stuff - 2023


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11 minutes ago, matcap86 said:

To be fair, it's the people attributing that value and buying it for that cost who do that.  


GW is to blame just as much. Limiting the amount to 2.5k (less in some other cases) and refusing for years now to increase the limit, knowing full well it would still sell out day one... Artificial scarcity and what not.


Not to mention constant webstore issues and lack of any prevention from scalping.

Edited by System Sound
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13 minutes ago, System Sound said:

GW is to blame just as much. Limiting the amount to 2.5k (less in some other cases) and refusing for years now to increase the limit, knowing full well it would still sell out day one... Artificial scarcity and what not.


Meh, if people would've gone: "500 for a book that's not even out yet? Screw that!", scalpers wouldn't have a market and move on. They're parasites that move to the most profitable pastures. A lot of these aren't people invested into GW products. This is just one of the places they can make a good profit of scalping due to consumers overvaluing the product. 


If GW upped the LE release to 5000 pieces, guaranteed the website would still crash, people would still lose out and scalpers would still have dozens (or more) up on ebay. It's happened with any limited item (either by choice or production capabilities) that people are willing to overpay for. Look at the riot at the Van Gogh museum where there was a (Free!) promotional pikachu card in van Gogh style. There were literal fights breaking out as scalpers were trying to get as much as possible to resell for 100s. And they're selling for that money on ebay.




It's a self reinforcing cycle. I usually buy GW stuff second hand, especially books. A few years back books would go for 5-10 euros around here, because you know: second hand books. But nowadays every tom dick and harry looks at ebay for the prices and sees huh, these books are apparently worth 50-100 euros each. And then get offended when you don't want to pay that for their 5th edition softcover with 3 pages missing.


While some of the Black Library fans are also valuing their own collections by these scalper prices. Which isn't weird, but when regular collectors are also putting their own 3 year old books up for 200-300 euros and the rest of the community goes "Yup that's a legit price" for that book, not hard to see why this is a scalpers market. 

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51 minutes ago, Preliminary Bombardment said:

The next thing I'm thinking about is logistics, this book is clearly not going to fit in my letterbox and we are away till Thursday :down:


Also in recent weeks, and I don't know if this is due to warehouse relocation or bots they use etc, but they are now sending out BL special edition books in huge outer cardboard boxes, rather than just straight in the small book box themselves. Does mean less chance books arrive damaged, but a massive waste/overkill on packaging; they're really thick premium cardboard boxes they're now using!

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After missing the LE last time despite having all the previous ones I had the pleasure of a stress free morning and reminded myself that I am never joining the LE club again. I have all the Primarch ones as well except the last and discovered that the only person worried about not having the full set was me, so I stopped worrying about it.


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16 minutes ago, deanup said:

After missing the LE last time despite having all the previous ones I had the pleasure of a stress free morning and reminded myself that I am never joining the LE club again. I have all the Primarch ones as well except the last and discovered that the only person worried about not having the full set was me, so I stopped worrying about it.


You’re my new role model

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32 minutes ago, deanup said:

After missing the LE last time despite having all the previous ones I had the pleasure of a stress free morning and reminded myself that I am never joining the LE club again. I have all the Primarch ones as well except the last and discovered that the only person worried about not having the full set was me, so I stopped worrying about it.


Same here, after missing vol 1 I stopped with the stress, if I get some LE, cool, if not, I'll just get the HB

I do see myself buying a LE from ebay for more than GW, but only if its 20-30$ more, and I do really like how the book look, or if it's something related to my favorite armies etc. 

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I cant see much having the appeal of the HH and the Siege. Look at Dan of fire LE nothing like the numbers or demand like the HH and that was them trying to replicate it. 


Nothing else is likely to span that perfect middle ground between mass appeal, nostalgia and importance in the lore. 


Some of the other LE they do can takes days to sell out. Unless its something like ABD presents the Badad War things should go back closer to normal after the last siege book and its pot of gold exit the stage.

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Might have something to do with Dawn of Fire being slow, boring and not providing any particularly interesting 'hook'. Heck, even the promise of 'Great Crusade-style conquest' fizzled out. Remember Haley plugging Indomitus being as big as the Great Crusade, for it to be some randos scunging about? Doesn't help that there's basically no single stand-out book in the whole series to be a selling point. Even TBA had, like, the Beheading. 


still don't understand what they were trying to achieve with Dawn of Fire. It wasn't a narrative advancing alongside the setting, because it was years behind, lore-wise (and is now, what, two editions out of date?). It didn't follow any epic, name-brand characters. It didn't feature that 'Great Crusade' style of (re)conquest that people have asked for. What exactly was the pitch? Laying the foundation for characters/stories for the future, maybe? But why not just... write those? 


Surely it's inevitable we get a Scouring series right on the heels of TEATD. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they're ready to go already.


Speaking of 'ready to go'... I hate to ask, but uh, TEATD 3, the conclusion (OR IS IT???) to the Siege, really isn't far off. Where's the Horus Primarch book?

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GW/BL isn't going to stop scalpers. People need to realize it's the stupid fans who are ready to spend $400 on a book on THE PRE-ORDER DATE. Don't blame the company, blame the dumb fanbase.


I hate scalpers but I equally hate morons buying from, especially when the buyers don't even have the book in their hands.


Leaving "funny" screens I've seen in other groups



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21 minutes ago, theSpirea said:

morons buying

So called "whales" have so much disposable income that those prices are nothing to them. There are people out there that spends thousands and even tens of thousands of USD on mobile games or other hobbies without flinching. They warp the fandom and the decision making of companies.

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3 hours ago, lansalt said:

So called "whales" have so much disposable income that those prices are nothing to them. There are people out there that spends thousands and even tens of thousands of USD on mobile games or other hobbies without flinching. They warp the fandom and the decision making of companies.

It's not about the money for some of us, it's just I cant support this, those people mostly care not for the hobby nor fellow hobbyist, I'm not willing to throw my money on them.

About PC\mobile games and other hobbies, I mean when the developer sets a 100$ cosmetic and people buying it I got no problem with it, or cases gambling, every one got equal ground, it's the original price, but if some developer would decide to sell a 30$ cosmetics for one hour at weekend, and other players can resell it, here comes the problem.


If GW had MtO LE books but would charge 120$ for those books(the author had to sign each book, they need to run more prints which lead to extra cost etc) I think a lot of us would buy those books.

Just to clarify, I'm not saying 100$ cosmetics\120$ books\high price models is ok, I'm just saying that every one will had the option to buy it for the same price, without FOMO or nerves because the website is dying and they can't pay for product. 

Edited by OpossumStrong
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And it’s gone… Made it to checkout multiple times but got an error message when I tried to complete the purchase. I haven’t been as vocal as some about the disaster that is BL limited editions, they’re only books in the end, but rarely has it been clearer how little respect BL and GW have for their customers. I love the product, but I have nothing but disdain for the company. Almost makes me want to stop buying and start pirating. I won’t, that’s disrespectful to the authors who seem to be a largely wonderful bunch, but it is tempting to thumb my nose at GW.

Edited by cheywood
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Yeah, ok this really irritates me. I'm sorry for being yet another one to complain but how hard is this for GW to try and do better?


Been on the website to pay since 12:30 EST (pre-orders are at 1pm). They normally go up at 12:55. Get it in the cart and go to pay before the clock even hit 12:56. For one, the book was showing up in the wrong currency even though I was on the US site initially when I clicked add to cart it was the correct price (it switched to GBP I think and then back). So go to enter the payment information and the website starts chugging.


By 12:58, by the time I finally hit confirm, thanks to the error in the pricing on the site (it wouldn't send through paypal because I'm guessing it was reading as one price due to the error and trying to process for more), and it kicks me out saying it's already out of stock.


I know there's no profanity allowed here but for feths sake how hard is this not to make it a miserable experience, I'm done trying to get anything on launch day from them in the future. This is old young man yelling at clouds because they'll get their money either way so they couldn't care less, but I just needed to vent

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Up until this point I’ve had every siege LE book. I got maintenance page errors continuously, fired up the iPad and could navigate the site fine despite not being able to on my other devices. But it was already too late.


And I feel…. relief.


It’s been annoying and stressful. I’ve emailed GW multiple times about it suggesting things they could do.


I’ll never buy into a LE series again, and probably won’t bother trying to get any LEs.



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10 minutes ago, Splog said:

Up until this point I’ve had every siege LE book. I got maintenance page errors continuously, fired up the iPad and could navigate the site fine despite not being able to on my other devices. But it was already too late.


And I feel…. relief.


It’s been annoying and stressful. I’ve emailed GW multiple times about it suggesting things they could do.


I’ll never buy into a LE series again, and probably won’t bother trying to get any LEs.



If you find my post when I failed to get the last one I felt relief and a weird sense of calm a load off my mind.


Bit fed up I couldn't get the Dark Coil LE but just found myself accepting it and moving on.

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It's a bit late now but a frater mentioned during a past LE release that they specifically set their payment method default to paypal as it takes them away from GW's site to confirm payment thus leaving the checkout lag. Can't say for sure if thats why I was able to snag one I had to reload almost every page before checkout since it wouldnt display properly the first time. The damn thing was sold out in 3 minutes.

I'll be glad when this is over and probably wont bother in the future, I'll just wait for the audible version XD

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4 minutes ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

Was anyone in the UK successful today either using their debit card to pay or using virtual vouchers?  I tried to use the latter but wouldn’t process.


Would be interesting to know whether the above theory about PayPal is true and might be the best way to pay in the future.  

I managed to get mine via debit card but it was touch and go, just had to be patient.

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7 minutes ago, son of the forest said:

I managed to get mine via debit card but it was touch and go, just had to be patient.

Cheers … it’s so weird how the website just wouldn’t work for some people.  I had three devices, all on the same network at home, but only one device could connect.  But still couldn’t process at checkout stage.  Wish I understood IT networks so I could make sense of it all!

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51 minutes ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

Was anyone in the UK successful today either using their debit card to pay or using virtual vouchers?  I tried to use the latter but wouldn’t process.


Would be interesting to know whether the above theory about PayPal is true and might be the best way to pay in the future.  

Debit card.

I actually found a faster way (for me) to get the delivery option I want and skip straight to payment, I'm adding some item to the cart like 20-30 minutes before the pre-order, choose everything I need, and then removing the item from the cart, the website is saving the options for 1 order, but I still couldn't get it because I got the "Unknown Error" with the option to inform customer service :laugh:

Edited by OpossumStrong
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