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Social media interaction


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I occasionally see B&C posts on my Facebook feed – and the one today gave me an idea:


Strike Force Agastus.
...not sure about those heavy weapons....


I wonder if the B&C could run a simple day/week-long poll for previewed models, to get a sense of the forum community's first impressions.

The result could then be posted up to social media as a 'B&C hit' or 'B&C miss' (or however you prefer to frame it – 'Critical hit!' or 'Failed Morale!', or something similarly light, to stop things being unnecessarily negative, perhaps?) with a link to the discussion.


It'd give a nice regular post for social media, encourage people back here for discussion, and also potentially serve as a bellwether for the broader community. It might even be nice for Games Workshop to get a conglomerated – albeit not particularly scientific – view of the B&C community, and make the social media feel less individually-led (not that that's inherently a problem, of course).

Edited by apologist
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This is a very interesting idea.


There are probably a lot of ways in which we can better leverage other social media platforms to help the community.


We're interesting in hearing all of your ideas on this, whether how we can implement apologist's suggestion or other things that we can do.

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