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Arks of Omen: Abaddon has been out a few weeks and Arks of Omen: Angron is coming out in 2 weeks (preorder 2/4). I wanted to see what units, everyone is taking and how they are playing.


I played 3 games this weekend using mission 6 from White Dwarf $84


Blades of Victory Brotherhood 

Brotherhood Librarian (Stormbolter, halbred, warp changing & Empyric Amp) 

5 terminators (Justicar Daemon Hammer, Psycannon, halbreds)

5 Terminators (Justicar Daemon Hammer, Psilencer, swords)


The third game I switched out the swords for halbreds. My downside was not playing for objectives. But most games I had more models left then opponent. 

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Arks of Omen;: Angron Confirms some special rules for Grey Knights.



In his path lies much of Fleet Quartus, already battered from Ork ambushes – and with a contingent of Grey Knights on the way, and the mysterious daemon Vashtorr the Arkifane lurking in the wings, an almighty dust-up is in the offing.




From a gaming perspective, the book features a suite of upgrades for Boarding Patrols from all the major players in the conflict. The World Eaters, Chaos Space Marines, Astra Militarum, Space Marines, Grey Knights, and Orks all receive Enhancements and Stratagems of their own, including unique options for each major Chapter of Space Marines and all of the Traitor Legion



From WarComm Grey Knight Boarding Patrol Box


The incorruptible Castellan Crowe leads five Grey Knights Terminators – who can also be built as elite Paladins. Backing them up are 10 Grey Knights – these versatile daemon-hunters can be built as teleporting Interceptors, fiery Purifiers, or skilled Strike Squads.**


Edited by WAR

I am always on the fence with GKs. I need GW to make them a large scale but I am so close to jumping in. 

I've been making some lists and they seem to suffer from lack of units. do they have problems covering the board?

  On 2/9/2023 at 4:40 AM, INKS said:

I am always on the fence with GKs. I need GW to make them a large scale but I am so close to jumping in. 

I've been making some lists and they seem to suffer from lack of units. do they have problems covering the board?


you talking specifically to boarding actions? because they would be the same as Custodes,


although I haven't play Boarding actions, GK's excelled when I played KT. 

Smaller formats, GK get the 3rd phase of the game often other armies just completely skip. The Psychic phase and combined that with some shooting and melee combat.
In smaller games where you need everyone to contribute, Grey knights do this far better.

Yes I am talking specifically boarding actions and not KT. Grey Knights are kinda worse than Custodes in the sense that Cutsodes have single units they can field. This allows them to cover more of the board and objective. This doesn't mean GKs are bad but that they can have problem covering the field on certain missions.  

Yes they do have have issues scoring all the points but the look of terror in your opponents eyes while facing all terminators  with obj sec is great. You figure most units you are facing are 5 man or have junk armor so you will cleave through them. The lack (for most part) psychic abilities let’s you run psychic powers unrestricted. You have free heavy weapons where in regular games the range is garbage but in Boarding Actions it is almost perfect.  Tides are nice I just stayed in convergence for the psy / nemesis weapon boost. 

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