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Progress Log: Alpha Legion Warband: "The Last Surprise"

Go to solution Solved by Firedrake Cordova,

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Second Obliterator almost done! This one was much more trickey than the first for some reason. I'm going to use the warm green plasma tutorial above for the shoulder Cannon.



Edited by hd3
5 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

You're definitely making goof progress through them :biggrin: 

Cheers mate. That brings its own problems though. After this box, do I make that blood ravens kill team? Finish my left over necron warriors?! Finally do that imperial Japan samurai themed chapter I wanted to make? Or continue building the alpha legion to a decent number of points like I want ?

How to make that decision: https://pickerwheel.com/pw?id=wv47x :laugh: (almost certainly not helpful, but hopefully it'll give a chuckle :smile:)

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
18 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

How to make that decision: https://pickerwheel.com/pw?id=wv47x :laugh: (almost certainly not helpful, but hopefully it'll give a chuckle :smile:)

Well it's more constructive than most approaches. I think I might do the alpha legion and maybe a rush job on the necron leftovers. I want to get my AL up to comparable points with my friends space wolves. Then I can attend the big box of primaris. Perhaps some day I can even do the burning of prospero box. Or sell it, I guess. 



I'm drawn to the blood ravens though because I already own the models so the pile of shame would look better.

If you've got a definite goal, then it sounds like building up your Alpha Legion to your points target is probably the most sensible course of action, then the Necrons or Blood Ravens (due to what I assume is a low model count), and then the custom chapter of Space Marines? Obviously, if you're feeling burnt out with the Alpha Legion, then one of the Necrons or Blood Ravens would be more sensible as the first thing to do :smile: 

49 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

If you've got a definite goal, then it sounds like building up your Alpha Legion to your points target is probably the most sensible course of action, then the Necrons or Blood Ravens (due to what I assume is a low model count), and then the custom chapter of Space Marines? Obviously, if you're feeling burnt out with the Alpha Legion, then one of the Necrons or Blood Ravens would be more sensible as the first thing to do :smile: 

Im trying to build warphammers alpha legion army list for 9th,  so I presume I'll need a rest from AL along the way at some point. 



I did a black templar edge highlight along some of the plating. In future I'll do this on after the nuln oil gloss wash because it's neater and less stress. I really need a proper good dedicated edge highlighting brush though. And a proper system to keep it in good condition. Anyone have brand endorsements?


I've finally started on my two Greater Possessed (Apparently those don't exist anymore and are just regular possessed now? So I might need to get some extra possessed singles to concert these into a full unit).  I used a edge highlight of black templar around the power armor plate welds and mephiston red on the mouths and claw. I've done two coats of bugmans' glow  for the flesh and I'm planning to use the same flesh formula I did with the obliterators. For the tongues, I've used bugmans' glow initially and then washed repeatedly with druchii violet to make a purple colour.  It looks far too much like a stained wash though and I have no memory of how I got that great purple shade on the tongue on my first obliterator which is what I actually wanted.



Im not sure what to do with the second Greater Possessed though because that's mostly protruding bones and exoskeleton. So I might need to get some skeleton horde or come up with a better bone paint formula. I could use the recipe for the skulls, zabdri dust then ushabti bone followed by agrax but I wanted the bones to look d bit more pale. Maybe a strong highlight of something  pale on top like flayed one flesh?





Edited by hd3
17 hours ago, hd3 said:

And a proper system to keep it in good condition. Anyone have brand endorsements?


Even the cheapest of brushes can maintain a good point with just a little care. What causes a brush to fray and lose its point is paint drying in the ferrule (the metal bit). I recommend giving your brush a thorough clean with brush soap at the end of each session as this will draw any paint out of the ferrule and extend its life considerably.

20 hours ago, hd3 said:

I really need a proper good dedicated edge highlighting brush though. And a proper system to keep it in good condition. Anyone have brand endorsements?

As @Grotsmasha said, the thing that kills paintbrushes is mostly paint drying in them (paint drying in the bristles or ferrule means the bristles can't interlock and splay). Ultimately, this means three things:

  1. Keep the paint brush "wet" and don't let paint dry in it whilst painting (i.e. rinse it out at regular intervals during a painting session)
  2. Don't let paint get into or near the ferrule
  3. Clean them properly. If the brush comes to a point when wet, but bristles splay when the brush is dry, then it's likely there are deposits on the bristles and further cleaning is needed.

Personally, I like to use a liquid soap, as it feels as though the soap will get "everywhere" more easily, and it also feels a bit more gentle on the brush than using a cake soap. I use Jo Sonja (aka Chroma) liquid soap, and then "set" the bristles with The Master's Brush Cleaner & Preserver. Marseilles soap and olive oil soap bars also work well. Really any of those should work well - just get what's available and affordable. :smile: 


As for brushes, the GW Artificer line are white-labelled Winsor & Newton Series 7's. Any of the artist's brand sable watercolour brushes should work well as long as they come to a good point, e.g. Raphael Series 8404, Rosemary & Co Series 33, Daler-Rowney Diana. If you're in the US, I believe Dick Blick's own-brand brushes are supposed to be good.


5 hours ago, hd3 said:

Im not sure what to do with the second Greater Possessed though because that's mostly protruding bones and exoskeleton. So I might need to get some skeleton horde or come up with a better bone paint formula.

You could try Seraphim Sepia over your choice of bone colour, and then draw lines toward the point in a lighter bone colour to create striations? Alternatively, it might be worth looking at Trovarion's video on Blood Bowl Orcs - he has one for tabletop standard and a more advanced one - for the bits on the bone parts.

Edited by Firedrake Cordova


I think I still went too heavy in the crimson and violet washes, not what I intended. Though in the plus side, it makes it look like the sinews underneath are pressing up against the skin which is overstretched. Since that seems pretty in character for possessed, I think I can live with it.



Edited by hd3

Good advice from @Grotsmasha and @Firedrake Cordova re brush care!


I think the Possessed is looking fantastic! Sticky reds and purples were always my go-to for daemonic and mutant flesh. Gives it a fresh, raw look. Pops nicely against the cool blue armour too.

So I went with corax white on the bones, then ushabti bone, with agrax earthshade wash. Except for the teeth in the mouth which is flayed flesh.


Black Legion contrast on the pipes and cables.


I'm trying an edge highlight of evil sunz scarlet on the claw and tabard but I'm worried the contrast isn't strong enough.



11 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

They're coming along nicely. :smile: 


I think you might be right on the highlight for the red, though - I'm not seeing anything? :sad: 

What colour would be a good choice then for edge highlighting the tabard then?

18 minutes ago, hd3 said:

What colour would be a good choice then for edge highlighting the tabard then?

My knowledge of the current GW line isn't great, but I think Wild Rider Red is a little brighter than Evil Sunz Scarlet? The other option would be to mix one of the oranges (like Jokaero or Fire Dragon Bright) into the base coat? I should probably add that it may also be a case of the camera not accurately capturing the colour - red can be a right pain to capture sometimes.

I did a black templar wash on the tabard and tried to make the evil sunz highlights a bit more prominent. 


I put an edge highlight of administratum gray over the the claw and talons on abaddon black to make it a bit more prominent and then runefang steel highlights on the actual power armour. 


I think my placements of highlights is getting better but I'm still having trouble not overloading the brush and going too far when I do it. I also wanted clearer definition on the non lobster claw hand fingers but gal vorbak red and nuln oil just draws in and swallows all light despite making the joints themselves clear.


Finally I was thinking of carving up an A.L. shoulder decal and putting the head on one side and the tail on the other so it looks like the bones burst through the hydra sigil



As always criticism and suggestions welcome 



Edited by hd3

So I've changed the fingers on the hand to just regular flesh and added some stirland battle mire to the rocks for the base. I'm planning to glue some grass shoots onto them later.











I can't decide what to do about the giant super base on the venom crawler though. I don't want to half arse it. I saw today that GW was doing some terrain on made to order basis, so I was thinking maybe order a bunch of debris and ruins and decorate with that? Does anyone have any suggestions for terrain debris that would fit? Has to be under the crawler more or lesss.


Edited by hd3

Made some progress on the greater possessed! I was really happy with how the flayed one flesh highlighted the bones in the fin hand. I think the new bone formula came out nice but I can't decide if I should do a second wash of agrax over the ushabti bone or just after the first corax white coat.


I used an edge highlight of admin gray over for the hooves and the black horns.


I can't get the paint to flow into the recessed details around the eye growing out if the pauldron though...any ideas?



Edited by hd3

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