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I'm tempted. The one army set I really wish I'd picked up at the time was the Steel Legion army bundle they did back in the year 2000 during the Armageddon campaign. :yes:


However, I expect they'll be priced beyond my budget, and I have a big enough pile of 'future joy' :sweat::laugh: to justify adding a new army..! :biggrin:

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I really liked the Steel Legion when they were widely available but boy do they feel a bit tired after plastic Krieg became a reality. I guess I've started to enjoy the Krieg aesthetic more than the the regiment that inspired them.

Edited by Magos Takatus
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Did the commissar always have a bolt pistol? I know the original, maskless one had a (rather nice) boltgun and that bolt pistol looks really crudely attached.


I think I’m going to go for the officer with the power sword, even if it’s crazy expensive.

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They look so good and I am soo tempted. 

14 hours ago, Doghouse said:

Nice to see those again. If they did Mordians in that format I would 100% be all over that in a heart beat whether in metal or failcast.


Didn't they do a classic metal guard MTO a few months ago which included Mordians?

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While I will always have fond memories of the Steel Legion stuff, when you compare the new stuff against these, you see just how dated they are.  I personally wouldn't game with them currently, and they are now too costly to justify buying and painting an army of them for nostalgias sake.   It does make me glad I sold mine for a ridiculous sum after a bidding war on ebay a good 10years ago now whici saw me through harder financial times, lol.


Im always glad to see GW doing these types of things for people who do have a hankering after older models though....its good business, and it satisfies peoples needs to complete old projects.

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I like the Steel Legion models and I wish I had more of them. But I'm not paying 2023 prices for 2000 sculpts. If GW released them at a reasonable price I'd be tempted, but I think we all know they won't. I hope the sculpts give some other people enjoyment at least.


17 hours ago, aa.logan said:

Did the commissar always have a bolt pistol? I know the original, maskless one had a (rather nice) boltgun and that bolt pistol looks really crudely attached.


I think I’m going to go for the officer with the power sword, even if it’s crazy expensive.


He originally had a boltgun. The plot thickens though - there was a MTO of these guys 6 years ago & he had a bolt pistol on the promotional photo for that, but the actual model people received had the original boltgun - article with proof.

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I just found my stash of unpainted weapon teams and squads in the attic.

When they went out of production I managed to snatch the entire stock at my GW store for the price of 3 boxes. I think I made 200-300% profit that day (they couldn't be bothered with sending them back to GW.....

And they are still unpainted to this day. Might have to add a few and start a admech support army.


Is the necromunda steel legion sniper also beiing repopped? I could only get those somewhere in Russia, and that looked too dodgey.

Edited by Brother Carpenter
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They should do the metal daemonettes again, those things go for silly money.


I finished off a vostroyan battalion when they went on MTO, but I don't need Steel Legion and the plastic Krieg have slightly eaten their lunch. Happy to see them again though, they're not in the modern style but they are nice models.

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3 hours ago, Toxichobbit said:

He originally had a boltgun. The plot thickens though - there was a MTO of these guys 6 years ago & he had a bolt pistol on the promotional photo for that, but the actual model people received had the original boltgun - article with proof.


Argh, I read that as 6 days ago, and thought I was in luck...

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5 hours ago, de Selby said:

They should do the metal daemonettes again, those things go for silly money.

That will probably not happen. Some have bare b**bs and n!ppl€s showing. That will not pass modern day ethical reviewers. 

But I'm totally on your side. Absolutely love those sculpts.

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