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These were £20.50 when they were discontinued in October 2021. That’s almost a 100% markup - are you mad? 

These metal kits used to be quite attractive when they were priced at £20 and the old plastic kit was roughly the same price (maybe even a bit more) but this is ridiculous. 



For reference the Vostroyan MTO kits were. Troopers £25, officers/special weapon gunners/heavy weapons teams £15, Platoon £75

Edited by MechaMan
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Too rich for my blood here too.  The platoon is nice looking but it’s 220 for 2 metal squads with fixed loadouts, officer and heavy weapons squad again with fixed loadouts, vs 190 for the combat patrol with 2 squads, command squad, sentinel, and ordinance team.

As for separately , they are asking $45 per heavy weapons team(singular). A squad(3 teams) in plastic is $60. That’s more than twice as much with with a fixed build. Are they being sculpted in gold?

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I might get a single heavy bolter team as it is one of my favourite older models they released.


The prices are utterly ridiculous and there's no way I would buy anything else to round out my old collection. I think the plasma gunners were cheaper on Ebay despite OOP mark-up!

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*whistles while looking at his 5e recast vostroyan models that are indistinguishable from the real deal*


I feel your guys pain though. GW had similar prices for Vostroyans which bummed me out big time (25e for one plasma gunner ugh) 

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Lol, looks like they realised the photo for the commissar was wrong and took him and the reinforced platoon off the website. Had talked myself into getting the latter, this pause for thought is not good for their sales prospects. 

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