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The new guys for Enfocers and Cawdor

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I love the automatas. My Enforcers needs them desperately. Ridge Walkers are... quite interesant.

But the new rules for Saint Patrons looks great and funny in equal measure.


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I'm a little disappointed with the new models.

The Automata look too wooden to me and if I ever get around to building my Enforcers I would be converting them. I feel like they would look much better with Ambot legs but I'm not sure about scale. I'd like to see the Automata alongside an Ambot to see how they look.


The Cawdor seem to have become the Grim Jesters of the Houses of Necromunda and these Ridgewalkers reinforce that idea to me. It's like GW is trying to disassociate them from their darker and controversial past by making them court jesters. My mate plays Cawdor and I'm sure he'll get some to paint in his usual grungy style which will help but these Cawdor Prospects don't do anything for me.


I am looking forward to the new book though. I'm enjoying the expanded background and new scenarios and I'm looking forward to reading it.

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The new book should also have rules for the Hardcase Hounds, so there's that. Was hoping we'd also get a re-write of the base Enforcer rules as they're vastly out of date, but haven't heard anything about that yet.


The Cawdor riders don't intrigue me much, but I do like their wasteland update kit. The cop bot I'm middling on for now. Like the rules, not totally sold on the model.

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I like actually like the new Sanctioner models. I think they are cool - if, yes, static. Their rules, however, seem quite bad for the price tag - especially when compared to the Ambot! 


As for the book, I am certainly getting it, as I really like the narrative...and actually play Palanites!

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On 3/29/2023 at 9:33 PM, Antarius said:

The Enforcer-bot reminds me immensely of Roberto from Futurama, for some reason. Although he was more on the supply side of crime.

I have a germ of an idea for an outcast gang with a talented mechanic who have managed to steal and re-wire a couple of these sanctioner bots. Or maybe something involving a counts-as Ashwood Stranger (maybe called Strangewood Asher) also appeals to me… if rumours are true he might be able to wrangle a couple of bots with his contacts behind the scenes…

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