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10th ed Leviathan Starter set - Space Marines

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1 hour ago, AenarIT said:

What is there to be saved? The game is the most popular it has ever been, making it hard for GW to keep up with production of new kits


Agreed. If you look at GW's revenue over the last 5 years or so, they don't seem to have a problem. Granted we don't know how 40K contributed to that but as their flagship system, I suspect it is pulling its weight. global-revenue-of-games-workshop.jpg

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2 hours ago, AenarIT said:

What is there to be saved? The game is the most popular it has ever been, making it hard for GW to keep up with production of new kits



At the end of editions they usually need saving.   9th is a checkers game of when units interact, one disappears.  For a while now the balance has been skewed and the roll for first turn matters more than ever.   The same way that 6th was fine by the end, but 7th was a little out of control, 8th was okay, but 9th, as each rule was explored to its extreme, has become quite a mess.


I'm excited to try 10th mostly because the rules look interesting, fun and new,  but a little bit because 9th is... not as fun as it was at release.  

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4 hours ago, farfromsam said:

For a while now the balance has been skewed and the roll for first turn matters more than ever.

I don't know if this is true, nor do I know where to go to find the statistics to back it up.

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19 hours ago, Mogger351 said:

I'm not sure it needs "saving" as such? If it reduces the brain drain and volume of sheer stuff then that'll do me.


My point is, the community was saying 9th was going to save 40k and be better than 8th, now I am hearing the same tune again with different lyrics. GW is GW'ing with the staggered codexes, 9th and 8th both started simple and that didn't last either. People should have more realistic expectations with a new 40k edition, the hype and expectations are way higher than they should be. 

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1 hour ago, MegaVolt87 said:


My point is, the community was saying 9th was going to save 40k and be better than 8th, now I am hearing the same tune again with different lyrics. GW is GW'ing with the staggered codexes, 9th and 8th both started simple and that didn't last either. People should have more realistic expectations with a new 40k edition, the hype and expectations are way higher than they should be. 

I don't think I heard any mantras about it "saving 40k" it's not in any danger whatsoever, people had hopes and expectations on it being more fun or having more flavour. The thing they failed to deliver on the most imo were the faster games and smaller armies. 

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3 hours ago, MegaVolt87 said:


My point is, the community was saying 9th was going to save 40k and be better than 8th, now I am hearing the same tune again with different lyrics. GW is GW'ing with the staggered codexes, 9th and 8th both started simple and that didn't last either. People should have more realistic expectations with a new 40k edition, the hype and expectations are way higher than they should be. 

First time?


welcome to the new edition of any game

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Ehh, I'm actually pretty underwhelmed with this box. To be totally fair it's probably because I was so utterly spoiled with Indomitus, which contained tons of goodies for both my armies, and most of this stuff is all quite irrelevant to my needs, but even so. I'm surprised how little I am moved by the new Terminators- If anything perhaps they played it TOO safe here. They really are just slightly bigger versions of what we already have; which in some ways is good, but in a lot of ways is a disappointment. Maybe the multi-part kits (and hopefully, future chapter specific ones, maybe) will be better but I don't think I'll be rushing out to buy this box I don't think.


I also won't be making the mistake of buying the books again this edition, I don't think. I got maybe 3 uses out of my 9th ed books, before they were basically obsolete paperweights and I went back to doing everything with BS etc. I know they are making a lot of promises to resolve all of that this time around, but honestly, I don't think I trust them. The game nowadays, despite all its claims to accessibility, is oriented towards a much more invested type of player. I get a game in maybe every couple months if I'm really trying, so for me it just isn't a good value proposition, and it's a pain in the backside to keep up with all the constant changes everyone else follows religiously. I'm not seeing much to suggest that won't remain the case in this edition, and it's a shame because out of anything, that is the number 1 thing that hurts my investment in the hobby.


Anyway enough of my griping. What I am looking forward to is seeing if new assault termies come along down the line. And that dreadnought is the best one they've done since Primaris were introduced; I really can't put my finger on why it is, but it really captures the essence of the old-school boxnaught in a way the Redemptor just somehow fails to.

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2 hours ago, Vermintide said:

I get a game in maybe every couple months if I'm really trying, so for me it just isn't a good value proposition

It's not super relevant to this thread in particular, but I do wonder if there's a way to get folks into games more often. I hope Combat Patrol ends up being a good way to do so.

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2 minutes ago, Lemondish said:

It's not super relevant to this thread in particular, but I do wonder if there's a way to get folks into games more often. I hope Combat Patrol ends up being a good way to do so.


Honestly, I doubt Combat Patrol is the way to go.


For starters, the new person has to want those specific models. If so, great, but if not then they are SOL for Combat Patrol games.


And also the Combat Patrols need to be reasonably balanced against each other right out of the box, because new people are not going online for the latest GW balance pass. We can say that GW will make sure of this, but will they really be able to do it?


Smaller games are the way to get people into 40k, just not sure Combat Patrols are going to be that big of a hit.

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21 minutes ago, Lemondish said:

It's not super relevant to this thread in particular, but I do wonder if there's a way to get folks into games more often. I hope Combat Patrol ends up being a good way to do so.


Sure, it's a bit of a tangent, but I mean it's not like GW can make people's lives any less busy; and they are already selling them a hobby that requires painstaking hours worth of investment into the modelling and paining side before they can even really begin to think about taking the game part seriously. And whenever they try to address that, they miss the wood for the trees- Here's a special paint so you can get your guys ready for battle quicker! Here's a small scale game mode so you can play without having a full 2000 point force! The intention is in the right place, but it's not tackling to the root problem. And that problem is just that it's an IRL game, it requires a lot of logistics and set-up, and fundamentally the kind of social circle to facilitate it.


Sure, keeping up with all the expansions and such is always optional, so it's not like anyone is being really hard done by here, and playing a casual game with the base rules is never out of the question; but I have to wonder what percentage of their audience is really buying into all that stuff. I have to imagine it's like the "whales" of the videogame world. But I feel like they would get greater engagement from a more broad audience if they cooled down the pace of releases and focussed more on making the core rules hold up over a longer time scale, rather than re-hashing and re-inventing it every other year, pasting over the cracks with new books that cost an extra £40 a go in the meantime.


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7 hours ago, Xanthous said:

Apologies for image quality, I couldn't find a better picture, but it seems possible that this could be the Space Marine Combat Patrol. Or something else entirely, who knows.


That's the same image they showed in the stream. It's the combat patrol you can make from the marine half of the Leviathan box, not the actual combat patrol we'll be getting in September (really depends on if they're box locking miniatures to the starter sets like the Nid Prime and that specific terminator captain/Librarian). GW could surprise me by selling that quarter of Leviathan but I'm doubtful. Though we do know the current SM Combat Patrol box is being retired (so long supressors), what takes its place? Hopefully something good.

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