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New Edition - Time to Return?


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Greeting brothers and sisters of the Ravenspire.


It sure has been an age since I have graced these hallowed passages. But, like time, hobbying is cyclical I guess. With 10th edition around the corner, I decided it was time to return to the Ravenspire with a view to sitting in the Combat Patrol mode of play, as I doubt I have the stamina anymore for longer games.


So, with some pictures to come once I have some that are worthy, what are your views towards 40k now?


I have to say, being "new" again to 40k is rather an interesting feeling. The Space Marine Combat Patrol box was an education in how "interesting" monopose models are to put together now :laugh:

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39 minutes ago, duz_ said:

Looks like us 3 are in the same boat


I'm cautiously optimistic about 10th

So far they seem to be addressing my dislikes of 9th


I think, for me, it was the shift towards treating everything like a biological unit at the start of 8th that was my souring point, which caused me to trade away all my 7th edition RG (plus others) and my 8th Edition Primaris units for +REDACTED+ system models.


A few things reared their heads at the start of this year, which saw me start with Kill Team, and many of the Twitch Streams I watch/mod for were heavily Warhammer-focused because, well, that's where the views/income is in the miniature painting niche. So, I gathered more Kill Teams, even got a hold of one of the big boxes for the terrain, and ended up watching the 40 reveal on Twitch.


Certainly, some stunning models dragged me back in. If I get a Leviathan box, I'm undecided on whether they'll be painted Raven Guard or a different Chapter, as the SM units don't seem to fit the feel of the Sons of Corax the same way the Combat Patrol kinda does.

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On 5/9/2023 at 5:15 PM, Damo1701 said:


I think, for me, it was the shift towards treating everything like a biological unit at the start of 8th ....


I'm curious if you can expound on what you mean by "biological unit", and what the issues it caused?



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1 hour ago, Karhedron said:


I think it was giving vehicles a Toughness value and armour save like infantry and monsters rather than having a separate mechanic for vehicles.


Yeah, this pretty much sums it up. That, and the tiered damage guff that just made for more book-keeping if you enjoyed using those units.


With that said, It's clear that mechanic is here to stay, sadly, so, I just have to get on with it. Luckily, I just have the one vehicle to use, as I do plan on sticking to the Combat Patrol format.

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/11/2023 at 8:43 AM, Karhedron said:


I think it was giving vehicles a Toughness value and armour save like infantry and monsters rather than having a separate mechanic for vehicles.


This right here is why I switched to Horus Heresy. That and it's just a much better balanced game overall. It has it's flaws, but I've enjoyed losing games of Heresy more than winning games of 9th. 


That and my Raven Guard actually play like the lore suggests they should in Heresy. 


I'll give 10th a shot. I still have my 40k Raven Guard and my Deathwatch. But since I like Heresy so much, I'm not going to feel like I HAVE to play 10th if I don't like it. 


Oh, and @duz_. One of those Rhinos I got from you has a new life as a Scorpius, and it does some WORK for me. Single-handedly won one of my games last weekend and was a significant threat in every game. 

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Time for some kind of update to this thread, now that the weekend crush is over.


I have a current, as of now, Marine Combat Patrol box painted up as Raven Guard, which will get me learning the rules when I can nail down some sort of schedule and decide where to go for that learning experience.


I have pre-ordered and secured my copy of Leviathan, which bought up some interesting questions... namely, what do I do with these marines?


I know, I know, bit of a daft question in this sub... but, remembering my 7th edition army (which I sadly no longer have), none of the Leviathan units really screamed Raven Guard, at least in my mind.


I was scouring subforums, all manner of sites from Google, and had it narrowed down to three different chapters of unknown origin. Then, while watching a Twitch stream I mod for, somebody gifted their giveaway prize to me. It just so happened to be Uriel Ventris! So, looks like I'm doing some form of take on Ultramarines with the Leviatahn models, which, kinda makes a certain sense. I've never had an Ultramarine army before.


Not knowing what the future holds, nor how deep 10th edition 40k will grab me, I'll reserve any promises or judgments, as I might just end up with Combat Patrol-sized forces, or an army will grow. What's most important? The journey, IMHO.

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  • 1 month later...

After a quick 1000pt game this week, definitely a great edition to return! 


Units feel more thematic and purposeful than ever. My oppponet and I kept forgets strats and I don't think it mattered. 


Also love for example how the selecting a target section of the rules is only 2 paragraphs this edition VS 2 pages last editoon... 

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