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I haven't seen this anywhere else but the 40k website has been updated with preview pages of the 10th rulebook which includes a page on crusade and an example of the unit build sheet.



I know a lot of people have been wondering how crusade will work in the new edition and this might give some clues.

If this is old news feel free to lock and remove.


Edit: It looks like it shows the points value of 2 units. A primaris techmarine and a unit of infiltrators. Not much to go on but I think this is the first point cost shown for this edition.

Edited by Craig
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3 hours ago, Craig said:

Edit: It looks like it shows the points value of 2 units. A primaris techmarine and a unit of infiltrators. Not much to go on but I think this is the first point cost shown for this edition.


What are those points values anyway?

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Happy to see Crusade has mostly survived intact.


I'm guessing there may be a reduction in how many moving parts need to tracked midgame, which should hopefully help those who felt overwhelmed by Crusade's intricacy. There's no space for tracking Agendas for example.


Can't wait to start up games again, my dream of working my way up to a full Space Marine Company as a roster still lives!

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Really nice to see that crusade is pretty much unchanged in 10th. Means I can continue to use my current rosters, just have to remove PL and convert the battle honours.

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They posted an article going further into Crusade. A few new things in there, like Crusade Blessings to make up for the difference of forces.



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Not totally clear…


Are crusade rules still tied to codices? I know there are crusade books, but are those filled with content for certain armies or can any army use them?

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I'm very interested in what more it entails for tyranids sine it's their major campaign in the edition following after Octarius and Blood of Baal in the others, and would love to start playing Crusade just because I love the narrative aspect of the game and the lore of the setting.


Can't wait to have the book and learn more about Striding Behemoths for my Tyranids and all other things that will be in there.

Edited by Jscarlos18
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13 minutes ago, Khornestar said:

Not totally clear…


Are crusade rules still tied to codices? I know there are crusade books, but are those filled with content for certain armies or can any army use them?

I think codexes are going to be purely lore and list-building tools. This is supposition, but based on what's been said in interviews and written in articles. There's been a stress since Arks of Omen that moving forward, product would be more focused on what it sells; e.g. no match play rules in a campaign pack. The pro for consumers is there's less to buy if one has very targeted tastes. The pro for GW is there's more to sell to their target audience, who usually have more than one taste. I think the Warzone books are good examples of future Crusade content (obviously with match play rules stripped out and replaced with Crusade content). There are some things in them that will be universal (for example, the Ark books where anyone can now fight through a space hulk) while some will be specific (for example, the Ark books with only a few factions of additional content).

Edited by jaxom
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16 minutes ago, Khornestar said:

Not totally clear…


Are crusade rules still tied to codices? I know there are crusade books, but are those filled with content for certain armies or can any army use them?

Definite nope. It was said during the 10th ed preview that Crusade will be tied to specific narratives.


Shame IMO as crusade was the best part of 9th and could have been pushed/ developed more.

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Hmmmm mention of charge bonus in the battle scar example.  Wonder what that entails?  Just fight first?  Any ability that triggers off of charges?

Could we see restrictions on how many charge bonuses we can have at once? 

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if there aren't crusade rules in codexes, that'll be a massive loss. having generic bonuses and enhancements are good, but a huge amount of personality would be lost. If there are no rules for Falling to the black rage for Blood Angels, or no path of glory to becoming a Demon Prince for CSM, no paths system for eldar or any other faction's distinct story-driven plotlines it would really suck.


I also didn't like campaign books before, and i don't like them now. Im firmly in the camp that rules should come with the models or be free online. removing them from codexes is a blatant cashgrab. Hopefully games-workshop will continue to host the new crusade rules.


One thing i do like is that there's a risk of units dying now. the one thing i felt Crusade really lacked was stakes, especially with how cheap it was to get rid of battle scars, hopefully recuperation goes up to 2 requisition points.

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19 minutes ago, MaximusTL said:

if there aren't crusade rules in codexes, that'll be a massive loss. having generic bonuses and enhancements are good, but a huge amount of personality would be lost. If there are no rules for Falling to the black rage for Blood Angels, or no path of glory to becoming a Demon Prince for CSM, no paths system for eldar or any other faction's distinct story-driven plotlines it would really suck.


I also didn't like campaign books before, and i don't like them now. Im firmly in the camp that rules should come with the models or be free online. removing them from codexes is a blatant cashgrab. Hopefully games-workshop will continue to host the new crusade rules.


One thing i do like is that there's a risk of units dying now. the one thing i felt Crusade really lacked was stakes, especially with how cheap it was to get rid of battle scars, hopefully recuperation goes up to 2 requisition points.


There will be rules for all things you have said... but you will need to buy the crusader´s books.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Strange I haven't commented here yet- must have somehow missed the thread.


I am very concerned that Crusade is reduced to nothing more than Battle Honours and Battle Scars. Very afraid that the Agendas, the long term goals, and the interactions between those things are gone, and I think GW should just come out with it and tell us so we can decide whether or not 10th is worth our time and money.


Everything they've published so far has been too vague to provide information on exactly what Crusade will look like- but if it's nothing more than BH and BS, or if everything beyond BH and BS is campaign specific rather than faction specific, it's worth neither my time nor my money.

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