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7 minutes ago, Lemondish said:


Plus, the game can be played any way you want. There is no right or wrong way, provided both players agree.

It should but we'll see. If the game mechanics work than lots of us will all be happy-ish.  I really feel like secondary's should just be part of the mission and very specific if they will continue to be a thing.  Like RTT missions, where they are the same for both players.  And ya, they are a little like that now but they also aren't.  I only ever take things like claiming table quarters or getting into the enemy deployment zone. I don't even remember the secondary's at this point, not planning to reread them. I feel like there should have been a way to win without needing to use secondary objectives at all. Or they should have been scored only one time per battle, like one use items. so a player could play those instead of playing the mission objectives and that would some how be balanced but I am no game designer. ( Or Fungenior for that matter. )

"Tell them I hate them. " -  Professor Hubert Farnsworth )

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