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10th Edition Combat Patrol Preview

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Looks promissing, I really like it. I'm glad the Tyranid Prime will be avaliable outside the boxset, and hopefully doesn't happen like with Indomitus and some of the models become unavailable to purchase.


The Vardenghast Swarm has not much missing from the Leviathan boxset, just these models:

  • Neurotyrant
  • Neurogaunts
  • Screamer-Killer
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Combat patrol does feel fun; it reminds me of MTG preconstructed decks, which I always enjoyed, and indeed GW's recent foray into preconstructed gaming, namely Underworlds.


I find it especially intriguing or fascinating that they have bespoke rules for it, distinct from the rest of the game, and will tone up/down certain forces to create more of a presumed balance. Definitely not a game (mode) aimed at versimilitude, but a good embrace of a coffee table boardgame mode du jour. 


I wonder if it can expand to have a multiplayer aspect - would be a great way to gather multiple friends, and have our own weird 40k boardgame. Exciting.

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8 minutes ago, Sir Clausel said:

A few things to unpack.

Seems like thunder hammers are like chainfist but with devastating wounds instead

Maaaaaaybe only twin lightning claws get twinlinked?

Storm and relic sheilds give +1 wound.

A shield gives +1W for this character. Might not necessarily do the same for storm shields in units. I don't think they're sticking to wargear/weapons doing the exact same thing for every unit. 

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Just now, HolyPestilience said:

So the „unrestricted“ Datasheet must mean that there will be a multipart captain in terminator amour with all those different weapon options, right?

I mean, it already exists right? This is the rules for 10th that encapsulates all present and any upcoming options for terminator captains.

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4 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Again with the single weapon profile for combi weapon on the Captain's sheet. Gonna go with all combi weapons being the this one profile for sure now. Rest seems pretty self explanatory 

Such a weird thing to do. Why didn’t they unify special weapons as well? Visually it’s almost the same thing as unifying the combi weapons :ermm:

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4 minutes ago, Borbarad said:

Such a weird thing to do. Why didn’t they unify special weapons as well? Visually it’s almost the same thing as unifying the combi weapons :ermm:

My  guess would be because they're doing HH style same weapon squads going forward. They wanna avoid the situation where one unit can choose between a bajillion options for each member. With sternguard, even if they visually differ, they're unifying the rules.

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8 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

I mean, it already exists right? This is the rules for 10th that encapsulates all present and any upcoming options for terminator captains.

The existing terminator captain kit does not have the weapon options. So since GW usually doesn’t make rules for non-existing minis, seems like there should be a new multipart kit.

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3 minutes ago, HolyPestilience said:

The existing terminator captain kit does not have the weapon options. So since GW usually doesn’t make rules for non-existing minis, seems like there should be a new multipart kit.

Your mistake is thinking in terms of a singular kit. The rules are covering all models that can be used as terminator captain. Like the HH cataphractii preator (has combi weapon and chainfist), and various limited edition kits etc.


I get you, though. GW is inexorably moving towards only rules for what's in the box. This will be the future. But are we there yet?


GW has been slow in canning the options for older units that they don't have anymore. They didn't can all these options terminator captains in 9th edition. Still seeing them in 10th is not proof that a new kit is coming that will have all of them. I think a new kit is coming. But this isn't proof yet, and not proof that it will have everything.


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Combi-Weapons - not sure if I am going to like them they just don’t feel good. Maybe if they are balanced to be the same points as Stormbolters.


Relic Weapons - feels like a nerf, I think they need 1 more str.  I get the AP loss, but only being as strong as a power weapon feels wrong to me.


Thunder Hammers - going to Devastating wounds.  Very interesting, I have to play it out with massed Hammers but might be very good.  Those 6s to wound will be very nice to overflow damage.


Lightning Claws - +1 str.  They hot a rare buff.


Relic Shield - +1 wound, feels a little anaemic.  What will Storm Shields get? 


Rites of Battle - a 0CP strat, and can use same strat twice on a second unit. Ok


The Imperium’s Sword - re-roll charge rolls for his unit.  What will Chapter Champions get?


What will Space Marine enhancements look like?



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31 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:

Hopefully they put out a different Thousand Sons combat patrol for this  because our current one is 90% Tzaangors.

They'll leave it and we'll just get the Thousand Goat Herd detachment when the Codex comes out :laugh:





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59 minutes ago, Jscarlos18 said:

Looks promissing, I really like it. I'm glad the Tyranid Prime will be avaliable outside the boxset, and hopefully doesn't happen like with Indomitus and some of the models become unavailable to purchase.


The Vardenghast Swarm has not much missing from the Leviathan boxset, just these models:

  • Neurotyrant
  • Neurogaunts
  • Screamer-Killer

Technically all the models from Indomitus were available outside of that box...it's just the form those releases took. The captain/overlord were locked in to the Elite/Commander box, lieutenant/Warden locked to the Recruit edition/first issue of Imperium. Now, the warriors/Destroyers/assault Intercessors/Outriders were released separately, with only the Assault Intercessors getting a multipart kit. The rest were part of two sprues you could buy direct from GW. Though, on the space marine side, only the bladeguard ancient and Judicar are locked to the sprue with the rest available in their own boxes. Poor old necrons though never got an individual release for anything on the royal court sprue.

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40 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

They wanna avoid the situation where one unit can choose between a bajillion options for each member. With sternguard, even if they visually differ, they're unifying the rules.

Yeah, unfortunately it does look like that's what they're doing.


Wish they'd stop treating people like utter morons who can't think for themselves.

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Speaking of necrons though, I can’t help but notice there's two boxes missing from the image at the top.

Necrons and World Eaters.

I could understand the Necron one getting rejigged because of the flyer, but the WE one is a bit strange as I didn't think there was anything untoward in it?

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