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New Version?

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With the incoming new 40k version on the horizon do we know if Kill Team is getting updated any time soon?


I recently decided to get into Kill Team after buying the original Cult/Mech box years ago and done nothing with it. I have recently bought the new core rule book and accessories pack but I don't want to spend anymore on things like the compendium or annual if it's going to be replaced soon.


Thanks in advance.

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A new edition of Kill Team doesn't seem likely given the fact that GW plans a new season that will carry us through winter. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/05/01/where-next-for-kill-team-lets-look-at-the-path-ahead/


You only need the Compendium if the faction(s) you plan on using don't have updated rules elsewhere. The rules in the Compendium are really more "get you by" rules for factions until better rules for them appear later. The box [I think] you have is for the previous edition (assuming it's the one pictured below).




If you're sticking with either/both of the factions in that box, you'll need the Compendium for their current rules. If you're using some other faction(s), let us know and we can tell you which book you'll need.



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Thanks for the info. 

As far as which factions I want to play, as well as the ones from that box I also bought the sisters novitiate set and I like to think I have enough models including primaries, death guard, sisters, oldmarines, demons, custodes and a few others that I could get a few kill teams made up. 

If the compendium can get me started on a few of those I'm probably more than happy to upgrade to the annual at some point.

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  • Solution
9 hours ago, Ganders said:



With the incoming new 40k version on the horizon do we know if Kill Team is getting updated any time soon?


I havent seen any rumours of new kill team.


On other note. The wyrmblade in kill team annual is different from the compedium team. (Aka GSC)

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  • 1 year later...

Supposedly there is a new kill team coming, no real details yet but many of the youtubers who make the content expect it around September ish - this year 2024. 

It kinda sounds like it's more of an update to things rather than a whole complete restart. But who knows right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I had to wager why a new edition was coming out, I'd guess that "Fly passes though walls" is the issue.

Its funny when the Grot with nothing but a knife phases though a steel girder on the way to an objective, but less so when an entire team of deadly in melee Elves do it.

They've made many changes already, but with seemingly a flight centric Killteam edition coming up, it stands to reason they're only confident enough to do this knowing they actually fixed the flight rules.

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