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Tank Shock and Grenades are both interesting strats… wondering if Grenades replaces the unit’s shooting given its wording, or if it’s just a ‘throw your grenades to soften the enemy up before shooting them’ restriction. Heroic intervention not granting Fight First is especially intriguing. 

You can shoot VEHICLES and MONSTERS that are in combat. They can shoot back. Both at -1 to hit. Being able to still shoot a tank after you’ve charged it in a previous turn, or shoot the thing that charged your infantry as a way to try and shove them off an objective will be a fun exercise in order of operations to optimize getting use from the unit that you don’t want in combat anymore, either by freeing it up to shoot, or by freeing it up to charge something else in your charge phase. 

Hazardous happens after you roll your hit roll, and is separate. So no more rerolling your 1’s on your Gets Hot tests, just a separate ‘do you die’ roll.


If I’m reading the Tactical Squad example sheet right, combi-weapons will have the same old options— 



STEALTH is -1 to hit, dunno if we’ve seen that yet. 

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8 minutes ago, Slips said:

Hazardous insta-nukes anything that isnt a Character, Vehicle or Monster (which takes 3MW instead), so be careful with overcharging your plasma.

Heresy def handled this rule better. I'm still thinking why would I take this like the last two editions. Reward not really worth risk. God I wish less models had Plasma pistols on them. Funny how most of them all have bionic arms when they should really just you know be dead considering the ingame consequences.

Edited by OttoVonAwesome
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19 minutes ago, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch said:


You can shoot VEHICLES and MONSTERS that are in combat. They can shoot back. Both at -1 to hit. Being able to still shoot a tank after you’ve charged it in a previous turn, or shoot the thing that charged your infantry as a way to try and shove them off an objective will be a fun exercise in order of operations to optimize getting use from the unit that you don’t want in combat anymore, either by freeing it up to shoot, or by freeing it up to charge something else in your 

Designer's note a bit further down does state that the unit engaged with the vehicle or monster cannot shoot except with pistols.  Still viable to shoot them out of the combat.

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Counter offensive strategem caught my attention... So if you get charged by multiple units you can use it to interrupt the order of combat but only after one of the enemy units has already fought. Would be nice if it could interrupt the original combat but still cool.

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1 minute ago, Frogian said:

Doesn't look like leaders can attach to other units if theirs is wiped out going off that, which is a good thing i guess in terms of being able to actually take out a charcter. 

That and it seems like snipers don't have any choice but to try and merk characters now too.

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Still reading through this in detail, but one thing I'm slightly disappointed that they've not pulled across from AoS's rules in the referencing. Each section is numbered specifically (1.1, 1.2......3.5.2 etc) so it's easy to cross reference rules rather than using page numbers. Also means that when you need to point someone to a rule it doesn't matter if they're using the big book, app, mission pack etc. it's the same reference number and place regardless.

Minor gripe, but still a shame.


On the actual rules front pile-ins having to end in base to base contact is interesting for those armies who use those for extra movement frequently (thinking World Eaters etc). I'm liking the colour and icon coding on the stratagems. The Epic Challenge is a fun addition as well there.

Shooting into (although not within) combat to attack vehicles and monsters is interesting. 

Precision just hitting characters and not sergeants, special weapon guys is a good balance. Like that. Still gives me hope that snipers have a place this edition.



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So models can only fight in base to base contact now, there's no second ranks fighting which is a very interesting change. Various 'nid gribblies had a rule ot allow them to fight from further back so perhaps this becomes a more readily available rule for units like Ork Boyz etc


I'm liking a lot of what we can see here, roll on the Indexes! :biggrin:

Edited by TrawlingCleaner
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4 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

So models can only fight in base to base contact now, there's no second ranks fighting which is a very interesting change. Various 'nid gribblies had a rule ot allow them to fight from further back so perhaps this becomes a more readily available rule for units like Ork Boyz etc


I'm liking a lot of what we can see here, roll on the Indexes! :biggrin:

There's a second rank, they just have to be BtB with the first rank. In the illustrated examples, the blue haunts ate rank 1 (BtB with enemy), the red are rank 2 (BtB with rank 1).

Edited by Kaiju Soze
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2 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

So models can only fight in base to base contact now, there's no second ranks fighting which is a very interesting change. Various 'nid gribblies had a rule ot allow them to fight from further back so perhaps this becomes a more readily available rule for units like Ork Boyz etc


I'm liking a lot of what we can see here, roll on the Indexes! :biggrin:

You fight in 2 ranks. Models are eligible if they're in engagement range OR if they're in base-to-base with a friendly model that's in base-to-base with an enemy model.

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8 minutes ago, Kaiju Soze said:

There's a second rank, they just have to be BtB with the first rank. In the illustrated examples, the blue haunts ate rank 1 (BtB with enemy), the red are rank 2 (BtB with rank 1).


6 minutes ago, Doobles88 said:

You fight in 2 ranks. Models are eligible if they're in engagement range OR if they're in base-to-base with a friendly model that's in base-to-base with an enemy model.


I definitely shouldn't make comments before I've had my morning coffee, all the information is right there! :laugh:

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