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  1. Greetings. So, I have been hard at work creating a new Blood Drinkers army. My first attempt at a codex chapter (Death Spectres) met with unsatisfactory results, so I have decided to stick with what I am familiar. This is my first test model; a Blood Drinkers Primaris Aggressor. The lighting in the photo washes out some of the highlighting. Hopefully, it still conveys a reasonable representation of what I am trying to achieve. As I was painting this model, it occurred to me that there is a bit of conflict concerning the Blood Drinkers squad and company markings. Every current source I was able to review indicates that the Blood Drinkers are organized according to the Codex Astartes with regards to squad and company markings (i.e. squad number and specialty markings on the right shoulder), yet these same sources indicate that the entire chapter shares the same color scheme of red armor with gold trim. So, my question (which I hope others may have some useful insights into) is how does the Chapter indicate company designation on their armor?
  2. A CHALLENGE LAYS ISSUED! http://i.imgur.com/fm7lYfol.png The Dark Angel's known only as Shadow Guard and Darkn3ssF4lls walk out of a dark room deep inside the flying fortress only known as The Rock. Their heads held low after their deep conversations within held only moments before. "Brother, we need a Champion to lead these oaths to victory!" Darkn3ssF4lls said shifting his gaze to stare ahead down the long corridor. Dimly lit with candles he could see the glories of the past artistically crafted into the corridors. "Only the finest warriors will be chosen to lead the new squads, let us begin the preparations" replied Shadow Guard. To coincide with the Covenant of Caliban (1 July - 30 Sep) and because of the launch of 8th edition, I would like to challenge us all to make some great conversions of our new sworn brothers, the Primaris Marines. + + +THE PALADIN CHALLENGE II + + + Objective Create, Convert and Paint a Member of the Unforgiven utilizing both the Dark Angels bits and those given to us in a Primaris Marine Kit. Rules for Registration Single Primaris Marine miniature which must be converted/kitbashed (Can be part of a squad or IC) Must be wielding either a single sword, dual swords, or a two handed sword and must be wearing MK X armour. Can be included as part of the Covenant of Caliban event oath, please state here too so I can keep track. Please name your Champion/Paladin Prize A unique badge for the winner. A standard badge for all. The judges will pick a favorite and the community will be able to vote on who's champion gets to write their name in the banner hall. Here is the OATH I (name), with all my strength, honor and faith in the Lion, pledge my Champion (name). Failure of my oath is not an option. When the oath is taken you may wear one of these banners. http://i.imgur.com/T0x4MJd.png Upon completion of your oath you may discard your oath badge in favour of the badge you win. http://i.imgur.com/wj0WOvZ.png OR http://i.imgur.com/k0EYErV.png + + + PRAISE BE THE LION + + + OATHMAKERS Fallen Dark Angel - Lieutenant Gawain - Starting State - Ending State Skorp - Viktor - Starting State - Ending State Chmur - Tiguel, The Unwavering - Starting State - Ending State Punk Possum - Kormareal - Starting State - Ending State Robofish7591 - Ezkariel, Master of 3rd Co. - Starting State - Ending State jbaeza94 - Amulius - Starting State - Ending State Master Sheol - Anaziel - Starting State - Ending State Joewavridr - Heleman - Starting State - Ending State Elmo - Methandes - Starting State - Ending State Immersturm - Lemuel - Starting State - Ending State Jack of the Pelt - Grinnaux, Company Master - Starting State - Ending State Grotsmasha - Variel - Starting State - Ending State ronin_cse - Tariel, Company Master - Starting State - Ending State Master Toddius - Zaal - Starting State - Ending State
  3. The Inner Circle presents: http://fortressofunforgiven.homestead.com/Covenant_of_Caliban_2_Poster.jpg http://i.imgur.com/N1o9Swjb.jpg Staring up at the screens before him the Dark Angel known only as Darkn3ss F4lls furled his brow as information arrived from the Crusier Sword of Defiance. The information seemed inconceivable but he could see it would not be proved a fabrication. More information poured in from the Astra Militarum and other Astartes chapters. The command floor stood still as the news of both the destruction of Cadia and the loss of the entire 4th Company sank in. Snapping back to reality just as quickly as things had paused everyone got to work with the efficiency only Astartes could achieve. Leaving the the command deck he left in a solemn search. Entering the dimly lit chamber deep inside the rock he found the floor littered with Oaths of Moment that had been unfulfilled over the course of time. The reasons for the failure were both numerous and varied. The marines of the Inner Circle stood in silence over the pile. One amongst them lifted from the pile an Oath and read to himself the prior promise. To the one marine, the goal was both attainable and notable. Looking at another one, it was possible to complete it with the changes that have occurred since the Oath was made. “Many of these can be completed now.” http://i.imgur.com/ysXAgj8b.png From the darkness, the cloaked form of the Shadow Guard stepped forth, “Indeed. It is time that these Oaths be fulfilled and raised in honor.” “Then let them be raised up as new Oaths.” “And let this be a new covenant for the Unforgiven, that we will return to this chamber and bring forth some of these so that they may be returned to honor our lost brothers” INTRODUCTION: The Covenant of Caliban is a Dark Angel Forum Event series aimed at having participants vow a single unit and bringing it in to completion. This unit could be still in plastic, partially assembled, or base-coated. The timeline for completing the event is three month’s time. The event will have two parts, the first listed below and the second in another thread. One can enter their vow into both should it meet both criteria. HOW TO ENTER: 1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner: I, <<YOUR NAME>>, OF THE <<CHAPTER / FIRST LEGION>>, IN THE NAME OF THE LION, MAKE THIS OATH OF MOMENT TO FINISH <<INSERT UNIT OR CHARACTER HERE>>. 2. Take a before photo to be placed in the same post as your vow. 3. Work to bring your vow to completion. 4. Post a second photo of the completed unit to be posted by Midnight of September 30th, 2017. (B&C Board Standard Time) 5. Claim your reward. RULES: Only a SINGLE VOW will be allowed for this event. The Vow must be a SINGLE UNIT that is Dark Angels Chapter or Legion Legal. No Formations are allowed for this event. The Vow can be in ANY of the listed state of construction/painting when then vow is made REWARDS: Once you make your oath you may wear the following banner in your signature: http://fortressofunforgiven.homestead.com/Covenant_of_Caliban_2_Banner.jpg + + + PRAISE BE THE LION + + + OATH BEARERS Pvnisher - 1 Deathwing Knight Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Fallen Dark Angel - 1 Intercessor Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Brother Haim - 1 Ravenwing Bike Squad with Attack Bike (9x) - Starting State - Ending State Skorp - 1 Deathwing Knight Squad (8x) - Starting State - Ending State GrayRavenC - 1 Greenwing Command Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Jack of the Pelt - 1 Ravenwing Dark Talon (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Tygwyn - 1 Sammael on Sableclaw (1 x) - Starting State - Ending State Darkn3ssF4lls - 1 Terminator Librarian (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Robofish7591 - 1 Intercessor Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending Greenz - 1 Ravenwing Bike Squad + Attack Bike (6x) - Starting State - Ending State Chmur - 1 Primaris Lieutenant (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Brother-Captain Sharp - 1 Deathwing Knight Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Aura_Enchanted - 1 Land Raider Excelsior (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Brother Vod - 1 Dreadnaught (1x) - Starting State - Ending State ronin_cse - 1 Hellblaster Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Eib.Almera - 1 Deathwing Suad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Master Sheol - 1 Ravenwing Bike Squad + Attack Bike (7x) - Starting State - Ending State SNEAKYBAMSEN - 1 Assault Squad (10x) - Starting State - Ending State Joewavridr - 1 Black Knights (12x?) - Starting State - Ending State Goblinchow - 1 Assault Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Rychu - 1 Devastator Squad (10x) - Starting State - Ending State Elmo - 1 Intercessor Squad (10x) - Starting State - Ending State SYPHID - 1 Storm Eagle Assault Gunship (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Lostrael - 1 Asmodai (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Aothaine - 1 Tactical Squad (10x) - Starting State - Ending State Grotsmasha - 1 Primaris Lieutenant (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Master Ciaphas - 1 Primaris Captain (1x) - Starting State - Ending State DasOgrefied - 1 Ravenwing Bike Squad (5x) - Starting State - Ending State Worsey - 1 Ravenwing Dark Talon (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Dark rage - 1 Intercessor Squad (1x) - Starting State - Ending State Jbaeza94 - 1 Tactical Squad (10x) - Starting State - Ending State Oaths = 31 Completed = 8 Failure = 0
  4. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=677 File Name: Open Play Black Templars for 9th Edition File Submitter: Brother Sidonius File Submitted: 03 Feb 2021 File Category: Warhammer 40,000 In this fan-made supplement you will find rules for Battle-forged armies that include Black Templars Detachments. These rules include Abilities, Stratagems, Litanies, Warlord Traits, Relics and Datasheets designed to be used alongside Codex: Space Marines. Together, these rules capture the character and fighting style of the Black Templars Crusades so that they can be played in your games of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition. The aim of this supplement is to not only capture the spirit of the Black Templars Chapter as they are portrayed in other Games Workshop publications but also maintain the streamlined game design of 9th Edition. Click here to download this file
  5. Well with the holiday season about to hit full force, and black friday nearing ever closer Im looking for the best known and best prices from online stores that sell Games Workshop products in the United States. If you have any recommendations that aernt already on my list, please post them below, and feel free to post ideas, black friday/christmas sale dates, etc. Even if its not a store that supports GW, but does support wargaming, then post it. Maby someone else will find something they like. Here are a few I have on my list thus far: The Warstore Dicehead Games Frontline Gaming Discount Games Store (Not sure if this one still exists, couldn't find their old site, run by Daniel Crane) Element Games (will only ship GW product to europe) Hopefully most if not all of us can pull some good sources together and pickup a ton of epic stuff.
  6. Hello fellow hobbyists! Welcome to my little blog of "By the Emperor that is a disturbing amount of money," Space Wolves. I originally had a Space Wolves army that I was semi okay with, and then I found B&C. I have people like KrautScientist, Terimus, The Insane Psychopath, The Observer, and many, many more to thank for indirectly teaching me hobbyist skills I did not even know existed, which prompted me to start my army from scratch. Now I am ready to bare my fangs if you will. (Oh yes puns are involved too.) Without further ado, I present the Skywarriors Great Company. "Sven Bloodhowl now lies in red snow... and the lots have been cast for his successor. Drein Bladedancer step forward." http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p493/40kDestiny/Drein%20Bladedancer_zpsoclvr95d.jpg "In the name of Russ and the Allfather, as Great Wolf of the Vlka Fenryka, I give you the mantle of Wolf Lord. Choose the name of your new Great Company." http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p493/40kDestiny/20170626_115023_zpsypwvj6fx.jpg "The Skywarriors. We shall take the name that we heard tale of since we were pups." http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p493/40kDestiny/20170626_115001_zpsuaogttjy.jpg "My first request as Wolf Lord, Great Wolf, is the release of two Wulfen into the custody of my company." "Only two? Name them." "Charlamagne the Bloody and Monarch, Terror's Eye." "So be it."
  7. Introduction: Kill Team Rapier was a Deathwatch strike team formed in 920M41, originally stationed in the Jericho Reach. The team was led by Watch Sergeant Alyxander, with Veterans Auranis, Gorlin, Validus, Lucena and Rarai'an under his command. As of 925M41, Kill Team Rapier had a short yet eventful operational history that has taken them from the Jericho Reach to the Agripinaa Sector, striking down heretics and Xenos that threaten the Imperium's holdings. Kill Team Rapier assembled. Kill Team Rapier’s first assignment was during the siege of Hargotta in 920M41 to locate and identify the heretic Astartes commanders of the Stigmartus warband. Despite their success the Imperium crusade forces abandoned the siege, much to the chagrin of the Kill Team. Shortly after, they made an ally of Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Jemini Malethann, who sought to utilise them for his own projects. It was the offer Kill Team Rapier needed to get away from the strife and politics of the Jericho Reach. Watch-Sergeant Alyxander and Veteran Auranis face off against an Ork mob. After accepting Malethann's offer, Kill Team Rapier soon found themselves stationed out in Segmentum Obscurus, under the Inquisitor's command. Using their experience in fighting heretics, their knowledge of Xenos, as well as their newfound brotherhood, they quickly set about tracking down an Ork Waaagh! plaguing the innermost sectors of Segmentum Obscurus. Their search would eventually embroil them into the seemingly unending conflict between Waaagh! Brassjaw and the Steel Reavers in 925M41. Current Members: Kill Team Rapier is a six-strong strike team comprised of the following members: Watch-Sergeant Alyxander Chapter: Black Templars Chapter Initiation: 882M41 Former Chapter Assignment: Initiate of Fighting Company “Bohemond’s Brothers”, post-Crusade of Vice. Deathwatch Initiation: 914M41 Alyxander is the sergeant of Kill Team Rapier. He is a Black Templar initiate who was crusading with his fighting company, “Bohemond’s Brothers”, across the northern stretches of the Segmentum Ultima. Before joining the Deathwatch in 912M41, his company was part of the Crusade of Vice fighting against Orks in the Tamahl sector. An advising Inquisitor took interest in Alyxander when she witnessed him slay an Ork Warboss with a broken power sword. Alyxander was honoured to join the Deathwatch, but was unprepared for the radical nature of the Inquisition, particularly their dealings with Xenos and their technology. He has become disenchanted with his assignment as the Inquisition's methodology often clashed with Alyxander's faith. Now, he is simply content with the opportunities given to him to purge the various aliens, mutants and heretics across the galaxy. He and Auranis have a strong bond, one built up from their decade of service together. Watch-Sergeant Alyxander Veteran Auranis Chapter: Crimson Fists Chapter Initiation: 875M41 Former Chapter Assignment: Sergeant of 5th Company 9th Devastator Squad. Deathwatch Initiation: 912M41 Auranis is the squad gunner of Kill Team Rapier. Hailing from the Crimson Fists chapter, he joined the Deathwatch in 912M41. Before the Deathwatch, he was Sergeant of the 9th Devastator Squad, 5th Company. He and his squad earned battle honours during an encounter with a Drukhari raiding party in the Loki Sector in 907M41, where they destroyed an entire Venom squadron. The Chapter Master of the Crimson Fists recommended him to the Deathwatch, and though Auranis was pensive he accepted their offer without complaint. He has not regretted his decision since, and he takes great pride in his duties and assignment with the Deathwatch. He and Alyxander have a strong bond, one built up from their decade of service together. Veteran Auranis Veteran Validus Chapter: Raven Guard Chapter Initiation: 850M41 Former Chapter Assignment: Tactical Marine of 7th Company 2nd Tactical Squad. Deathwatch Initiation: 912M41 Validus is the sharpshooter of Kill Team Rapier. He hails from the Raven Guard chapter, and was initiated into the Deathwatch in 890M41. He was a member of the 4th Company 2nd Tactical Squad, and during this time he was nearly killed in battle by an Ork Meganob. He was in suspended animation for six weeks before returning to service, being reassigned to the 7th Company, which would not see battle for several months. Validus lamented his defeat in his last battle, and his “demotion” to the reserve companies. Naturally, he seized the opportunity to join the Deathwatch when they sent their recruiters to the Raven Guard’s chapter keep. He successfully impressed the Deathwatch emissaries with his exceptional marksmanship and quick manoeuvring. Despite his withdrawn and brooding personality, he has a newfound pride and purpose as a member of Kill Team Rapier. Veteran Validus Veteran Rarai’an Chapter: Mortifactors Chapter Initiation: 801M41 Former Chapter Assignment: Tactical Marine of 7th Company 1st Tactical Squad. Deathwatch Initiation: 885M41 Rarai’an is the specialist of Kill Team Rapier, skilled in Astartes medicae and mechanics. He is the oldest member of the Kill Team Rapier, having joined the Deathwatch in 880M41. He was a veteran Astartes of the Mortifactors, where at separate times was an novice apothecary and apprentice techmarine. His desire to learn as many new skills as possible made him a prime candidate for secondment to the Deathwatch, which Rarai’an saw as a great opportunity for himself and to honour the chapter. Rarai’an is studious and insightful, and strives to master every skill an Astartes may learn. Despite his seniority among his Deathwatch squad mates, he shies away from command positions. He prefers to take on an advisory role, which can be frustrating for his superiors and intimidating to younger Deathwatch Astartes. Nevertheless, he has found a place in Kill Team Rapier, who appreciate his knowledge and wisdom. Veteran Rarai'an Veteran Gorlin Chapter: Flesh Tearers Chapter Initiation: 895M41 Former Chapter Assignment: Assault Marine of 3rd Company 7th Assault Squad. Deathwatch Initiation: 921M41 Gorlin is the close combat specialist of Kill Team Rapier. He is a young Astartes hailing from the Flesh Tearer’s 3rd Company, 7th Assault Squad. He was headhunted by Inquisitor Malethann after witnessing his savage yet controlled ferocity in combat against heretics, during one of the Inquisition’s many “observations” of the errant chapter. He was initiated to the Deathwatch in 921M41, joining Kill Team Rapier as his first assignment. Gorlin considers himself a master of blades, and relishes new opportunities to fight and kill new opponents. He is ambitious and aggressive, as befits one who hails from the Flesh Tearers chapter. This has often caused friction with his squad, who need to constantly remind him of his duty and the mission at hand. They have learnt to tolerate his bloodlust and acknowledge his mastery with a chainsword. Veteran Gorlin Veteran Lucena Chapter: Howling Griffons Chapter Initiation: 859M41 Former Chapter Assignment: Tactical Marine of 2nd Company 1st Tactical Squad. Deathwatch Initiation: 901M41 Lucena is second-in-command of Kill Team Rapier and serves as the Astartes advisor for Inquisitor Malethann. He hails from the Howling Griffons 2nd Company, and was offered to the Deathwatch as a tribute; Lucena took it as an honour to serve the Deathwatch on behalf of his chapter. Inquisitor Malethann was impressed by his leadership skills and strong loyalty to the Emperor, and sought to employ him as an advisor and bodyguard for his operations. He was initiated to the Deathwatch in 901M41, but would not join Kill Team Rapier until 921M41. Lucena is a charismatic and ambitious Astartes, and is very confident in his abilities and leadership skills. This has made him an effective leader among many Imperium officers, but can be aggravating for his fellow Kill Team members. Despite his seniority, he is still seen as a new member to Rapier, and does not share the same bonds of brotherhood as the others. Veteran Lucena
  8. Introduction: The Matteus Subsector is nestled in a violet nebula in the coreward parts of the Segmentum Obscurus, lying galactic north of Terra and galactic east of Agripinaa. The subsector has predominately been under Imperium reign as of 998M41, with some heretical and xenos elements laying claim to the more out-of-reach areas at various points in time. The subsector was first mapped by Rogue Trader Terrance Matteus in 600M38, and named it after his House. Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator Fleet Tetra-Xi 779 were dispatched some three-hundred years later to explore and prospect the subsector. Over fifty years, they identified and surveyed a total of five star systems, 68 distinct planetary bodies and a wealth of precious minerals ripe for exploitation. Rogue Trader Terrance Matteus Imperial pilgrims and pioneers arrived in the Subsector in 170M39, beginning their colonisation in Matteus Delta on most fertile and hospitable world of Asoka. Over the next two millenia, the Imperium would expand across the other stat systems, establishing new colonies and mining operations. By the end of the 41st Millenium, many threats (xenos and heretical) had endangered the subsector and the Imperium’s hold of it. These times of conflict and danger have become categorised collectively by Imperial scholars as “The Strifes”. Subsector Matteus star map, with co-ordinates of contained star systems and orientation markers. Matteus Alpha System: The Matteus Alpha system is the largest star system in the Matteus Subsector, with eleven planets orbiting a red giant. It’s most notable feature is the Pentet, a cluster of five planets that share the same orbit and are slowly tearing each other apart. It is also the most secluded from the other systems, which made it a vulnerable target to raiders. In 804M41, the system became the stronghold for the Steel Reavers warband. Matteus Beta System: The Matteus Beta system was infamous described by the Adeptus Mechanicus Explorators as “incredibly unremarkable". Once the Explorator fleet completed surveys of the system's three planets they immediately moved on, leaving a token observation post for further monitoring. Matteus Gamma System: The Matteus Gamma system is the mining and processing hub of the Subsector. The Civilised World of Sartoria extracts and refines precious minerals and metals for export to Agripinaa as part of its Imperial Tithe. This alone has made Matteus Gamma an attractive target for xenos and renegage warbands in M41. Matteus Delta System: The Matteus Delta system contains the more fertile and hospitable worlds of the subsector. Much of the foodstuffs and local labour is sourced from the worlds in Matteus Delta. The Civilised World of Asoka is the most populated world and the seat of governance for the entire subsector. Matteus Epsilon System: The Matteus Epsilon system lies at the spinward side of the subsector. It acts as a waypoint for all Imperial traffic to the other systems, and the worlds within cater to this large yearly influx. Most of these ships are either destined for or returning from Agripinaa, hauling raw materials, foodstuffs and/or labour. Matteus Zeta: Matteus Zeta is a planetless blue supergiant with no other astronomical features, lingering to the galactic south-east of the subsector. It is believed to be a rogue star, and is predicted to drift coreward outside the bounds of the subsector in the next two millenia. It is most visible from Matteus Gamma; its inhabitants consider it's presence in the sky a sign of good fortune. Matteus Iota: Matteus Iota is a failed star nestled deep within the Lavender Veil to the galactic north of the subsector. Explorators have attempted to send surveying teams to the planet, but none have returned and are presumed dead. The Lavender Veil: The Lavender Veil is a cluster of violet-coloured diffuse nebulae that stretches for 50 light years across the subsector. The nebulae partly splits Matteus Alpha and Beta from the other systems. The latent psychic energy within the nebula limits Warp travel in and out of the subsector to the galactic-east, via Matteus Epsilon. It also inhibits any attempt to explore within the nebula; there have been many attempts but none have survived the journey. The discovery of Matteus Iota was the only success over the last three millenia.
  9. Version 0.8


    In this fan-made supplement you will find rules for Battle-forged armies that include Black Templars Detachments. These rules include Abilities, Stratagems, Litanies, Warlord Traits, Relics and Datasheets designed to be used alongside Codex: Space Marines. Together, these rules capture the character and fighting style of the Black Templars Crusades so that they can be played in your games of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition. The aim of this supplement is to not only capture the spirit of the Black Templars Chapter as they are portrayed in other Games Workshop publications but also maintain the streamlined game design of 9th Edition.
  10. A fun little christmas mini that also has 40k and AoS rules, in this article
  11. That was quick! Some of the Core rules have leaked by the looks of things: https://imgur.com/a/yuLGn5n Edit: and an additional set for some of the stuff missed https://imgur.com/a/fC0revP Plenty to go through!
  12. Hi, Here are some pictures of a Death Korps of Krieg Veteran Guardsman that I painted from the Kill Team Octarius box set.
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