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38 minutes ago, Doobles88 said:

Still reading through this in detail, but one thing I'm slightly disappointed that they've not pulled across from AoS's rules in the referencing. Each section is numbered specifically (1.1, 1.2......3.5.2 etc) so it's easy to cross reference rules rather than using page numbers. Also means that when you need to point someone to a rule it doesn't matter if they're using the big book, app, mission pack etc. it's the same reference number and place regardless.

Minor gripe, but still a shame.



The odd thing is I'm sure they said they were going to do that. 


Also annoying that all the weapon abilities aren't in alphabetical order. 

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Just noticed Overwatch is in the shooting and charge phase. And with any unit within 24" not just the target of the charge. Interesting.


The core strats as a whole seem quite good and cover a lot of bases. Means the limited selection in detachments isn't as big a restriction as it might have seemed.

Saving throws added to the list of can't be modified more than +1 (that is new right?).

Fight First rule seems to clarify that phrase. And that charging gives the unit Fight First. Interestingly no mention of Fights Last so no more working out how those two things interact!

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7 minutes ago, Frogian said:

The odd thing is I'm sure they said they were going to do that. 


Also annoying that all the weapon abilities aren't in alphabetical order. 

They said they were going to use page numbers, but they would be 1, 2, 3, etc. in all publications, normalizing the page numbers.


So page 4 would be page 4, whether in the Leviathan book, a pdf document, the core rules in the starter box or any other of their publications.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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2 minutes ago, Frogian said:

The odd thing is I'm sure they said they were going to do that. 


Also annoying that all the weapon abilities aren't in alphabetical order. 


It's likely that this isn't a finalised version between these two and the Example datasheet having 9th ed terms (Angels of Death and Core), my guess is that it's a playtest version or one given to staff to train them so may subject to change

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I really like a lot of this, actually. A lot of it seems like "tidying up" or consolidating lots of similar effects into a number of consistent rules, and Overwatch is a good example of this. It essentially smooshes Overwatch and the plethora of "Auspex Scan" effects into one strategem, making it more versatile and more consistent. It also gets rid of the annoyance of half the strategems doing slightly different things which was just a complete pain, I.e. for Marines it's any infantry, for Aelderi it's a unit near a Farseer, for Votann it's any unit and they get a special bonus and for Necrons you have to have a specific unit that's also in reserve, and room to place them, and also Mercury must be in retrograde. Or something.


Yes I know that's not 100% accurate, I'm exaggerating for comedic effect. 

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23 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:


It's likely that this isn't a finalised version between these two and the Example datasheet having 9th ed terms (Angels of Death and Core), my guess is that it's a playtest version or one given to staff to train them so may subject to change

Could be, but I'm more likely to think those are genuine mistakes and this is the final version. 
It looks like a real rulebook, while playtest versions tend to be digital files.

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Did I read overwatch right?


Say you manage to get a unit with a lot of torrent (say rubrics with warp flamers) next to an enemy unit. You can now trigger overwatch in the move phase if they move at all AND potentially in the assault phase if they want to charge you (or anyone close to you). That's potentially a lot of hits.

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9 hours ago, Tokugawa said:

The sample datasheet is not 10th, maybe for confidentiality reason.

This is a weird fact. There seems to be rules references on the example sheet that supposedly aren't relevant in 10th. Which brings the question, why have an outdated data sheet (even if it is a big obvious example sheet, with example weapons etc listed on it) in the BRB? I'd have thought such examples would be fully consistant with the edition they're printed in.


Lends credibility to the idea that this might be an earlier play tester version, or maybe a version of the rules that were available at the 10th box reveal event? If so, there might be differences to these and the final rules.


Or this could just be me trying to read way way way too far into this, but it just strikes me as odd. Just as having "an example sheet" with clearly placeholder names is kinda weird. Typically I would expect a finished product to have the tactical squad sheet exactly as it is if I were looking at a finished example, not randomly changed with references to old rules.

Edited by Marshal Reinhard
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2 minutes ago, Cleon said:

Did I read overwatch right?


Say you manage to get a unit with a lot of torrent (say rubrics with warp flamers) next to an enemy unit. You can now trigger overwatch in the move phase if they move at all AND potentially in the assault phase if they want to charge you (or anyone close to you). That's potentially a lot of hits.


No, because you can only use Overwatch once per turn. Final line of the "Restrictions" paragraph.

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3 minutes ago, Cleon said:

Did I read overwatch right?


Say you manage to get a unit with a lot of torrent (say rubrics with warp flamers) next to an enemy unit. You can now trigger overwatch in the move phase if they move at all AND potentially in the assault phase if they want to charge you (or anyone close to you). That's potentially a lot of hits.


See Restrictions at the bottom, Overwatch is used once per turn.

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4 minutes ago, Dried said:

I can't find the rules for the "psychic" weapon ability. Is it there?


From what we have, this is it:



It doesn't need to be explained more than this mind you as damaging powers are ranged attacks and other powers are now just abilites that activate on dice rolls.

It being tagged as a [Psychic] keyword means that things like Sister of Silence, Strats like Scorn of Sorcery etc can interact with it as there's not an explicit Cast or Deny roll

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