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2 hours ago, MadEdric said:

Have we yet seen what a Psychic weapon does? Or is it most likely a keyword for strats?

As of right now it is a meaningless keyword used to give units FNPs and other defensive measures against it. There were seemingly pages missing from the core rules leak, so maybe we’re missing something. As it stands, if you have two similar profiles, one with the psychic keyword and one without, the one without is the better option. Maybe more clarification with the TSons preview.

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6 minutes ago, Khornestar said:

I don’t play AoS so I have no idea what that means.

I believe its just duplicates of the box size:yes:


So an example might be ork boys, if they were 10-20 means you could take 11 or 18 etc


But with the aos system it would be ten or twenty because the box is ten models:ermm:


That's my best guess anyway:laugh:

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5 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

I believe its just duplicates of the box size:yes:


So an example might be ork boys, if they were 10-20 means you could take 11 or 18 etc


But with the aos system it would be ten or twenty because the box is ten models:ermm:


That's my best guess anyway:laugh:


Gross. I hope that’s fake.

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1 minute ago, spessmarine said:

Isn't that same unit locked to exactly 10 currently? So now rather than only 10 you can do 10 or 20.

Yeah but my question would have been whether or not that applies to every unit in the game, but that clearly isn’t the case based on the legionaries, thankfully.

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18 hours ago, Lemondish said:


And hopefully DW, too. Two editions in a row the big bad is an alien menace, yet the premier alien killers aren't getting much attention. Feels like a missed opportunity.


Oh totally


6 hours ago, Dracos said:

hmmm …. I would say that patience of the WS/Sallie/RG has earned them their turn at a true Codex over the spoiled with riches of the old flavors. 


Just going off the pecking order here

Edited by spessmarine
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6 hours ago, MadEdric said:

Have we yet seen what a Psychic weapon does? Or is it most likely a keyword for strats?

Psychic Attack is a Keyword- SoS get a 3+ FNP vs. all psychic attacks.


There will probably be strats too, but I don't know if we've seen any yet.

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8 hours ago, MadEdric said:

Have we yet seen what a Psychic weapon does? Or is it most likely a keyword for strats?

A few times; it's a keyword on weapon profiles such as CSM Legionaries' Balefire Tome. Said weapons otherwise work like any other weapon.

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On 5/21/2023 at 1:36 AM, Vanger said:

In a FB response they said, that supplement marines (DA, BA, SW, DW) won't get any preview. 


But Imperial Agents is on the list of the faction. 


Anyway, it seems they want to finish the faction prebiews untill the preorder will be announced in a "Next Week in Warhammer" article. 


Or maybe not.



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10 hours ago, ThePenitentOne said:

Psychic Attack is a Keyword- SoS get a 3+ FNP vs. all psychic attacks.


There will probably be strats too, but I don't know if we've seen any yet.

Just a small nitpick: The rules say that anything with the PSYCHIC keyword that causes wounds counts as a Psychic Attack.
So Psychic Attack isn't the keyword. It's just what PSYCHIC weapons, stratagems, abilities etc. do when they deal damage.

This is done so that the SoS also get the 3+++ against Abilities like the Knight Abominant's Warp Storms.

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1 hour ago, Iron Father Imeran Byon said:

Just a small nitpick: The rules say that anything with the PSYCHIC keyword that causes wounds counts as a Psychic Attack.
So Psychic Attack isn't the keyword. It's just what PSYCHIC weapons, stratagems, abilities etc. do when they deal damage.

This is done so that the SoS also get the 3+++ against Abilities like the Knight Abominant's Warp Storms.


Adding to this, SoS get their bonus to our TSons Cabal Rituals too, as long as they're dealing damage to the SoS.

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5 hours ago, marspeople said:

How does Lethal Hits react with Sustained Hits?

Do the extra hits from SH also become LH? 


Initial reading of it is no they don't. Sustained Hits says that Critical Hits generate X additional hits (not additional Critical Hits). Lethal Hits keys of Critical Hits so the additional hits from SH wouldn't also auto wound.


That's how I read it anyway. 

18 hours ago, Iron Father Imeran Byon said:

Just a small nitpick: The rules say that anything with the PSYCHIC keyword that causes wounds counts as a Psychic Attack.
So Psychic Attack isn't the keyword. It's just what PSYCHIC weapons, stratagems, abilities etc. do when they deal damage.

This is done so that the SoS also get the 3+++ against Abilities like the Knight Abominant's Warp Storms.

I missed this earlier, thanks for pointing out. Answered a question I was raising in the TSons thread about Doombolt vs SoS. This is the result I was hoping for!

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6 hours ago, marspeople said:

How does Lethal Hits react with Sustained Hits?

Do the extra hits from SH also become LH? 



As the extra sustained hits are not critical hits, as they have not rolled 6s, I would say that they are not lethal hits.

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