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3k Iron Warriors Iron Fire: Barrage Time


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Wanted to make a list with as many explosions and barrage weapons as possible but avoiding the Scorpius. I think this'd be fine for that but I want to know if this'd be annoying to play against. It might also be terrible and a bad idea though. 

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


++ Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA -   IV: Iron Warriors) [3,000Pts] ++

+ Expanded Army Lists +

Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units On, Legacy Units On

+ Allegiance: +

   IV: Iron Warriors

Allegiance: Traitor

+ Rite of War: +

Rite of War: The Ironfire (IW)



+ HQ: +

Centurion [105Pts]
. Siege Breaker: Artificer Armour
. . Bolt Pistol
. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Siege Breaker



+ Elites: +

Apothecarion Detachment [135Pts]
. Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour
. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour
. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour
. . Chainsword: Chainsword


Rapier Battery [160Pts]: Phosphex Canister Shot (Rapier), Quad Launcher - Frag
. Rapier Battery
. Rapier Battery


Rapier Battery [160Pts]: Phosphex Canister Shot (Rapier), Quad Launcher - Frag
. Rapier Battery
. Rapier Battery



+ Troops: +

Tactical Squad [200Pts]
.  Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour
. 19x  Legionaries (collective): 19x Bolt Pistol, 19x Bolter


Tactical Squad [200Pts]
.  Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour
. 19x  Legionaries (collective): 19x Bolt Pistol, 19x Bolter


Tactical Squad [200Pts]
.  Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour
. 19x  Legionaries (collective): 19x Bolt Pistol, 19x Bolter



+ Heavy Support: +

Arquitor Squadron  [425Pts]: Morbus Bombard, Phosphex Shell (Morbus Bombard)
. Arquitor: 2x Heavy Bolters
. Arquitor: 2x Heavy Bolters


Arquitor Squadron  [425Pts]: Morbus Bombard, Phosphex Shell (Morbus Bombard)
. Arquitor: 2x Heavy Bolters
. Arquitor: 2x Heavy Bolters


Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad [305Pts]
. 4x  Tyrant w/Power Fist: 4x Combi-Bolter, 4x Power Fist
. Siege Master: Chainfist



+ Primarch: +

Perturabo [685Pts]: Forgebreaker Desecrated
. Dominator Cohort
. . Dominator: Combi-Bolter, Thunder Hammer
. . Dominator: Combi-Bolter, Thunder Hammer
. . Dominator: Combi-Bolter, Thunder Hammer
. . Dominator: Combi-Bolter, Thunder Hammer
. . Dominator: Combi-Bolter, Thunder Hammer


++ Total: [3,000Pts] ++


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  • 1 month later...

Wow its a tiny force in terms of numbers of units. Not a lot of AT.  The tyrants are cool, maybe a squad of Iron Havocs with autocannons. I would drop an aquator and a rapier in order to bring them. Artillery is kind of meh anyway this edition. Congrats on not bringing multiple Scorpius tanks. 

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5 hours ago, Galron said:

Wow its a tiny force in terms of numbers of units. Not a lot of AT.  The tyrants are cool, maybe a squad of Iron Havocs with autocannons. I would drop an aquator and a rapier in order to bring them. Artillery is kind of meh anyway this edition. Congrats on not bringing multiple Scorpius tanks. 

In my mind the arquitors are the AT. what is a good amount of units then?

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