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Faction Focus: Chaos Knights

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Thanks, that seems a bit of a shame then that they didn’t carry forward a form of architect of destruction and give it an ability such as if equipped with the sword and claw add extra attacks X to the chainsword profile. 

As you say it’ll hit both the despoiler and the gallant and unless they’ve got a significant points advantage over the gun knights I can’t see why you’d run one. Which is a shame as I like the look of the dual melee weapon knights. 

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Ah well, dual melee weapons is still a cool looking model.


I haven’t got a knight army (yet) but between this and imperial knight preview it’s getting pretty tempting. One of the biggest knights with the harpoon, a despoiler with twin battle cannons, an abominant as it’s another great model and several the war dogs would be a fun force. Plus with under 10 models in the army it’d make after work 40K games a bit more doable compared to my more model heavy armies

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5 hours ago, Emicus said:

You'd think so, but Guilliman has been previewed with Ld5+. Ain't no way custodes are wholesale better than a primarch in any respect.

In 9th Gman has ld10 and custodes soldiers have ld11.

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6 hours ago, Indy Techwisp said:

So the Psyker Knight doesn't have a Psychic Gun, instead having 2 General Abilities.
I think that's the first 10th ed Psyker we've seen that's like that?


I think so, and honestly it makes sense; those guns are gonna do more damage than any comparative psychic profile from 9th, and to give this guy something that's just 'Knight Titan Sized Smite' seems silly and very shoe-horn-y.

I like the idea that instead of psychic guns, he gets two abilities.  And one of them is still just straight up damage, so even though it isn't a gun, it's at least SOMETHING offensive and damage based.  I think it's a clean answer, and if it ends up not being enough, they can always give him even more when the codex drops.

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I’m liking what I see so far. I do hope that Marks still exist and aren’t limited to one Knight per army. Attempting to run Nurgle Knights can be difficult due to the limitations currently. 

It does make sense that Knights would have abilities that effect morale / ObSec considering this is by far their biggest weakness and giving them some sort of advantage to overcome it is nice. 

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39 minutes ago, Tokugawa said:

In 9th Gman has ld10 and custodes soldiers have ld11.


Keep in mind that is almost certainly because Guilliman had an 8th edition datasheet for the entire edition; Ultramarines never got an updated supplement. The Lion (who has a 9th ed datasheet) has 11 LD, so Guilliman would likely have gotten the same treatment if he ever got updated.

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1 hour ago, Volgon said:


Keep in mind that is almost certainly because Guilliman had an 8th edition datasheet for the entire edition; Ultramarines never got an updated supplement. The Lion (who has a 9th ed datasheet) has 11 LD, so Guilliman would likely have gotten the same treatment if he ever got updated.


Ld 5+ then most likely, likely minimal battleshock mitigation beyond that so that the faction comes close but falls short of battleshock immunity and will likely be the faction closest to reaching it.

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The Despoiler losing its bonuses for running fist and claw is a bit of a shame. But also, the Rampager exists. Probably won't buff wardogs to the same degree, but that's the place for a pure melee knight.

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1 hour ago, tzeentch9 said:

Don’t ultramarines get +1 Ld, to make him Ld 11 as well?

Well yes but he should actually be LD12!


Regardless. Loyalist primarchs shouldn't fail at all. That's why they aren't traitors ;)

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11 hours ago, WatchCaptainNavar said:

Thanks, that seems a bit of a shame then that they didn’t carry forward a form of architect of destruction and give it an ability such as if equipped with the sword and claw add extra attacks X to the chainsword profile. 

As you say it’ll hit both the despoiler and the gallant and unless they’ve got a significant points advantage over the gun knights I can’t see why you’d run one. Which is a shame as I like the look of the dual melee weapon knights. 


The CK dual melee is the Rampager. The despoiler is the shooting platform that starts with melee weapons that you replace. This method serms stupid but its easier this way.

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A bit of an aside, but I'm not a fan of big stuff having both strike and sweep options - things should have some weaknesses. I'd have liked to see the chainsword changed to the "sweep" option, with lots of weaker attacks, and the fist to the "strike" option for fewer, higher S and D attacks, to make the player actually have to make a meaningful choice when equipping the knight. 


Edit - As a bonus, the different weapon profiles gives the pure melee knight the flexibility to take anything on, rather than have it just be a weaker knight overall and requiring additional special rules or profile changes to make it effective. 

Edited by Xenith
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Thanks for the info, so the rampager comes from the chaos knight kit and has extra movement and the extra attack baked In currently.


I take it wether you buy the chaos specific knight or the general one either kit can be a rampager as I’m guessing if you buy the chaos kit realistically you want the psychic knight and going by gw standards I’m guessing you’ll need to buy 2 knight kits if you want to make a despoiler with 2 of the same guns.


i agree it would have given the melee weapons more definition if the chainsword was the sweep weapon and the first the strike, as they overlap significantly. It seems like gw is still on the learning curve with knight melee as for a long time the titanic feet were the best melee as they were a sweep of the time and as a result the best load out was 2 guns + feet with the melee weapon being nearly entirely redundant 

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3 hours ago, Xenith said:

A bit of an aside, but I'm not a fan of big stuff having both strike and sweep options - things should have some weaknesses. I'd have liked to see the chainsword changed to the "sweep" option, with lots of weaker attacks, and the fist to the "strike" option for fewer, higher S and D attacks, to make the player actually have to make a meaningful choice when equipping the knight. 


Edit - As a bonus, the different weapon profiles gives the pure melee knight the flexibility to take anything on, rather than have it just be a weaker knight overall and requiring additional special rules or profile changes to make it effective. 

I don't disagree with having to make meaningful choices when equipping. But Knights used to just have their weapon and Titanic Feet and the TF were usually always better due to getting more attacks. So one ever actually used the weapon (At least in 8th, I didn't use Knights at all in 9th). I'm glad to actually get to use the sword I equipped my Knight with instead of just stomping everything to death. 

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