Solution carnosaur93 Posted May 29, 2023 Solution Share Posted May 29, 2023 (edited) Hi everyone, i recently decided to start a small lamenters army project. i already have quite a few different army projects going, a while back i even posted some WIP stuff for tzeentch beastmen on here! (that i've forgotten to post updates on for years). Anyway, for ages my mind has wandered to making some sort of blood angels project, but never pulled the trigger on it until a couple months back and started converting up some sad bananas as i love their whole deal of always getting wrecked and the flavors that can be derived from that. but today i hit the threshold of feeling like theres enough to actually show it off as i did a couple test paints first of theres a regular assault intercessor marine with some conversion work. the freehand is a little rough and ready as it wasn't my main focus and i kinda rushed to get done as a proof of concept... I tweaked the canon color scheme of the lamenters a little bit for my own personal taste and to make them a little more fun to paint. deciding to go with white pads to contrast the yellow armor, and dark brassy shoulder trims to frame them for some contrast to the light of the yellow and white, helping to seperate the two from eachother. For my first try at ever painting yellow armor, or really yellow anything (other than tiny details and hazard stripes here and there) i think it went quite well! Second, i painted up a sanguinary guard! now if i remember right lamenters aren't supposed to actually have these, but to put it bluntly i don't really care, the idea of them fits my take on the lamenters very well (which is to crank up the gilded ornate gothic looks quite high and try to steer towards a general death/funeral -theme with it. 'cus you know lamenters die a lot.) I've always wanted to try to do some dark-looking sanguinary guard trying to cram as much black into the color scheme as possible, and i think it actually works really well, and it fits that whole "gothic funeral" theme mentioned above. He's converted from a heavily modified stormcast liberator, waist resculpted to add extra height, and armor modified to work better with the space marine parts. a 20 year old powerfist and a bolt pistol from the intercessors kit. I went for the classic style of jump packs on my sanguinary guard, as they are well, classic, to me. and i don't like the look of the regular sanguinary guard ones or their wings all that much. i got 5 more of these guys sitting on the workbench awaiting paint, all looking somewhat different, and they were quite a bit of work to build. Heres' the base, pretty simple paint wise but i really like how they came out (i've tried to figure out a good recipe for dusty rubble bases for years). almost have abit of a Gardens of Hecate look to it which iam very happy for, being a big fan of her work. Edited May 29, 2023 by carnosaur93 Kennyjapan, Smoke Frog, War of the Eagle and 19 others 13 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azaiel Posted May 29, 2023 Share Posted May 29, 2023 They look great! You nailed the yellow paint which is an achievement in itself. Firedrake Cordova and Mithrilforge 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted May 29, 2023 Share Posted May 29, 2023 Really nice builds, particularly the inclusion of the more retro-style power pack. The weathered yellow is spot on and the bases are really well done too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluezenscorpion Posted May 29, 2023 Share Posted May 29, 2023 Those bases are inspiring. I enjoy looking at Lamenters and I like the Sanguinary guard concept you have going. I get a sense of a cross between a vanguard veteran and a sanguinary guard. I think both look great. carnosaur93 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volgon Posted May 29, 2023 Share Posted May 29, 2023 What a great start. The muted and weathered yellow armor looks fantastic, and mixing Firstborn bling with Intercessor bodies came out awesome. Also like the SG, have always told myself if I got into building some myself, they would be converted from Stormcast minis. carnosaur93, Doghouse and Firedrake Cordova 2 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted May 29, 2023 Share Posted May 29, 2023 These are really nice but I especially like the assault intercessor. You've combined the muted colours along with the weathering really well and it has a very gritty feel which is right up my street. carnosaur93 and Firedrake Cordova 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firedrake Cordova Posted May 30, 2023 Share Posted May 30, 2023 Really nice work - the muted yellow on the assault intercessor is extremely well done, and very fitting, and the chipping and muddy boots is very nice too! Mithrilforge and carnosaur93 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carnosaur93 Posted May 30, 2023 Author Share Posted May 30, 2023 (edited) Thank you everyone, iam glad i posted these, i feel all the more encouraged now with all these nice compliments, it really legit means a lot to me! The firstborn parts mixed in is something i greatly enjoy to do and the look of, its something i've done on another marine project of mine too. Its a nice way to get the best of the new crisp well-proportioned primaris and the more ornate classic designs of firstborn marines. i was so hyped when i saw the new leviathan-box sternguard, basically making it canon!.. i plan to paint up those sternguard as lamenters, with the rest of the marines in the box probably going to my husband for him to start a Salamanders project. althought as a related side-note the shooty dreadnought is still up in the air for who gets that, but regardless of it ending up yellow or green, i plan to modify that sucker a bit (replace the lower legs with something skinnier and a little more digitigrade looking, and move the gun-arms up and back on the torso) And thanks for all the kinds words on the yellow. Its surprisingly easy to do, blocking in the other colors is the hardest part lol. Its just avaland sunset over grey primer, followed by heavy stippling with a mix of avaland sunset and P3's Sulphyric yellow, followed by a smaller amount of stippling of pure sulphyric yellow. the important thing with the stippling is to kinda use it as a volumetric highlight, but its not really a presicion thing, i just use a trashed cheap old supermarket-bundle brush. Then abit of careful sponge dabs with rhinox hide, followed by a bath of my own bootleg home-mixed agrax earthshade, heavily watered down.... and then i guess the harder and last part of it all is some manual glazing of shadows with that bootleg wash mix to define parts and such... it sounds like a lot, but its surprisingly easy! The gold of the sanguinary guard is the same but with a black undercoat, using P3's Blighted gold & Brass bells paints, and the same bootleg agrax. Edited May 30, 2023 by carnosaur93 Mithrilforge, Doghouse and Firedrake Cordova 2 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted May 30, 2023 Share Posted May 30, 2023 nice work, he looks gritty! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carnosaur93 Posted May 30, 2023 Author Share Posted May 30, 2023 (edited) Redemptor Dreadnought So, one of the super obvious things i wanted for my lamenters was a dreadnought (hopefully more soon enough), they are perfect for them in my mind, what with having to get maimed and practically killed to become one... A big walking shrine to death. And thats the theme i really tried to lean into, going heavy on ornate detailing. Its not done yet, so WIP photos is whatcha gon' get today. An ornate and decorated boi. Brother Bucciarati, in his unprimed, late WIP glory. He's heavily modified, with a dramatically changed leg-pose and extended leg armor, new bulky torso armor, narrowed shoulders, loincloth, claw hand with a contemptor style palm-gun, sleeked-down cannon, Scratchbuilt missiles, Big halo (that was an absolute nightmare to build), and many little touches and flourishes here and there Earlier today i started painting him, its still very WIP, only had time to block in the yellow, some dark steel, and most of the black... its dark now outside, so the photos suck a little due to lack of natural ambient light Also it doesn't look like much, but he should end at a level similar to the assault-intercessor above of course once i actually get in there and get some real paint work done. thats it for now! <-- To be Continued Edited May 30, 2023 by carnosaur93 Eberious, Alex_Art_Workshop, Elzender and 10 others 11 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Lost Son Posted May 31, 2023 Share Posted May 31, 2023 Everything you've done until the dreadnought is brilliant, but being as I still don't own a redemptor I can't practically appreciate what you've done but you've managed to make it look like a good old school box-nought always should have in my head awesome job dude and the paint schemes looking sweet Firedrake Cordova and carnosaur93 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carnosaur93 Posted May 31, 2023 Author Share Posted May 31, 2023 (edited) Thank you The Lost Son. i didn't like the redemptor dreadnoughts at all when i first saw them myself, but after a while it kinda clicked in my head how to make them look good, so i got one and made those changes back then for another project. this is the second redemptor i convert up with these (and in this case many other) changes. What i found that they really need is a slightly longer waist to lift the torso a little. narrower shoulders, and extended leg armor to cover the skinny flimsy looking ankles. thats like the minimum required changes in my mind for them to work... other obvious thing is to leave off the belly armor, like on Bucciarati here. Speaking of, i did some more painting on him today. still not done yet (not even gotten to the stage of washes, glazes, and weathering yet)... its slow going, redemptors are bigger models than they look, but iam getting there Also this stage shows that the stippling techniques i use work especially well on larger models iam also using the same stippling and glazing techniques to paint the cloth Edited January 1, 2024 by carnosaur93 DaBoiKyknos, Brother Carpenter, Doghouse and 5 others 4 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naryn Posted June 1, 2023 Share Posted June 1, 2023 Outstanding and well thought out conversion work, I love the new silhouette and more upright pose. The fabric really adds a lot to the piece and I love the yellow tone. Excited to see where this goes! carnosaur93, Firedrake Cordova and Mithrilforge 2 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted June 1, 2023 Share Posted June 1, 2023 Great repose, and the weapon details look cracking too, particularly the missile pod. carnosaur93 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Carpenter Posted June 5, 2023 Share Posted June 5, 2023 Lovely yellow! The dread modification is very nice done, and I think I'll nick some idea's for mine. Keep up the good works! Rinke carnosaur93 and Mithrilforge 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carnosaur93 Posted June 6, 2023 Author Share Posted June 6, 2023 So, i made some more progress on the redemptor, but its still not done yet! it took a while because i first scuffed up the transfers (i haven't used waterslide transfers in over ten years, so took some adjustment), and it took a lot of time to fix that up... then after loads of hard work with paintchipping and blocking in and such, i kinda ruined the nice yellow i had going with my wash step and basically had to repaint the yellow itself carefully to repair it, and then redo the chipping. it was all abit of a nightmare, and repeatedly fixing the yellow is starting to add up, the paint gaining notable thickness and texture at this point :I also i know my freehanding is abit wonky, my brushes are old and ruined, i tried my best, i even went and got micro-pens to neaten things up which helped a little, but i probably just need something that isn't like a worn 15 year old GW brush welp, at least i got it to a point of looking pretty good, but as said, not quite done yet! still lots of details to finish The fist is extra weathered on account of being used as a fist ZeroWolf, Casual Heresy, Xenith and 15 others 8 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaBoiKyknos Posted June 6, 2023 Share Posted June 6, 2023 Lovely stuff! Really like the Sanginuary Guard. Please show us more of those, if you can. carnosaur93 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carnosaur93 Posted June 6, 2023 Author Share Posted June 6, 2023 32 minutes ago, DaBoiKyknos said: Lovely stuff! Really like the Sanginuary Guard. Please show us more of those, if you can. Thank you very much, glad you like my dudes!^^ iam afraid i only got the one sanguinary guard painted for now. i got another 5 built and primed, but they are primed black so they'll be kinda tricky to photograph, i'll see if i can get some pictured when i got daylight on my side so i can at least show 'ya the builds^^ i'll probably finish the dreadnought fully before i get back to working on them though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
War of the Eagle Posted June 6, 2023 Share Posted June 6, 2023 Really loven the soft mustar yellow. And the conversion work on the Redemptor. Keep up the great work. carnosaur93 and Firedrake Cordova 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firedrake Cordova Posted June 7, 2023 Share Posted June 7, 2023 Honestly, I think you're being far too hard on yourself - that looks great I couldn't see any obvious texture in the images, although I would say that whilst we all aim for thin coats with no texture, sometimes texture is desirable in a miniature, depending on the surface being depicted Mithrilforge and carnosaur93 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carnosaur93 Posted June 7, 2023 Author Share Posted June 7, 2023 (edited) 2 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said: Honestly, I think you're being far too hard on yourself - that looks great I couldn't see any obvious texture in the images, although I would say that whilst we all aim for thin coats with no texture, sometimes texture is desirable in a miniature, depending on the surface being depicted thank you man, i probably am, iam probably biased from "didn't go as planned, panic and fix everything!" negativity, and knowing i can do better, but i think you're right^^' the texture doesn't really show in the photos luckily, i guess you gotta look real close for it, or touch it. but you also got a point that it might not even be that bad of a thing, its not like its "brush stroke" texture, because its all stippled, its more of a slight pebbled texture, which kinda just fits with the grainy look iam going for... at any rate i do think varnish will smooth it out a little anyway. but yeah its not exactly two thin coats, i think at this point iam at just about literally 20 thin coats on the yellow xD Edited June 7, 2023 by carnosaur93 Firedrake Cordova 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sherrypie Posted June 7, 2023 Share Posted June 7, 2023 Got to love Lamenters, their visuals are always a joy to behold. The modifications on JoJo's Bizarre Dionaught are also pretty great, tastefully restrained but gothic. The halo is a nice touch and the missile launcher is very sharp. Firedrake Cordova and carnosaur93 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eberious Posted June 7, 2023 Share Posted June 7, 2023 Very very nice, loving the weathering. Looking forward to seeing more. carnosaur93 and Firedrake Cordova 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted June 7, 2023 Share Posted June 7, 2023 Wow, looking brilliant! carnosaur93 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smoke Frog Posted June 7, 2023 Share Posted June 7, 2023 I love your style of painting the Lamentors! Your heraldry is fantastic. I am really impressed by that tiny missile launcher array... are those toothpicks shoved into plastic rods?! Mithrilforge, carnosaur93 and Firedrake Cordova 2 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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