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Carnosaur93's Lamenters

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4 hours ago, Smoke Frog said:

I love your style of painting the Lamentors! Your heraldry is fantastic.


I am really impressed by that tiny missile launcher array... are those toothpicks shoved into plastic rods?!

Thank you, glad you like it, always thoguht they'd look good all grittied up, its fun to finally get to make some that way :D

also again thank you, and yep thats exactly it! xD
i soaked superglue into the toothpicks and sanded them though to get rid of the woody texture

  • 2 weeks later...

Brother Bucciarati
Now entombed within a redemptor dreadnought after falling in battle. A hulking walking shrine to determination in the face of death, for even in death he still serves.























He's finally fully finished! boy did it take a while to get there, a lot of things went wrong along the way of painting this guy, i guess fitting for a Lamenter with a weird streak of bad luck.
but at any rate, i just kept fixing it as i went, as i mentioned earlier in the thread the yellow is probably around, if not a little past 20 thin coats, because i had to go back over and fix things so many many times. that sort of thing
But in the end, iam very happy with how he turned out!

Edited by carnosaur93

Wow , it's like the Mona Lisa of dreadnoughts :thumbsup: ,

Well done on the rescue of the yellow (I feel ya on painting yellow) I guess now the next yellow model you paint will be a breeze with the knowledge gained from this.

,I've been watching this journey and I gotta say the final product is awesome!!  makes me want to go home and paint some yellow... :eek: ...what the !?!... :laugh:... 


Cheers, M

Wow, thank you everyone, thats some very nice and kind words, iam glad ya'all like the redemptor!

so in the wake of this boy iam already working on another dreadnought... remember this shoop i brewed up and showed earlier?


well, my leviathan preorder showed up today (kudos to the hobby store here in denmark; Hobbycave, that made it show up on the release day) and after drooling over the sprues for a bit i got right to work.
Its not much to show right now, but its coming along fast, with the most labor intensive change 90% done (i'll probably do one last round of detailing on these, the area behind the knees look a little bare in particular)



Edited by carnosaur93

quick update on the Shootyboi
needs goop and texturing on the base, and i'll probably do a little more bling-detailing here and there (a couple more purity seals, maybe some of those littl relic-boxes, that sort of thing. gunna be less decorated than the Redemptor)
















  • 1 year later...

So, i've been very busy since the last post, moving to the other side of the planet to be with my husband, but i've finally found time for hobby stuff lately, and eventually back to this project specifically (i've been starting lots of new stuff after getting access to a 3d printer lol)

so anyway, finally progress on the shooty dreadnought, still WIP, not actually done yet, but i think he's about 90% of the way there








i still need to get a little bit better with the checkers, but at least its not quite too late to adjust some of the them sliiiightly even though post-weathering makes it a lot harder, i probably just need to find a way to print a while sheet of checkers as a transfer sheet, or maybe just start painting them a little larger so i can get them cleaner lol.

i went a little more heavy on the weathering on this one, not really on purpose, its just been a while and iam struggling to remember the nuances of how i paint these guys, but it kind of suits this guy for whom i wanted a slightly more industrial i guess "walking tank" vibe than for the last dread, and the extra beat up weathered look suits that

at any rate, he's not actually quite done yet and stil lWIP as mentioned, so some things will still change a little in addition to painting the base


I finished the Dread!

another pass of weathering and detailing, most notably highlighting the yellow and finishing the base since the last pictures, but here ya go!
it was hard to sorta re-discover the style for these guys after not working on my lamenters for over a year and not writing anything down, but good memory and a little bit of back and forth and consulting photos for reference got me there, and iam quite happy with how he turned out!




















On 3/6/2025 at 12:59 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

They look great - the checkerboard pattern is nicely done, but the chipping/weathering is excellent :thumbsup:

Thank you! i still feel a little insecure about my checkering skills (which is bad when painting lamenters lol), so some positive reinforcement goes a long way xD
at least iam liking painting yellow. its really not as bad as people say.

On 3/6/2025 at 8:49 AM, Brother Carpenter said:

The dread looks great. Nicely done. Bravo.

It does give me mechwarrior/ battletech vibes but in a good way.

Thank you! and thats exactly the vibe i was going for, so glad it comes across that way... its funny, iam not really a fan of the aesthethic of the mechwarrior stuff, but a little bit of its vibes can fit quite well into warhammer, especially for space marine machines.
but really when GW first teased this dread in the leviathan box i just couldn't help but go "this would look so much better with some subtle modifications to make it look a little more nimble and deadly" and it just sorta accidentally ended up battletech-like... it was just one of those moments of seeing it and immidiedly knowing what i wanted to do with it.


On 3/6/2025 at 11:12 AM, Pearson73 said:

Very nice indeed, the iconography adds a tonne of character, whilst the chipping lends realism.

Thank you! iam glad i managed to strike a good balance here, i want my lamenters to be quite ornate, and balancing that with trying to make this particular dread more utilitarian was hard!


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 3/9/2025 at 12:49 AM, LameBeard said:

This thread wins the internet today. The conversion gives the dread a new character, stalking through the ruins, and the paint job is an inspiration - I have huge respect for the chequerboard.


On 3/9/2025 at 6:46 AM, Cenobite Terminator said:

The weathering and conversions are glorious. Those are some very nice looking dreads!

thank you both! iam glad you both like it, its definitely got a very different vibe than dreadnoughts normally do, its very hard to balance the "chunky armor" feel, with "nimble predator", so iam glad it comes off right. Interestingly the painting is doing some heavy lifting in that balance department, i spend a lot of time carefully picking what parts to make black and what parts to make yellow to enhance the triangular overall silhuettes of the model from most angles to make it look mroe fast and dangerous. for example, the black "roof" of the torso that would otherwise normally be yellow, along with many other parts.

In other news, i've been trying to paint the sternguard from the leviathan box. but iam having problems with the washes which first ruined the almost finished paintjob on 3 guys that then took many hours to fix, and is still being problematic.




it is bad, because the way i like to paint and get good results is to basically use washes as glazes and sorta push shadows into where they need to go manually over several passes to build up gritty gradients of shading. in short, my painting style revolves heavily around washes and using them in different ways, but for some reason my washes are now behaving literally opposite of how they are supposed to??? :I
It creeps out of the cracks and out onto flat surfaces and gather there as it dries, in the second picture i circled what happens if i try to put the wash into a crack like pinwashing, and if you look at the foot thats the kind fo staining i get if doing an "all over" wash... its freaking weird. i've tried different types of washes (including ones that have worked fine from the same bottle a few months ago), thinning methods, obviosuly shaking them well, etc, but it keeps doing it.
i have been thinking its texture left by the primer, but then for some reason the gold parts on my lamenters are fine...
Additionally iam getting this same behavior on different models made of a different material primed with completely different primer at a different time, with different colors underneath as well.

it all narrows it down to be:

A) the weather somehow
B) the stippling leaving a texture that the wash hates, but that has not been a problem in the past when all factors other than location and time has been the same...

a possible longterm solution would be to try gloss varnish before i mess with any washes, but that will really mess with my workflow of how i do things, another is to swap to oil washes and use reductive techniques with cotton swabs, but the issue of massively messing with my workflow is the same there.

Edited by carnosaur93

On the washes, you sure the stippling has left the same surface structure as before, I can surely imagine added texture being the case of this problem.

Also weather conditions surely influence the behavior of paints, I primed my bt once with rattle can primmer in a humid environment, lets say it pooled very nice on the bases but nothing else....

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