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Combat Patrol Battle Report - Free on WHTV+

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 For this game, Si and Ben are playing the new Combat Patrol game mode – a balanced, fast-paced version of Warhammer 40,000 using only the contents of the Combat Patrol boxes. All of the miniatures you’ll see come from the incredible Leviathan boxed set, which conveniently contains all the miniatures you need for two full Combat Patrols, tuned with bespoke datasheets designed specially for the Combat Patrol game. 




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Edited by TrawlingCleaner
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9 minutes ago, Handsome Fred said:



I'm glad them nerfed oath even before the edition is out

These are the Combat Patrol rules, which are a simpler and easier to understand set of rules for getting started. 


Oaths of Moment is unchanged in normal 10th edition 40k

Edit: Ninja'ed by 01RTB01 :ph34r:

Edited by TrawlingCleaner
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was a legitimately fun watch, their production values are continuing to improve, rules were clear and it was presented as fast paced.

the back and forth of the rules and the interrupts did make it feel more interactive for both players throughout too

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On the topic of oath of moment it doesn't look to be any different from the one shown in the preview article, unless it was different in the battle report and op didn't mention it but posted the original for some reason. 

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3 minutes ago, Blight1 said:

On the topic of oath of moment it doesn't look to be any different from the one shown in the preview article, unless it was different in the battle report and op didn't mention it but posted the original for some reason. 

This threw me too. The one in the bat rep is only reroll hits though.

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8 minutes ago, Blight1 said:

On the topic of oath of moment it doesn't look to be any different from the one shown in the preview article, unless it was different in the battle report and op didn't mention it but posted the original for some reason. 

the CP version is just to reroll the hit, not the hit and the wound.

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1 hour ago, Mandragola said:

That looked like a fun game. The table really showed off the now-OP deathworld forest too. Shame you can't get that stuff any more.

Anyone taking bets that'll be the environment for the next Kill Team season?

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16 minutes ago, Brother nathan said:

any of the other new  units stats etc from it? may not get a chance to watch til night-shift... 

Several stats though they may be quite different in the full game vs combat patrol.

The leapers were t5 with a 4+ save which seems likely to stick.  They also have fight first.

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The nids seem to be the superior army to me, though I was only listening to audio and not watching. And as Auspex mentioned in his review, some of that was due to non ideal choices to showcase rules and such.

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That was a fun battle report to watch! Good preview of the Combat Patrol-style game, and I've enjoyed all the BRs where Ben has appeared. He's a bit goofy perhaps but his enthusiasm is always entertaining. Also the scenery was great and refreshing as non-standard GW terrain. Loved the converted Tyranid model with the dead Space Marine on it as terrain. I also liked how they used the jungle flora fronds on both the SM and Nid bases; a really nice touch!


2 hours ago, Doctor Perils said:

Anyone taking bets that'll be the environment for the next Kill Team season?


If so, I'm prepared! I still have a small tub full of those old plastic jungle tree sprues. "Hoarder?" I prefer the term "avid collector" myself.

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That spammable nids reinforcement strat is going to drive me crazy when my UM's play my son's Nids...


I don't normally care for battle reports but that was well put together.


CP seems like its paced well and I like that overwatch can be used in other phases now - especially with those flamer marines...

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I've just noticed the barbgaunts can definitely split their fire (@19:17) - they hit both the terminators and pyreblasters, slowing both (any hits, -2 movement and -2 to advance and charge rolls). They are going to be utterly murderous for melee armies.

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It was enjoyable and well edited but the energy was a bit too manic for my taste - felt like the presenters were a little bit too enthusiastic. It's been carefully edited / choreographed to act as an infomercial as much as a battle report. Some of those key dice rolls seemed a little suspect to handily show off a new rule or feature.

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56 minutes ago, Verbal Underbelly said:

It was enjoyable and well edited but the energy was a bit too manic for my taste - felt like the presenters were a little bit too enthusiastic. It's been carefully edited / choreographed to act as an infomercial as much as a battle report. Some of those key dice rolls seemed a little suspect to handily show off a new rule or feature.


If you've ever met Simon Grant in real life, that energy and enthusiasm is not for show, that is just how he is when he plays Warhammer 40K. He is awesome, and a top bloke. 

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1 hour ago, Verbal Underbelly said:

It was enjoyable and well edited but the energy was a bit too manic for my taste - felt like the presenters were a little bit too enthusiastic. It's been carefully edited / choreographed to act as an infomercial as much as a battle report. Some of those key dice rolls seemed a little suspect to handily show off a new rule or feature.

Oh no doubt on those dice rolls. Wonder how many goes it took to get the Deadly Demise 6...

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