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10th Edition Core Rules (but official)

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I know it was shown before, but the Tank Shock strategy seems like it needs a day 1 patch.


On Canis Rex or similar its 1 CP for 6 MW to your charge target. I know that typically you wouldn't need it, but that level of dependability seems quite daft on somethings that can move quickly, want to charge anyways, and can bring St16 or higher weapons.


I do hope they exclude walkers from using the strategy.

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LOL that’s the problem with living in a country a day ahead of everyone else, I was checking GW yesterday all day waiting for it (the 2nd for me) only to realise it was like 6:00am London time when I left work… no rules to print off at work unfortunately :laugh: , it’ll have to wait till Monday !. 

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It begins, I wonder what goodies will lie within the various cards and rules that we can find that GW thinks isn't cool, we find them far cooler and also discover all the things that are broken because they didn't playtest it like a tournament player and jsut went beer and pretzel on it again.


Not saying casual play isn't viable but when testing a game, you got to make sure you test things properly. Beer and Pretzels is how you nearly got Votann running around with those insane magna rifles.

A place for everything and everything in its place.

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The Knights are the easy extreme example, but most Dreadnaughts will also get a functional double fight out of it for 1CP if they want.


Assuming St 10 against most things is netting 12 dice on 5+ for mortals that's another 4 mortal wounds. If the regular heavy swing is 4 attacks at 3 damage with a 3/3 for hit/wound and no save, then the actual punch is doing some 2 wounds for a potential 6 damage. If there's saves involved or anything else the mortal output might be equal or higher vs tough targets. For sweep at double attacks and 1/3 dmg its down to 4 1D wounds which is the same as mortals.


It get's even sillier if you get +1St on the charge etc for some factions.


The whole thing is open to abuse.

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While getting trampled to death by a charging angry dread is pretty thematic, they pretty clearly balanced it based upon the usual tank armoured tracks. I imagine it will get FAQ'd to exclude walkers pretty sharpish. If it is intentional though, I guess I'm gonna need some more Brutalis dreads for my Blood Angels? (for playing That Guy) - S14 weapon (assuming same as 9th), +1S characteristic on the charge, so 17D6 fishing for 5+ (against anything less than T15) - so decent odds of hitting the 6 mortal wounds cap before he even fights.


I was gonna get one anyway as a nu-furioso simply for theme, but with tank shock it's pretty damn cheesy indeed.

Edited by Arkhanist
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38 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

intercessor with a mk7/8 helm up front too.


Most of mine are like that.  I have bought so many blood angel tactical squad sprues that I have just oodles of extra heads.  All of my intercessors are blinged out, even though GW really gave us the shaft on Primaris upgrade sprues.  I think it makes intercessors look really cool when they've got older mark helmets.  Kinda the best of all worlds, if I could only get some sculpted abs LOL

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7 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:


 if I could only get some sculpted abs LOL


Scalpel and greenstuff my friend! And totally agree about sprinkling in older mark stuff, I like to think firstborn who cross the Rubicon take something of their old armour with them to personalise their new Cawl suit.

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If a weapon has [TORRENT] and [SUSTAINED/LETHAL HITS], even though the attacks auto hit, would you still roll to see if any of them were critical hits? I'm guessing not.


I'm thinking about the heldrake, or any chaos unit with a flamer potentially rolling for dark pacts

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1 hour ago, Redsun said:

If a weapon has [TORRENT] and [SUSTAINED/LETHAL HITS], even though the attacks auto hit, would you still roll to see if any of them were critical hits? I'm guessing not.


Its a good question and one that is likely to come up pretty often. Flamestorm Aggressors with the new Apothecary Biologis run into the same issue.

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4 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Prolly around the time when it actually releases. 

According to leaks, the indexes will be released piecemeal over the next two weeks. I think the space marines and nids are dropping this week? Valrak posted a thread here about it.

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