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33 minutes ago, Torvak Kyre said:

Am I blind or is there no way for the death korps squad to take the medi pack that is detailed on their card?


From the looks of it, it's just a unit ability, not tied to a specific model.


Had a read through...there's a lot of fun stuff and utility in here. Nothing on the level of deadliness that we've seen in Eldar and Marines. 


But I think I'll have fun with this.

Demolishers, with lascannons probably:ermm:


Every russ needs an order now really, otherwise bs4 tanks just aint gonna be worth it unless they are a pittance:mellow:


Seems GW forgot already why they added in the turret rule, cos russes had almost disappeared from the table top. 


Castellans loosing an order as well, they have only exists for less than a year:laugh: why.....

Demolishers with Heavy Flamers as a front line unit, which don't care about getting tied up. Battlecannons for stand alone, reliable long range fire support I'd say.


The Executioner is maybe still decent, but depends on how bad the Hazardous rule is going to work out. Exterminators might be interesting as well, to buff AP on everything else. The rest feels a bit lackluster.

57 minutes ago, Squark said:

Catachans lost access to everything except flamers. Ouch.


They already had in 9th.


Quite happy with how the Guard turned out, especially compared to the other army I play currently (Sisters) who seem to be in a very rough spot.

This detachment is pretty one dimensional imo, just stay still and bbkast away with the artillery. I was hoping to see something that would make Russes work in it but so far I don't see much, Russes cannot be taken in squads now and without splashing orders it seems very difficult to buff them in a meaningful way so it seems only Tank Commanders are worth anything as they can order themselves and even if I go full hog on Russes I'll still have to take 3 commanders just to buff 3 other tanks.


Other than that I think Guard is fine, artillery is useful and deadly and there's plenty of buffs to go around to make them better and there's enough debuffs to slow threats coming your way but beyond that I don't think there's enough to support any other playstyle.

36 minutes ago, redmapa said:

Russes cannot be taken in squads now and without splashing orders it seems very difficult to buff them in a meaningful way so it seems only Tank Commanders are worth anything as they can order themselves and even if I go full hog on Russes I'll still have to take 3 commanders just to buff 3 other tanks.


Tank Commanders can't buff themselves. They can only order Squadron units and they don't have that keyword.

1 hour ago, Sir Clausel said:

Bullgryns have a -1 damage to a minimum of one! So GW have not forgotten that. What that means though is the other units that have it are immune to D1 weapons since they dont have the "(to a minimum of 1)" thing added.

Or that the index data cards are super sloppy. There are so many inconsistencies 

21 minutes ago, Redcomet said:

Or that the index data cards are super sloppy. There are so many inconsistencies 

Its laughable at this point:tongue:

2 hours ago, Gripp said:


Tank Commanders can't buff themselves. They can only order Squadron units and they don't have that keyword.

So tank commanders are stuck at bs4......


Things like baneblades were just starting to make a resurgence with the turret rule, at bs4 they are just gonna go back on the shelf:facepalm:

The only way to give orders to Super Heavies is having Leontus around (sadly a must-take then). Having Ursula Creed use her ability to hand out one stratagem for 0cp every battle round to get Armoured Might (-1dmg against shooting) and an Enginseer to give the said vehicle 4++ invuln should make one pretty durable Superheavy.


I do like both of them Sentinels! :yes:The Scout one giving reroll 1s to hit against a designated target for everyone and the Armoured having T8 with 2+ save and re-rolling wounds against monsters and vehicles look great! 


My Plasma Executioner Russ with Plasma sponsons on overcharge can potentially inflict 9 mortal wounds on itself (with ~42% chance of at least 3 mw every shooting phase). :geek: Sounds fun, but only in an Orky way...

The Stormlord looks hilarious! Firing deck 24 (!) with transport capacity of 40 Astra Militarum Infantry models. You could have 15 Lascannons shooting from it (3 Heavy Weapons Squads for a total of 9 heavy weapons teams, a full 20-man Infantry Squad with 2 heavy weapons teams and an additional 4 from the Stormlord itself). Add in some shots from Infantry Squads grenade launchers/etc. and lasguns +  the Vulcan Megabolter with 20 shots and [Sustained hits 1] and 15 shots from Twin-linked Heavy Bolters with [Sustained hits 1].

Edited by Jaipii
Forgot one Twin-linked Heavy Bolter :)
7 hours ago, Jaipii said:

The Stormlord looks hilarious! Firing deck 24 (!) with transport capacity of 40 Astra Militarum Infantry models. You could have 15 Lascannons shooting from it (3 Heavy Weapons Squads for a total of 9 heavy weapons teams, a full 20-man Infantry Squad with 2 heavy weapons teams and an additional 4 from the Stormlord itself). Add in some shots from Infantry Squads grenade launchers/etc. and lasguns +  the Vulcan Megabolter with 20 shots and [Sustained hits 1] and 15 shots from Twin-linked Heavy Bolters with [Sustained hits 1].

I find 15 Ratlings in it funnier. 


Disembark, fire at character, shoot and scarper inside, have tank fire another 15 sniper shots.


1 hour ago, sairence said:

I find 15 Ratlings in it funnier. 


Disembark, fire at character, shoot and scarper inside, have tank fire another 15 sniper shots.


And you could still fit in those 9 Heavy Weapons teams and shoot with them too :biggrin:

Coo, these datasheets are the most complicated I've seen. Lots of info packed on there. 


Few niggly bits that needle at me:

  • The (presumably kit-based) decision to give infantry squads options – except for Catachans. Particularly galling as the old metals have the full range of kit bar the grenade launcher. 
  • The clunky (and frankly byzantine) way that the regimental advisors work in comparison with other attachments. I always liked having my Regimental attachés together as part of a big 'Command HQ' unit, and that's no longer possible. Also, seems weird to have to take the maximum number of Command Squads or lose one or more of the attachés.

Other than those, I'm pretty happy – and since this is a 'get-you-by' list, I'm pinning my hopes on a proper Catachan kit sooner rather than later. I don't think it's coincidence they picked the name 'Combined Regiment' for the Detachment.


Things that I was really pleased to see:

  • The ability to make really big platoon-strength squads. Dunno why, but I'm weirdly looking forward to having a single 30-odd strong squad with priests and ogryns and officers dotted around. Think that'll look great on the table.
  • Some fun looking rules like Death befitting an officer; Been there, seen it, killed it; and Sergeant Harker in general.
  • Ogryns look interesting – not obviously super-powerful, but interesting. It's nice to see them improve against Bullgryns.
  • Covering fire on the Heavy Weapons Squads makes them more interesting – and it's another example of how inter-reliant this army looks. 

In short, looking forward to trying it out. I think I'll have lots of fun seeing how my old army plays :)

From the way I understood it, the Regimental Attachees are one unit encompassing all three models. So you either take them all and attach them to one of your Command Squads, or you don't. I don't see anything about them splitting into individual models.

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