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Prospective 10th Ed 2k army

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Castellan/CST x3

t prime x3

infantry squad x3

platoon command squad


battle tank


scout sentinel x3


HWS x3


i was adding this all up between games of War Thunder so I hope I got it all right what was adding 1 at a time, but this should be 1965pts

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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Creed is good and all, but she doesn't give her unit Sustained Hits(1) and Fallback&Shoot. 

A regular Castellan is hardly something I'd consider "crappy".

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If they hadn't lost an order then maybe:yes:


Between the command squad or creed being a small a amount of points difference, a castellan just isn't the best option. 


Sustained hits might be ok on 20 guys, otherwise no its not worth much, esp on lasguns. 


I liked the castellan because it was an order 2 officer, now its just an overcosted officer:tongue:

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Since units (except the one lead by Creed) can only recieve one order, I find that you can easily get oversaturated with orders already though, even with Castellans only being able to issue one themselves. 

Let's say you have 3 squads of 20 infantry, each joined by a Castellan and a Command Squad (or anything that gives an order really, like a Commissar) - You now have 6 orders at your disposal but can only issue 3 of them to the squads they are assigned to, so you have 3 more that would be potentially wasted if you don't include other units in your list that can use them.
If Castellans could issue two orders you'd have 6(!) orders available. At that point you might as well remove orders from officers entirely and simply say that each IG-unit can benefit from 1 order per turn, because there's no tactic left given the abundance of orders. Whats the point of a limit when sky's the limit?

I think Castellans are great. For 50 measly points you get an order, sustained* hits and fallback&shoot. Thats quite alot as far as Leaders go.
(*remember it's not just lasguns but also any special- and heavy weapons in the squad.)

Creed is great but if you get down to it, the most common combination for her will probably be giving her squad +1 BS and FRFSRF.
Compare that to a Castellan giving his squad FSRSRF and Sustained Hits (1), the difference in damageoutput isn't very big** at all. 

Edit: ** Come to think of it, +1 BS has the same effect at Sustained Hits (1), they'll result in the same amount of hits. 
18 shots hitting on 3+ = 12 hits.
18 shots hitting on 4+ with Sustained Hits (1) = 9 hits + 3 additional hits for a total of 12 hits. 

With that said, nothing prevents you from adding both Creed and a regular Castellan to the same unit if you really want to spice it up. :P


Edited by Minsc
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On 6/20/2023 at 9:59 AM, Emperor Ming said:

Not going with meta shouldn't mean anyone has to accept crappy choices/units thou:yes:


Any reason for the T primes?




Better firepower, I’ve longed for a dedicated light tank, and until then the primes will have to suffice.

Plus right now the missile launcher is looking great as well.


combine that with its fire support ability seems pretty solid.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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My first thought about your list is at least it will be a lot easier to deploy and use in the movement phase than a lot of guard armies! Seems daft but I've had a fair few games where the other player has been falling asleep at the very beginning and those games are hard to get to turn 5.


I doubt if those castellans will ever issue an order but I'm guessing you're going for the sustained fire ability over the order. What weapons are you giving the cadians? Plasma/melta? I'm just thinking that you would have a cadian/chimera squad for the price of the officers. Although, thinking about it..... 3 full squads of scions would only be 15 points more.....


What hws squads are you thinking about? Also weapons on the infantry squads. Just curious. 


I'd also think about doubling up on sentinels. I'm not sure if you're thinking 1 unit of 3 of 3 units of one. Either way 6 is better.


That's a good selection of russes. Maybe one too many? I fancy they'd all be better deployed out of line of sight with an enginseer, each,  if you can find the points.

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