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How does everyone plan on expanding their BA armies in 10th edition?


im definitely getting the melee dread I’m forgetting the name of at some point.


while I’m not a meta chaser, when units I plan on using anyway get strong I have no problem getting more of them so definitely at least one more RAS.


and the gravis apothecary.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven

Probably with a termie captain + librarian, 5 terms, 10 super soaker marines and a dread :sweat:


That said, what I need to complete the company is a company standard bearer and apparently a champion on foot. I need to check the composition of the new command squads to see what I need to complete them.


Otherwise, I'd like to complete a 5 man intercessor squad of Angels Sanguine, though I'm tempted to make all my gravis units Angels Sanguine, then I have the 2023 goal of painting all my SM heroes terminators, so 12 models.


Thing is we have the Call to Arms event, in which I'm fighting for the bugs for the next 3 months :happy:

I have a Brutalis under construction already. I can't wait to Leeroy Jenkins him into the fray in a Stormraven Gunship. :biggrin:


Next on my list are a squad of Sternguard Veterans made using the lovely old BA Tactical Squad box. The idea of throwing 10+ MWs at any OOMed target is obviously appealing.


Then a squad of Heavy Intercessors. I got a squad for my Wolves in 9th and they worked really well.


I still haven't built my Bladeguards yet but they will come


I have a squad of VanVets built (all megnetised of course :facepalm:) that just need painting. They actually look good with a Jump Sanguinary priest so I will reinforce the squad with some of my old Jump Command Squad minis to bring them up to a full 10-man squad.


I have a couple of squads of Melta RAS that need Jump Packs adding. I also need to find a couple of Eviscerators to give them a little extra punch.


I need to rip 3 Fists off my Sanguinary Guard and replace them with Swords/Axes :rolleyes:


Crikey, I forgot how big my UFO pile had gotten. :eek:

I want a Brutalis but I'm tempted to wait and see if there will be a Blood Angels specific one with our codex, next for me is a Gladiator though.  I think the variants are really strong right now, so I'll be magnetizing it and maybe even pick up a second one down the line.


Leviathan contents next. 

after that, probably nothing till whatever new stuff arrives. I’m hoping for MPK sternguard and jump troops.



already owned and need to build:

- desolation squad

- 5 heavy intercessors to go with my existing 5

- fisty gravis captain

- scouts (made using the Templar set)

- DC intercessors (going to do 5 melee and 5 shooty for now)

- some more intercessor sergeants or sternguard or something (primaris crusader squad bits)

- 3 more bladeguard 

At this point I've got Leviathan arriving and I haven't even started Agastus yet (and the lack of HH plastic melee troops means all my BA relic units are sitting uninspired and unloved) so I've got plenty to carry on with. Unless any new releases wow me to 'can't wait for this' or there is another good value splash box  I'm probably a good 6-9 months away from looking at any other purchases.

Adding the Leviathan stuff. First up from that will be the Ballistus Dreadnought and Infernus squad. 

Don't know what I'll purchase after that. Probably just see what else comes out. I'd like a Brutalis Dreadnought at some point and a Gladiator Lancer would be great this edition.

Til then, I'm focusing on painting up the contents of Indomitus. About to finish the Primaris Lt. Then maybe the Eradicators. 

I'm going to try changing out the turret of my Predator to the twin Lascannon. And just painting anything else I want to add for when we start our narrative campaign at the store. 

9 hours ago, Karhedron said:

I have a Brutalis under construction already. I can't wait to Leeroy Jenkins him into the fray in a Stormraven Gunship. :biggrin:


Next on my list are a squad of Sternguard Veterans made using the lovely old BA Tactical Squad box. The idea of throwing 10+ MWs at any OOMed target is obviously appealing.



I also want a Brutalis for Stormraven Chicanery.  Alongside a brick of Bladeguard and some leaders.... ooo I'm getting all hot and bothered.


I was going through my boxes of sprue, and I found about 3 boxes worth of old BA tactical squad stuff.  none of the spures are TOTALLY complete, but most of them are missing just a few bits.  Gonna have a lot of fun going through and salvaging what I can to start decking out the new stuff.

Leviathan is the only outstanding purchase for for me; going to be starting on the marine combat patrol for that, and the BA CP. I'm doing pretty much a reboot of my BA; I've a bunch of older firstborn that are going in the stripper, and going to come out the other side with new weapons and longer legs (particularly terminators & DC), plus primaris waiting for paint. I'll be converting a spare redemptor to a brutalis, so I'll have at least 1 of each type.


I probably won't be buying anything else new for a good while; I have plenty of marines to tart up, plus the 'nid half of Leviathan for when I get bored of red.

Edited by Arkhanist
20 hours ago, Xenith said:

Probably with a termie captain + librarian, 5 terms, 10 super soaker marines and a dread :sweat:


That said, what I need to complete the company is a company standard bearer and apparently a champion on foot. I need to check the composition of the new command squads to see what I need to complete them.


Otherwise, I'd like to complete a 5 man intercessor squad of Angels Sanguine, though I'm tempted to make all my gravis units Angels Sanguine, then I have the 2023 goal of painting all my SM heroes terminators, so 12 models.


Thing is we have the Call to Arms event, in which I'm fighting for the bugs for the next 3 months :happy:


Oh yeah I forgot, definitely want a new terminator squad and maybe the captain if I can kit-bash him into Captain Karlaen? I've got the BA bits for it.



4 hours ago, Eilio Tiberius said:


Oh yeah I forgot, definitely want a new terminator squad and maybe the captain if I can kit-bash him into Captain Karlaen? I've got the BA bits for it.




Should be a straightforward conversion, am planning on doing something similar myself. One of the BA assault terminators bare heads is the spitting image, plus a thunderhammer swap for the relic blade should be mostly enough. You could also add some BA gubbins to his left leg and right shoulder to be fancy, and I'm planning on using some fancier tilt shields.


(head on the left from BA terminators)







Edited by Arkhanist

I need one more SG as I kitbashed a Dante with one of them. I need to pull the fists off of three of mine too. I've got the spare axe bits though. 

I'll also get a sanguinary priest and jump chaplain at some point.


Edit: turns out I already have a sanguinary priest still in the packaging! XD Now to find the spare Sanguinary Guard Jump Pack I've got around somewhere!

Edited by Paladin777
20 hours ago, Arkhanist said:


Should be a straightforward conversion, am planning on doing something similar myself. One of the BA assault terminators bare heads is the spitting image, plus a thunderhammer swap for the relic blade should be mostly enough. You could also add some BA gubbins to his left leg and right shoulder to be fancy, and I'm planning on using some fancier tilt shields.


(head on the left from BA terminators)









I'll one up you ... I have a spare Karlaen head ;)


Edited by Eilio Tiberius

It's more about getting paint on the things I already own than what to buy. Guess the priority will be on the baal predator with flamestorm, my two gladiators, pred annihilator, assault intercessors and maybe some DC intercessors. 

Edited by Rhavien

I recently posted my pile of shame on that thread (though my Sanguinary Priest wasn't on that list! XD), so I'm continuing with that. I'm going to get up to a full Demi-Company during A Call To Arms, and then I'll start painting up my veterans, terminators, and remaining characters for a bit before continuing my 3rd Company Project.

Leviathan will go on my pile of shame, then I've only got the captain, lt and judiciar from indomitus to paint up to complete that boxed set. As for other new bits, probably a brutalised at some point but as I still have a few hundred unbuilt hh marines and a dozen vehicles I'm slowly working thru...

I got Leviathan on the way, as well as 2 Brutalis and some Incursors, to try their Multi-spectrum Array ability.

Also considering to create a 10 man Sternguard squad all with combis, to try their mortal dealing. With some buffs they should be able to deal with some nasty tough infantry, right?


Since I 'm going full primaris, I already have enough Bladeguard for close combat and looking forward for some new Terminators.

3 hours ago, Blindhamster said:

sternguard are probably better with the rifles for now tbh. If the combis got profiles like the ones in the instructions, it may be a different story.


Can you share the instructions' profile?


The way I see it in the index, the rifles may have more shots and AP but only deal mortals on 6+.  Isn't it better (against infantry) to use combis the deal mortals on 4+?

Deployed in rapid fire range and buffed by OoM or incursors the combis should be murderous...

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