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=] Call to Arms: Imperium Stronghold [=

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Terminators sans bases done.  Fast thinking I am going to be defeated by how much I have vowed across the boards.  I haven't even touched my Chaos guys yet, and have half my Xenos to do not to mention how much of my Imperium stuff I need to do.

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And now time for the Imperial element of my September 12 months target, with my third and final pledge.


"I, Cleon, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint  Lord Commander Dante, Inquisitor Cartavolnus, an Apothecary Biologus, a company Champion, five Heavy Intercessors and a Ballistus Dreadnought. 


I belevie even though I'm under the Blood Angels forum, I can still include the Inquistor as he's imperial, if not then ignore him....

  • Lord Commander Dante, 5 points as an Epic hero
  • Inquisitor Cartavolnus, 5 points as a single model leader
  • Apothecary Biologus, 5 points as a single model leader
  • Company Champion, 5 points as a single model leader
  • Five Heavy Intercessors, 5 points as 1 ppm infantry
  • Ballistus Dreadnought, 3 points as a walker 

for 28 points. bringing me to 88 points total upon completion.



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Some Vows / Completions from the Astartes Rally Point;  


On 7/15/2023 at 1:28 AM, Galron said:

"I, Whatever my Title is Galron, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint: 9x terminators, 5x Cenobium Knights, 9 Infernus, 10 Sternguard, 5 Desolators and 1 Terminator Chaplain for 42 pts for the Glory of the Dork Angels Faction of the Bolter and Chainsword and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end."

Ill add some pics in a bit, gotta do that from my phone and I work in what effectively is a Faraday cage.






On 7/17/2023 at 11:25 PM, Raychu said:

I, Raychu, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint a leviathan Dreadnought for {3 pts} for the Glory of the Dark Angels and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.




(the guns are magnetised and primed differently)


On 8/29/2023 at 1:41 AM, Raychu said:


here he is finished. i'll check about doing something else








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As a second vow in the Imperium Stronghold, I, Bouargh, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 3 ooP rhino chassis tanks, 10 Scions, 3 large and 1 small pile of scrap and one Leman Russ Exterminator for a total of 38 pts for the Glory of Adeptus Astartes and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


- 3 medium scrap piles at 2 pts each  - sub total 6 pts

- 1 small scrap pile at 1 pt

- 1 unit of 10 Scions at 10 pts

- 2 ooP razorbacks (on of these being a proxy) at 5 pts each - subtotal 10 pts

- 1 ooP rhino at 5 pts

- 1 Leman Russ Exterminator (the first kit) that I used in my SW army under 3rd Ed rules at 6 pts.








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I'll do the bases together when I've finished all four models but I'm so chuffed with these two that I couldn't wait to share them. This was my first attempt at painting a digital camouflage pattern and it wasn't as hard as I feared. The third grey layer made my eyes go wonky though because I couldn't make out the shape of the gun at all! I guess that means it worked.




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"I, Brother Captain Arkley, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 5 Ultramarine Intercessors for 5 pts for the Glory of the Adeptus Astartes and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end."





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Painted my very first primaris marine for Call to Arms 2023, so thought I would share:





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Lt done.  Not sure at this stage I am going to finish everything.  And certainly not everything for all three factions.  Going to try to do the Sternguard next but I am fast running out of steam.  Particularly for orange marines...

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I have just completed my second Vow in the imperium Stronghold:


- 10 Kit bashed Scions

- 3 Rhinos Chassis tanks 

- 1 LR Executioneer 

- Some Scrap piles from Bitz box


For a total of 38 pts for Adeptus Astartes/SW.


Some pics of the results can be seen in my Blog entries and in the associated coments:






Now the real question is: will I dare a third vow?

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I, Brother Christopher, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint one (1) custom Land Raider Executioner (Master of the Forge submission) for 6 pts for the Glory of the Black Templars and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.




More photos.

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19 hours ago, Brother Christopher said:

I, Brother Christopher, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint one (1) custom Land Raider Executioner (Master of the Forge submission) for 6 pts for the Glory of the Black Templars and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.




More photos.

Nice! This is what the Primaris tanks should have looked like, instead of doing the whole grav-tank thing. Great work!

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As a third vow in the Imperium Stronghold, I, Bouargh, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint  a total of 39 pts for the Glory of Adeptus Mechanicus and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


- Cawl - 10 pts

- 2 Kastellns - 2 x 3 pts

- Their Datasmith - 5 pts

- 1 unit of Skitarii - 10 x 1 pt

- 2 Pieces of scenery/small scrap type - 2 x 2 pts

-1 Piece of Scenery/Munitorum Container type - 4 pts




... And I shall not fail if I do not want to end up as a decerebrated servoskull...

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On 9/13/2023 at 6:52 PM, TheArtilleryman said:

Nice! This is what the Primaris tanks should have looked like, instead of doing the whole grav-tank thing. Great work!


Thank you! That's very kind of you to say. The driving force behind this project was my belief that tracked vehicles always were a staple of Imperial armour. While I quite like the Repulsor Executioner model (after removing a bit of the weapons and storage solutions on it), I've always felt that it should be more grounded ;) I used to consider coverting a Repulsor by adding tracks to it, but to be honest - I think that adding a turret to a Land Raider (and switching the place for the engine) is easier.


I declare my vow complete!


Wow, three days - who would've thought that I can accomplish such a thing? Thank you for the deadline till the end of the September. That really helped me with this project since I won't be able to pick my brushes till the end of the month and I had to rush this one.





















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On 7/13/2023 at 8:24 AM, WAR said:

"I, WAR, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 2x5 man Grey Knights Paladin squads (10pts), 2x6 man terminator squads (12pts), 1 terminator for previous squad (1 pt) , 2 Apothecaries (2 pts), Librarian (5 pts), 2 Ancients (2 pts) for a total of 32 pts for the Sons of Titans and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end."



Also adding a mystic and alcolyte to my my vow for Imperium of Mankind 





I wish I could say I have completed this vow, but unfortunately I have had no hobby time lately and when I do plan to have hobby time it is interrupted by work, personal life, and or other things that are priority over the hobby.  I am sorry to let the Imperium down....but adulting :cuss: sucks.

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