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  On 7/18/2023 at 5:01 PM, Gederas said:

I, Gederas, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint a: Captain in Terminator armor, Apothecary Biologus, Lieutenant with Combi-weapon, two Sternguard squads, two Terminator squads, a Dreadnought and a Vindicare Assassin for 35pts, for the Glory of the Black Templars, the Evesaran Crusade and the Imperium Stronghold on or before September 30th, or so help me Emperor and bear the badge of failure until year's end.*

*Bases currently excluded for the most part due to extenuating circumstances (3D printer is currently out of commission until the end of July)



I BELIEVE I did the points count right? Also don't mind the blue on the Vindicare there, I was trying to figure out what was the synskin and what was armour on that 3D Print :laugh:


Vow complete:


The Dreadnought fought me the whole way through.


I need to stop vowing MANY models at once. I'm burnt out on Marines.




Because I DON'T LEARN MY LESSON :laugh:

Edited by Gederas

Vow complete!


Edit: This is the complete vow, but I'm not sure what I was thinking when I said it was 34 points. It looks more like 23, now that I look again. Im terribly sorry. 






Edited by Paladin777
  On 7/1/2023 at 6:43 AM, Karhedron said:

I, Karhedron, heed the Call to Arms and pledge the Veterans of Baal to this conflict.


10 Sternguard

5 Vanguard with Jump Packs

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I hereby declare my Vow completed. My Sternguard and Vanguard are now ready to smite the foes of Humanity! :biggrin:





Vow complete! This also means I have now painted all the models from Blackstone Fortress and it's my birthday tomorrow. Solo dungeon crawling binge ahoy!




  On 9/22/2023 at 5:08 PM, Cactus said:

This also means I have now painted all the models from Blackstone Fortress


Congratulations, that is a great hobby achievement, and one I have been unable to replicate (as of yet, at least ) :thumbsup:

I have... one week to finish my Primaris chaplain and Judiciar. I'd have had more time but I apparently missed some spots when I was priming them and I don't have my can of black primer around. I'll be getting it Sunday, ideally, which will leave me just about a week to frantically paint two very detailed models. On top of an already busy week.


But hey, it'll be fun! Very pleased with how my first two turned out though so I think I can make it happen. And they have less bling than the Terminator Chaplain which is even better. But also they have actual faces as opposed to skull helms, so....

  On 7/3/2023 at 2:58 PM, firestorm40k said:

I, firestorm40k, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 5 Assault Intercessors for 5 points for the Glory of the Adeptus Astartes forum and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.





I hereby declare my vow complete! :smile:IMG_20230923_225452_edit_1455969271862206.thumb.jpg.ebffef865ce8e77f608b942bf7276c63.jpg


I'll post better pics in my plog in the next few days - but in the meantime, thanks to @Grotsmasha for running this event! :smile:

Vow completed: 9 sternguard, 9 terminators, 9 infernos marines, 5 desolators, 5 cenobium knight terminators, 1 LT and 1 terminator chaplain. For a total of 47 points. I have the odd numbers because i had already done test models of each before i found out about this competition.

EDIT: How do you put the completion banner in your signature? Copying the link or saving and then putting the image in causes an error that its too big.










Edited by Galron

My Third and Last Vow in the Imperium Stronghold on behalf of AdMech Subforum is now complete.


- Cawl

- 2 Kastelans and their datasmith

- 10 Skitarii

- 2 small scrap piles

- 1 Container


For a total of 39 pts.


The Admech boyz can be found in the most recent posts of my Post "New Year/New Army" there:



While home made scenery is there:

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As always more views in my galleries or Blog.


It has been  a frantic summer time with 6 vows completed (3 in Xenos and 3 in Imperium). Some consisted in painted stuff I had in shoe boxes since 96 or even before. A great challenge for cleaning up my closet. Thanks to the organizing team! And lets wait for the disclose of other pending challenges. Hang on guiesand gals, only 3 days left! Show us your stuff!

Edited by Bouargh
Code "spoiler"
  On 7/8/2023 at 3:03 PM, ShortCircuit said:

I, ShortCircuit, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1 Skorpius Disintegrator, 1 Tech-Priest, 1 skitarri ranger, 5 electro-priests, and 3 Serberys Sulphurhounds for 22 points for the Glory of The Adeptus Mechanicus and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.



Vow Complete!



Brothers, with great shame, I come before the stronghold to admit defeat: owing to various real life things and adulting responsibilities, I will be unable to complete my Vow before the 30th.


My penitent crusade shall beign soon, no doubt.

Call to Arms vow, finished. 


Total vow- 99 models, 162 points

List below

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Overall Pics






The Sisters were speed-painted, got the whole crew (aside from the Penitent Engine), done in about 24 hours over two weeks. I have individual pics of the SM and the Penitent Engine, not the SoB though. 


Individual pics

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To be honest, this last bit was a definite slog and I'm not super happy with how the SoB turned out. While I got them done, and proved to myself I could brush paint from priming a ton of models in a compressed time frame, I do not think they are even close to my best work. They look ok on the table, but I'm sure if I didn't have a month of very limited painting time I could have done much better. Anyway, thanks @Grotsmasha for running this and good luck to whomever is still painting furiously!

I'm calling it done. I got about five colors per model and I cleaned up the bases to black.  I am definitely not fully done as I am experimenting with what I want to do with their swords (thinking about using sword colors to delineate squads) but they are tabletop battle ready and it's every model I said I was gonna do, plus an extra space wolves judiciar cuz a buddy needed one. 


Cheers. I will never pledge this many models at once again for how slowly I paint. I was hoping to be able to get a dreadnought done during this too but life comes at ya hard and fast sometimes. 




Edited by DemonGSides

With great shame, I have to report that I haven’t fulfilled my vow, quite. Here’s where I got to:




I pledged Kantor, the apothecary biologis, a squad of desolators and heavy intercessors, a single bolter aggressor and a storm speeder. Apart from Pedro, all are base-coated but there’s still detail work to do. I’ve also been working on a squad of flamer aggressors, which are up to about the same point. 

Life has turned out to be a bit busy. We had our second child six weeks ago and, while that’s all going very well, it has cut down my hobby time a lot. And to be honest I wish I hadn’t pledged the desolators because I don’t really like them either as models or in game, which has de-motivated me a bit. On Pedro I’m still looking for a bit to finish the build and didn’t want to spoil the model by rushing. I’ve also been contributing to things like the goonhammer review of the new marine codex, which should be online about now. 

Enough excuses though. Pledge failed. Penitence begins now.

  On 8/7/2023 at 6:32 PM, Brother Carpenter said:

I, Brother Carpenter heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 10 Skitarii for 10 pts for the Glory of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Imperium Stronghold on or before September 30th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end."




Done, might find some touch up spots, but i cant see them now. 







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