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=] Call to Arms: Xenos Stronghold [=

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The B&C Presents:

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The Call to Arms 2023



What better way to celebrate a new edition of our favourite table-top wargame than to have a big Inter-Forum Painting Event, amiright? Time to bust out those brushes and paints and stand ready to represent your Forum/s of choice and aid them on the path to claim Victory!!!!



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What is The Call to Arms, I hear you ask?


The Call to Arms is a new multi-forum event designed to celebrate the coming of Warhammer 40,000's new, 10th Edition, and encourage us all to start a new army, or bring our current armies into the new edition.


The Forums of the B&C are divided up into three Strongholds;


The Imperium Stronghold

The Chaos Stronghold

The Xenos Stronghold


These three Strongholds will act as the hub for each of the three main Factions, and will for the 3 Month duration of the Call to Arms, run independently of the two other Strongholds. Each Stronghold may have different targets and goals, and even their own mini/complementary events, all with unique badges and achievements, but at the end of the 3 months, the three Strongholds will face off, and overall winners will be declared.


Start Date: 1 July 2023

End Date: 30 September 2023



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So, how is it all going to work?

  1. As each of the Strongholds are acting (initially) as their own Events, you may choose to focus within a single Stronghold, or participate in all three Strongholds, and any complementary/mini-events that you would like to. Your Vows will be treated independently in each Stronghold, meaning a Failed Vow in one Stronghold will NOT effect Vows in the other Strongholds.
  2. Models pledged to a Stronghold must come from the army books associated with those Forums covered by each Stronghold. The exceptions to this are Titans and models from the Other Games Forum (Aeronautica, Titanicus, Necromunda etc), these models / units may be pledged to any Stronghold.
  3. You may join in any of the Events at any time within the 3 Month time-frame of The Call to Arms
  4. For each Stronghold, you have a MAXIMUM of 3 Vows, you must finish your active vow before pledging to a second or third vow.
  5. Once recorded, Vows may not be altered, however special considerations may be made upon request.
  6. There is no minimum pledge, you may vow 1 model, or your entire collection, but beware, failing your last active vow will invalidate any completed vows you may have already submitted.
  7. In addition to the three Vows, any model in the 10pt Category or higher will fit into the "Job's a Big'un" Vow, and will run separate from the 3 Vow limit and have the entirety of the 3 months to be completed. 


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How do I join in?


Each model has a point value based upon it's size, and the comparative amount of effort and time it takes to paint said model, listed below are are the points-per-model, more specific lists can be found in each Forums Rally Point thread, but I've added some generic examples below,


1pt   Infantry

2pts   Cavalry/Bikers/Heavy Weapons Teams

3pts   Walkers (Dreadnaughts, Sentinals)

4pts   Skimmers / Light Vehicles (Landspeeders, ATV, Armigers)

5pts   Small Tanks (Leman Russ, Rhino Variants)

6pts   Large Tanks (Rogal Dorn, Sicaran, Land Raider)

8pts   Superheavies (Baneblades etc) 

10pts  Imperial Knight etc


5pts   Leader and Unit Composition: 1 OR Epic Hero

10pts Primarchs

NOTE: Characters with Retinue, I.E. Saint Celestine. Celestine is the EPIC HERO, and is worth 5pts, her two Sister Superiors are Seraphim, which are worth 1pt each.


20pts Warhound Titan

30pts Reaver Titan

40pts  Warbringer Titan

50pts Warlord Titan



1pt    3 Munitorum Barrels, 4 Munitorum Crates, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Column, Octarius Ramshackle Bridges

2pts   Aegis Defence Line Section, Aegis Defence Platform, Galvanic Servo-haulers, Thermic Plasma Conduit Section, Imperialis Ruins Wall Section, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Wall, Octarius Scrap Heap/Barricade

3pts   Fronteris Vox Antenna, Fronteris Auspex Shrine, Thermo-exchanger Shrine, Octarius Oil Rig, Necromunda Fuel Tanks

4pts   Munitorum Container, Mechsnicus Transterrsnic Gantry, Galvanic Servo-crane, Big'ead Bossbunka, Skull Alter, Noctilith Crown, Octarius Ramshackle Walls

5pts   Tidewall Droneport, Tidewall Shieldline, Feculant Gnarlmaw, Miasmic Malignifier

6pts   Fronteris Landing Pad, Mechanicus Forgeshine, Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent

8pts   Fronteris Hab Bunker, Manufactorum Administratus,

10pts Zone Morialtis Gang Stronghold


Note: Custom/Scratchbuilt terrain- use this list as a guide as to how many points tour terrain is worth, but please make sure to mention your terrain is custom when Vowing.



You may vow ANY MODEL that is covered by THIS STRONGHOLD, but you must allocate your points to only one FORUM.


Please make your vows in this thread in the following format;


"I, {insert username}, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint {insert units/models} for {xxx pts} for the Glory of {insert Forum} and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end."



I, Grotsmasha, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 20 Necron Warriors, 5 Ork Nobz, 1 GSC Magus, and 1 War Walker for 29pts for the Glory of the Orks and the Xenos Stronghold on or before September 30th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end."


The post that contains your Vow must include starting pictures that contain all the models from the Vow.

Starting models may be in any of the following conditions;

  • In the box
  • On the Sprue
  • Assembled
  • Single Colour Primed
  • For Tanks / Titans, Sub-assemblies primed in different colours will be acceptable, I.E. chassis in Leadbelcher, with armour plates in secondary colour.

Additionally, you may pledge models you have not yet received I.E. Warhammer: Imperium Subscription, just make sure a image is edited in to your Vow post once you've received the models, and make a post indicating that you have done so.


Your Vow is considered complete when you declare it so, and post completed pictures of all models contained within the Vow. Although "Complete" is to your own standard, we would like you to aim for GW's "Battle Ready", with the miniatures based. If basing is something you don't do, or won't be doing within the Event's timeline, please return the bases to flat black or brown as this will greatly enhance the Completed presentation.


Required Completion Pictures: Please include 1 image with a complete shot of the entire Vow, I also encourage everyone to include additional images for each squad/unit in the vow, please post these within Spoiler / Hidden tags. 


Once you have made your vow, pop this badge of Participation into your Signature,

participation badge xenos.png



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Will there be any awards?


Yes!!  There will be similar Badges and Achievements available from all 3 Strongholds,

Event Failed:  Xenocide

10 points:   Warden of the Stars
25 points   Warrior of the Stars
45 points:   Hero of the Stars
75 points:   Champion of the Stars
100+ points:   Master of the Void


Artificer - Top 1, 2, or 3 best painted models from each Forum, chosen by the Moderators. 
Princeps - Awarded to all completed Titans 
Xenos Champion - Awarded to the Frater who individually paints the most points worth of models in the Xenos Stronghold

Champions of the Horde - The Xenos Forum with the highest overall points worth of models

Champion of the Call - The Xenos Forum that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage.



As to the overall competition between the Strongholds, there will also be Badges awarded for the following;


Masters of the Horde - The Stronghold that completes the highest overall points worth of models.

Masters of the Call - The Stronghold that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage.

Master Artificer - Voted best painted Model, chosen from the 3 Stronghold Artificers.

In addition to the Badges and Achievements above, Triszin has provided / organised some Sponsored Physical Prizes, which will awarded in the following categories; 

Favourite Young Blood - This category is for Participants who have been building and/or painting models for less than 12 months. Anyone wishing to participate as A Young Blood will need to specifically declare that are are doing so within their Vows. At the conclusion of the Event all Young Blood Entries will be placed into a Poll for the B&C at large to vote on and pick a Favourite. The voting criteria for this category is not about picking the best painted model, but the model that inexplicably pulls a smile on your face, one that makes you think, damn that's cool.. 

1 Combat Patrol Box (1 Prize across all three Strongholds) 

Master of the Forge - Best Conversion or Kit-bash. Anyone wishing to participate for the Master of the Forge Badge and Prize will need to specifically declare that they are doing so within their Vows.

1 Leviathan Starter Box (1 Prize across all three Strongholds) 


Stronghold Artificer - Best Painted Model

1 Character Model Blister/Clam (1 Prize per Stronghold, chosen by Frater Poll) 


Grand Marshal - Individual with the Most Points of Models Painted across all Strongholds

1 Character Model Blister/Clam (1 Prize across all three Strongholds)  



That's it, you've done it, you've made it to the end!!!


If you have any questions or queries, just @Grotsmasha or @Triszin and we'll be more than happy to help you out, now, go on, get, don't you have models to be painting?





Q- If I have models with different coloured heads or shoulder pads, can they be primed different colours IE. Black templars or Eldar Guardians?

A- Yes, this is acceptable.


Q- I want to paint Traitor Guard, is there a way to pledge them to Chaos?

A- Yes, for the purposes of Traitor Guard, the Astra Militarum units may be pledged to Chaos. The Realm of Chaos is the most appropriate forum.


Q- Are 3D prints allowed?

A- Yes, as long as they are board appropriate, 3D prints can be pledged to the Call to Arms. Use the points associated with the unit they represent.



Edited by Grotsmasha
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Aeldari- Pledged: 640pts / Complete: 493pts / Secured: 493/640pts (77%)

Participants: 6


Bouargh - Vow 1: 41pts - Complete  |  Vow 2: 61pts - Complete  |  Vow 3: 2pts - Complete  |


Farseer; 5pts

1 Warlock Skyrunner: 5pts

10 Guardians Defenders 1 Platform; 11pts

7 Jetbikes; 14pts

1 WaveSerpent; 6pts


10 Storm Guardians - 10 pts

10 Dire Avengers - 10 pts

1 Skyrunner Farseer - 5 pts

2 Vypers - 6 pts

1 Falcon - 6 pts

2 Warlocks - 10 pts

1 Autarch - 5 pts

3 Shining Spears (repaint) - 6pts

Master of the Forge - 1 Converted Venom


1 Squat Biker (Hearthkyn Pioneer) (2)


Doctor Perils - Vow 1: 56pts - Not Completed


- 1 unit of 10 guardians and their defence platform (11pt)

- 1 Wayleaper Autarch (5pt)

- 1 Amalyn Shadowguide (5pt)*

- 1 unit of 5 rangers (5pt)

- 1 unit of 10 voidscarred corsairs (10p)

- 1 unit of 5 Howling Banshees (5pt)

- 1 [galvanic vent] (3pt)**

- 1 [cylinder of doom] (4pt)**

- 1 Promethium Refinery (8pt)


Dwango - Vow 1: 119pts - Complete  |  Vow 2: 43pts - Complete  |  Vow 3: 37pts - Complete  |


2 support weapon batteries
1 Autarch
1 Autarch Wayleaper
1 Farseer
1 Bone singer
1 Spiritseer
5 Dire avengers
10 Dark Reapers
Maugan Ra
1 Falcon
1 Warp hunter
1 Night spinner
2 Vypers
6 Windriders
3 Hornets
1 Waveserpent
for the Sunblitz Brotherhood

Job's a Big'un: The Yncarne
Master of the Forge: 1 Necromunda Vehicle



9 Barrels

6 Containers

8 Ruined Wall Sections

4 Ruined Buildings


23 Barrels

3 Containers

39 Munitorum Crates

2 Octarius Ramshackle Bridges

3 Octarius Barricades


Foremole - Vow 1: 24pts - Not Completed


1 Farseer (5pts)

1 Wraithlord (4pts)

6 Windriders (12pts)

3 Dire Avengers (3pts)


TrawlingCleaner - Vow 1: 156pts - Complete  | Vow 2: 24pts - Complete  |  Vow 3:10pts - Complete  |


4 Warlocks (15)

1 Farseer (5)

Prince Yriel (5)

Yvraine (5)

Visarch (5) 

The Yncarne (10)

20 Guardians+2 platforms (22)

10 Swooping Hawks (10)

10 Wraithguard (10)

5 Wraithblades (5)

10 Corsairs (10)

9 Windriders (18)

2 Shining Spears (4)

1 Wraithlord (4)

Lelith Hesperax (5)

14 Kabalites (14)

Talos (3)

Ravager (6)


1 Voidraven Bomber (6)

1 Cronos (3)

1 Haemonculus (5)

5 Wracks (5)

5 Mandrakes (5)


1 Spiritseer (5)

1 Farseer (5)


Urkh - Vow 1: 67pts - Not Completed


20 Guardian Defenders (20pts)

2 Weapon Platforms (2pts)

10 Wraith Guard (10pts)

5 Wraith Blades (15pts)

5 Rangers (5)

3 Guardian Windriders (6)

2 Farseers (10)

1 Spiritseer (5)

1 Wraithlord (4)


Drukhari - Pledged:  30pts / Complete: 30pts / Secured: 30/30pts (100%)

Participants: 1


Chainsword Cookie - Vow 1: 32pts  Army Sold - Re-pledged to LoV


1x Archon,

10x Kabalite Warriors,

5x Incubi,

1x Raider and

1x Ravager


tinpact - Vow 1: 30pts - Complete  |


10 Wyches,

5 Scourges,

5 Incubi,

5 Hellions 


Genestealer Cults - Pledged:  52pts / Complete:   12pts / Secured: 12/52pts (23%) 

Participants: 2


Kilcin - Vow 1: 40pts - Not Completed


1 GSC Magus,

20 Neophyte Hybrids,

5 Acolyte Hybrids,

5 Aberrants

1 Goliath Rockgrinder


Rogue - Vow 1: 5pts - Complete  |  Vow 2: 2pts - Complete  |  Vow 3: 5pts - Complete  |


1 Locus (5)


2 Neophytes (2)


5 Acolytes (5)


Leagues of Votann - Pledged:  134pts / Complete:  83pts / Secured: 83/134pts (53%)

Participants: 5


Ace Debonair - Vow 1: 8pts - Complete  |


8 Hearthkyn Salvagers (8pts)


Chainsword Cookie - Vow 1: 26pts - Not Completed


Kahl (5)

5 Bezerkers (5)

10 Hearthkyn (10)

3 Outriders (6)


Lord Marshal - Vow 1: 25pts - Not Completed


- 10 Hearthkyn Warriors,

- 5 Einhyr Hearthguard,

- 1 Sagitaur

- 1 Einhyr Champion


Triszin -  Vow 1: 20pts  - Complete  |  Vow 2: 5pts  - Complete  |


20 Hearthkin


1 Sagitaur


Trokair - Vow 1: 30pts - Complete  |  Vow 2: 20 - Complete  |


30 Hearthkin


10 Einhyr Guard (10)

2 Einhyr Champions (10)


Necrons - Pledged: 186pts / Complete:  85pts / Secured: 85/186pts (45%)

Participants: 4


Anticontrarian - Vow 1: 101pts - Not Completed


1 Neurotyrant

2 Neuroloids

11 Neurogaunts

1 Tyranid Prime

1 Screamer Killer

6 Von Ryan's Leapers

40 Termagants

4 Ripper Bases

1 Thermo-Exchanger Shrine (yes, I did pick just one piece of terrain in that pic to get me over the 100pts barrier!)


Jaxom - Vow 1: 30pts - Complete  |  


1 Overlord,

1 Skorpekh Lord,

6 Skorpekh Destroyers,

2 Plasmacytes,

1 Canoptek Doomstalker,

10 Necron Warriors 


N1SB - Vow 1: 30pts - Complete  |


1 Technomancer: 5 pts

10 Necron Warriors: 10 pts

1 Nightbringer C'tan Shard: 5 pts

1 Deceiver C'tan Shard: 5 pts

1 Transcendant C'tan Shard: 5 pts


Spyros - Vow 1: 25pts - Complete  |


1 Necron Lord (5)

1 Technomancer (5)

3 Lokhust Heavy Destroyers (9)

3 Tomb Blades (6)


Orks - Pledged: 288pts / Complete:  209pts / Secured: 209/288pts (72%)

Participants: 7


01RTB01 - Vow 1: 41pts - Not Completed


Beastboss on Squigofex [10 points]

Nob on Smasha Sentinel (squig) [5 points]

Boss Snikrot [5 points]

1 Deffdread [4 points]

3 deffkoptas [6 points]

3 boarboyz (squighogs) [6 points] 

Mega-armoured Warboss [5 points]


andes - Vow 1: 44pts - Complete  |  Vow 2: 7pts - Complete  |  Job's a Big'Un: 20pts - Complete  |


20 Grots (20),

2 Runtherds (10),

3 Killa Kans (9)

Boss Snikrot (5)


Job's a Big'un - 1 Stompa (20)


2 GorkaMorka Spanners (2)

1 Squiggoth Howdah (5)


Azaiel - Vow 1: 35pts - Complete  |


1 Big Mek with SAG (5pts)

1 Kustom Boosta blasta (5pts)

1 Big Mek with KFF and 1 assistant (5pts +1)

1 Mek Gun (2pts)

5 Gretchin crew for Mek gun (5pts)

1 Bonus Gretchin (1pts)

Master of the Forge Vow - 1 Ork warboss (5pts), 1 Painboy and 1 assistant (6pts)





Brother Casman - Vow 1: 32pts - Not Completed


1 Beastboss
10 Beast-snagga Boyz
3 Squighog Boyz
1 Nob on Smasha Squig
1 Kill Rig


Grotsmasha - Vow 1: 91pts - Complete  |


15 Nobz (15),

10 Kommandos (10),

10 Stormboyz (10),

1 Kill Rig (6),

2 Killa Kans (6),

Zagstrukk (5),

Grukk Face-Rippa and Squig (6),

Ghazghull and Makari (11),

1 Chronomancer (5),

1 Shard of the Deceiver (5),

1 Harpy (7),

1 Winged Hive Tyrant (10)


Mumeishi - Vow 1: 6pts - Not Completed


Master of the Forge - 1 Blitz-Bomma



Rusted Boltgun - Vow 1: 12pts - Complete  |


12 Kommandos


T'au Empire - Pledged:  99pts / Complete: 0pts / Secured: 0pts (0%)

Participants: 2


Madao - Vow 1: 29pts - Not Completed


3x Crisis Battlesuit (6pts)

1x Broadside Battlesuit (3pts)

1x Haemotrope Reactor (4pts)

2x Thermic Plasma Regulators (8pts)

1x Sanctum Administratum (8pts)


TPS - Vow 1: 70pts - Not Completed


- 6 Stealth Battlesuits (6pts)

- 1 Ghostkeel (4pts)

- 1 Riptide (7pts)

- 1 Stormsurge (8pts)

- 2 Devilfish (18pts)

- 1 Skyray (8pts)

- 1 Commander Shadowsun (5pts)

- 2 Piranhas (4pts)

- 1 Fireblade (5pts)

- 1 Ethereal Martial Arts instructor (5pts)


Tyranids - Pledged: 535pts / Complete:   211pts / Secured: 211/535pts (39%)

Participants: 9


Brother Argent - Vow 1: 77pts - Not Completed


- Winged Tyranid Prime x1 (5pts)

- Neurotyrant x1 (5pts)

- Neurolids x2 (2pts)

- Screamer Killer Carnifex x1 (5pts)

- Von Ryans Leapers x3 (6pts)

- Termagaunts x20 (20pts)

- Ripper Swarms x3 (6pts)

- Neurogaunts x11 (11pts)

- Barbgaunts x5 (5pts)

- Physcophage x1 (5pts)

- Canoptek Wraith x1 (2pts)

- Chronomancer x1 (5pts)


Chaplain Raeven - Vow 1: 26pts - Complete  |


1 Genestealer Patriarch (5)

21 Genestealers (21)


Halandaar - Vow 1: 114pts - Not Completed


Neurotyrant (5pts)

2 Neuroloids (2pts)

Winged Tyranid Prime (5pts)

40 Termagants (40pts)

4 Ripper Swarms (8pts)

6 Von Ryan's Leaper (12pts)

22 Neurogaunts (22pts)

10 Barbgaunts (10pts)

Screamer-Killer (5pts)

Psychophage (5pts)


Mad_djg - Vow 1: 24pts - Complete  |  


10 Termagants

1 Ripper Swarm

5 Barbgaunts

1 Neurotyrant

2 Neuroloids


Marius Perdo - Vow 1: 133pts - Not Completed


- Winged Tyranid Prime x1 (5pts)

- Neurotyrant x1 (5pts)

- Neurolids x2 (2pts)

- Screamer Killer Carnifex x1 (5pts)

- Von Ryans Leapers x6 (12pts)

- Termagants x40 (40pts)

- Ripper Swarms x9 (18pts)

- Neurogaunts x22 (22pts)

- Barbgaunts x10 (10pts)

- Physcophage x1 (5pts)

- Forge Word Tyranid Capilliary Tower x3 (7pts)

- Forge World Tyranid Brood Nest (2pts)


Metzombie - Vow 1: 2pts - Complete  |  


2 Termagaunts


Nexus17 - Vow 1: 29pts - Complete  |


1 Winged Tyranid Prime;

2 Ripper Swarms; and

20 Termagants


Xenith - Vow 1: 57pts - Complete  |  Vow 2: 7pts - Complete  |


1x Neurotyrant (5pts)

2x neurospore things (2pts)

11x Neurogaunts (11pts)

5x Barbgaunts (5pts)

3x VRL's (3pts)

1x Screamer Killer (5pts?)

1x Winged Tyranid Prime (5pts)

1x Psychophage (5pts)

5x Wraithguard (5pts)

1x Spiritseer (5pts)

1x Webway gate (6pts)


Maleceptor (5)

Haruspex Head (2)


ZeroWolf - Vow 1: 66pts - Complete  |


20x Termagaunts

11x Neurogaunts

2× ripperswarms

5× Barbagaunts

3× Von Ryan's Leapers

1x Screamer Killer

1x Neurotyrant

1× Psychophage

1× Winged Tyranid Prime



Edited by Grotsmasha
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I, Brother Argent, Phaeron of Procrastonations, Lurker in the Deepest Darkest Depths of the Liber and All Round Wierdboy, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint:

- Winged Tyranid Prime x1 (5pts)

- Neurotyrant x1 (5pts)

- Neurolids x2 (2pts)

- Screamer Killer Carnifex x1 (5pts)

- Von Ryans Leapers x3 (6pts)

- Termagaunts x20 (20pts)

- Ripper Swarms x3 (6pts)

- Neurogaunts x11 (11pts)

- Barbgaunts x5 (5pts)

- Physcophage x1 (5pts)

- Canoptek Wraith x1 (2pts)

- Chronomancer x1 (5pts)


 for {77 pts} for the Glory of the Tyranids (I imagine they are going to be popular this year) and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


I can start with a photo of one of the Ripper Swarms that I will use for a colour scheme test before I get Leviathan for my birthday.  I will get the rest up after my birthday.




Test Rippers!!!!!


Leviathan contents before.

Edited by Brother Argent
I am an idiot and posted half way through writing the post...
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I, Dwango, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint;

2 support weapon batteries
1 Autarch
1 Autarch Wayleaper
1 Farseer
1 Bone singer
1 Spiritseer
5 Dire avengers
10 Dark Reapers
Maugan Ra
1 Falcon
1 Warp hunter
1 Night spinner
For the Mymeara Craftworld

2 Vypers
6 Windriders
3 Hornets
1 Waveserpent
for the Sunblitz Brotherhood

the Yncarne as my jobs a big un

1 Necromunda vehicle my entry for Master of the Forge 

for 119pts for the Glory of the Aeldari and the Xenos Stronghold on or before September 30th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end."

Some are painted but there will be a complete re paint done on those.






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I've been gone from the forum for a while, what a time to come back!


I, TPS, heed the call to arms and pledge to paint my precarios pile of plastic, in the form of

- 6 Stealth Battlesuits

- 1 Ghostkeel

- 1 Riptide

- 1 Stormsurge

- 2 Devilfish

- 1 Skyray

- 1 Commander Shadowsun

- 2 Piranhas

- 1 Fireblade + 1 Ethereal Martial Arts instructor

- a handful of mixed drones


for a total of 70 points, for the glory of the Tau'va and the Xenos Stronghold, by 30. of September, or bear the badge of shame until year's end.

The Devilfish are rescues and need some repairs and repainting. Also, there seems to be a tyranid stuck in the engine. Ew!





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On 6/22/2023 at 9:30 AM, Grotsmasha said:

I, Grotsmasha, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 20 Necron Warriors, 5 Ork Nobz, 1 GSC Magus, and 1 War Walker for 29pts for the Glory of the Orks and the Xenos Stronghold on or before September 30th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end."

I, ZeroWolf, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint

20x Termagaunts

11x Neurogaunts

2× ripperswarms

5× Barbagaunts

3× Von Ryan's Leapers

1x Screamer Killer

1x Neurotyrant

1× Psychophage

1× Winged Tyranid Prime

for 66pts for the Glory of the Tyranids and the Xenos Stronghold on or before September 30th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end.






Edited by ZeroWolf
Added more pictures in spoiler tag
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So my intention for this event is going to be to get my current built Votann done. But having made a list, and having some more units to build, and an entire another project on the go that I need to finish before year’s end I am going to vow a more realistic chunk for now.


For reference the entire list is:

  • 1 Kahl
  • 1 Champ
  • 30 Hearthkyn
  • 5 Hearthguard
  • 5 Beserks
  • 6 Pioneers
  • 1 Sagitaur

And on the to be built pile:

  • 1 Uthar
  • 1 Gandalf + 2 birdies
  • 1 Iron Master + 4 friends
  • 3 Thunderkyn
  • 1 Sagitaur
  • 1 Hekaton


Picture of all the built stuff.





So, vow time.


"I, Trokair, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 30 Hearthkyn Warriors for 30 pts for the Glory of Ancestors and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end."


I haven’t worked out a colour scheme yet, so starting on the warriors will give me a bit of time to work it out.


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I, Lord Marshal, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint x10 Hearthkyn Warriors, x5 Einhyr Hearthguard, x1 Sagitaur and x1 Einhyr Champion for 25pts for the Glory of the Leagues of Votann and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.



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I, Brother Casman, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint:
1 Beastboss
10 Beast-snagga Boyz
3 Squighog Boyz
1 Nob on Smasha Squig
1 Kill Rig
 for 32 pts for the Glory of the Orks and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until year's end.



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I, andes, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 20 Grots (20), 2 Runtherds (10), 3 Killa Kans (9) and Boss Snikrot (5) for 32 44 points for the Glory of the Orks and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end. Also, Waaagh!





Edited by andes
Fixed the goofed-up points in my pledge
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I, Doctor Perils, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint:

- 1 unit of 10 guardians and their defence platform (11pt)

- 1 Wayleaper Autarch (5pt)

- 1 Amalyn Shadowguide (5pt)*

- 1 unit of 5 rangers (5pt)

- 1 unit of 10 voidscarred corsairs (10p)

- 1 unit of 5 Howling Banshees (5pt)

- 1 [galvanic vent] (3pt)**

- 1 [cylinder of doom] (4pt)**

- 1 Promethium Refinery (8pt)


for 56 points for the Glory of Craftworld Aduamar and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


* Amalyn will be getting re-basecoated

** please confirm these points are correct, I'm not sure what these features should be called









Edited by Doctor Perils
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I, Rusted Boltgun, heed the Call to Waa...Arms and pledge this scurvy band of Kommandos to be completed and added to the tally of the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until year's end.




That looks like 12 points to me. A little starter with hopefully further pledges to follow.


I don't qualify for the Youngblood category by six months (plus 21 years out of the hobby) and nor does Junior Boltgun (he's only nine so I don't think he's eligible to join B&C!)) but he might join in for fun over the summer break.

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"I, Archon Chainsword Cookie, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1x Archon, 10x Kabalite Warriors, 5x Incubi, 1x Raider and 1x Ravager  for 32 pts for the Glory of the Drukhari and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end."




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I, Jaxom, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1 Overlord, 1 Skorpekh Lord, 6 Skorpekh Destroyers with 2 Plasmacytes, 1 Canoptek Doomstalker, and 10 Necron Warriors for 30 points for the Glory of the Necron forum and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.






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Guest Triszin

"I, Triszin, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 20x hearthkyn warriors for 20 pts for the Glory of the Votann and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end."




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Well, this should be fun!



I, Anticontrarian, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint:

  • 1 Neurotyrant
  • 2 Neuroloids
  • 11 Neurogaunts
  • 1 Tyranid Prime
  • 1 Screamer Killer
  • 6 Von Ryan's Leapers
  • 40 Termagants
  • 4 Ripper Bases
  • 1 Thermo-Exchanger Shrine (yes, I did pick just one piece of terrain in that pic to get me over the 100pts barrier!)

for 101 points for the Glory of the Necrons and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.

Edited by Anticontrarian
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Hell yeah, loving the outpouring of Xenos Pledges! :biggrin:


To add my own; I vow to complete:


4 Warlocks (15)

1 Farseer (5)

Prince Yriel (5)

Yvraine (5)

Visarch (5) 

The Yncarne (10)

20 Guardians+2 platforms (22)

10 Swooping Hawks (10)

10 Wraithguard (10)

5 Wraithblades (5)

10 Corsairs (10)

9 Windriders (18)

2 Shining Spears (4)

1 Wraithlord (4)


Lelith Hesperax (5)

14 Kabalites (14)

Talos (3)

Ravager (6)


That should be 156 points if completed by the end of the event:




A good few units are still in for their dunk! :sweat:

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I, Kilcin, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1 GSC Magus, 20 Neophyte Hybrids, 5 Acolyte Hybrids, 5 Aberrants and 1 Goliath Rockgrinder  for 40 points for the Glory of the Genestealer Cults forum and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


Hopefully I can get the combat patrol box done in time.


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