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=] Call to Arms: Xenos Stronghold [=

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Vow complete!


On 7/13/2023 at 2:52 PM, Xenith said:

Aright @Grotsmasha, here we go:


I, Xenith, overlord of Hive Fleet Jabberwocky, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint the following for 55pts for the Glory of It Who Hungers and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


1x Neurotyrant (5pts)

2x neurospore things (2pts)

11x Neurogaunts (11pts)

5x Barbgaunts (5pts)

3x VRL's (3pts)

1x Screamer Killer (5pts?)

1x Winged Tyranid Prime (5pts)

1x Psychophage (5pts)

5x Wraithguard (5pts)

1x Spiritseer (5pts)

1x Webway gate (4pts* 6pts?)

Total = 55pts* 57pts

*corrected by Grot



The second Doom, on my kitchen table.



As we have a little more time, I'd like to do a second vow, consisting of just my Maleceptor (5pts?), unless @Grotsmasha will let me vow the Haruspex head :biggrin: it's bigger than a terminator! 



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On 6/22/2023 at 9:36 AM, Grotsmasha said:

Tyranids - Pledged: 528pts / Complete:   26pts / Secured: 000pts

Participants: 9


Come on folks, does that mean until today we've only completed 26pts worth of models in 2 months between 9 of us? :sweat:

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I am trying.  Got myself a little (a lot) behind on my overall commitments so am trying to divide and conquer.  Trying to smash out my Imperium pledge first, then shall move to the hungry hungry space bugs.  I painted a dead one today on the Phobos Lt's base.  Does that count?

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I, Dwango heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 9 barrels, 6 containers, 8 ruined wall sections, 4 ruined buildings  for 43 pts for the Glory of Aeldari and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.




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39 minutes ago, Rusted Boltgun said:

@Dwango is that a Paw Patrol hovercraft?! Regardless, it is fantastic!

It is. Picked it up for a couple of quid from a charity shop. Had an idea and ran with it. 


Cheers bud! 

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My Vow is complete! It took slightly longer than I wanted it to but Big Snek and many friends are done:












Perhaps I am powered by pain (although I have learned, I'm not adding the other 15 Wracks that I need to do onto this Vow just yet):



I, Trawling Cleaner, Vow to complete:

1 Voidraven Bomber (6)

1 Cronos (3)

1 Haemonculus (5)

5 Wracks (5)

5 Mandrakes (5)

For a total of 24 points, before months end


The Mandrakes are currently having a dunk as they're pre-loved :biggrin:

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I've completed the Mandrakes for my Vow:



And I'm grooving on the other parts too



How's everyone else's Vows coming along? We've got 10 days left! :happy:

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Sorry for spamming.


I, Dwango heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 23 barrels, 3 containers, 39 Munitorum Crates, 2 octarius ramshackle bridges and 3 octarius barricades  for 37pts for the Glory of Aeldari and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.



I've added 2 barrels and 3 crates together for 1pt and a tool box as an extra. Hope that's ok?

I was considering adding some aeldari units in but realistically I won't get them finished to a standard I'm happy with. Terrain is a quick and easy win.


Had to split the pic in 2 as the original was too big to upload.



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On 9/6/2023 at 5:24 PM, andes said:

For my third and final pledge, I will complete two Gorkamorka Spanners (2 points) and a Gargantuan Squiggoth howdah and supa-kannon (5 points):


I declare my final vow complete:




Better pics of the Spanners in the spoiler tag:







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