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=] Call to Arms: Xenos Stronghold [=

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Really amazing work everyone!

Chaplain, the spotted effects on your 'stealers are absolutely ace!


I've compeleted my 2nd Vow:



The Talos's base is just behind it, as it turns out I used all my superglue to make some Chosen and a Defiler so he'll have to wait for that to arrive before being glued on!





I do have 15 more Wracks to paint but I've painted 80 infantry models for this event so I'm going to give myself a break!:sweat:


I did however find 2 more Aeldari Characters, the blighters are coming out the Woodwork Wraithbone. I thought I'd completed everything and had nothing left to paint... Damn!



I, Trawling Cleaner, Vow to complete:

1 Spiritseer (5)

1 Farseer (5)

For a total of 10 points, before months end



Diamonds are made under pressure :biggrin:


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On 7/27/2023 at 1:43 PM, N1SB said:

I,      N1SB                     , vow to complete the following Necron Incursion:

  • 1 Technomancer: 5 pts
  • 10 Necron Warriors: 10 x 1 pts = 10 pts
  • 1 Nightbringer C'tan Shard: 5 pts
  • 1 Deceiver C'tan Shard: 5 pts
  • 1 Transcendant C'tan Shard: 5 pts*

Vow Total: 30 pts


* Note: am assuming the Transcendant C'tan Shard is the equivalent of an Epic Hero even if he's not one


I so swear upon the heads of my Necrons; should I fail, may they go bald.




Vow complete with, like, 47 hours 2 days left.  Because if there's 1 thing I learned from Warhammer...it's to leave everything until the last minute.

I actually completed the Deceiver and Nightbringer earlier, I simply plum forgot to post them here, sorry about that.

Just this week, I was converting the Technomancer (now reduced to Psychomancer probably Chronomancer due to the recent Balance Dataslate) and the Transcendant C'tan from AoS models mixed with Necron bits.  You can see the Stirland Mud base is literally still drying in the background.


Thank you, Brother Grotsmasha, for keeping track of all this.  All praise to the Machine God, who actually really came through for me this time, he literally helped me fix my kitchen fan so that I could speed basecoat in there.  And thanks to all of you guys, because now that I've completed my vow, I have time to check out your minis with no pressure.

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Regretfully, I'm not going to finish in time. :sad: I'll have to wear the badge of failure.


I came pretty close, but today was basically my last free day for painting. I'll post up what I finished:



This guy was the last thing to do, alas.PXL_20230929_0110377822.thumb.jpg.716a396c4d04cbdb97a1167847a2f83b.jpg


On the plus side, I'll get to meet my newborn nephew this weekend, so there is that! :happy:

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14 hours ago, Spyros said:

It seems that I 'll have to be painting at the last moment in order to finish my vow. :sad:


So... on 30/09, what hour exactly is the last moment?


On 9/25/2023 at 7:32 AM, Grotsmasha said:


I will be locking up at 11:59pm on 1st October in the GMT +10 timezone, and will give 24hr and 12hr notices :thumbsup:

So 14:59 PM 1st October GMT (Accounting for daylight savings) if my numbers are right. Diamonds are made under pressure Spyros! :biggrin:

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Second Vow complete, I do not think I can manage a third vow in the time left, so I believe my final contribution to the Xenos Stronghold across both vows was 60 points.




Also depending on how you count bikes and tanks I may have painted half my army (52 infantry painted, 27 infantry, 6 bikes and 3 tanks to go).  

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Cutting it close, but I'm calling it done with one caveat, the client hasn't decided on a wing membrane colour for the big 'Nids, so they remain drybrushed, but otherwise complete,


This is the entire Ork Commission, which includes a few extra models above what was vowed,





















The Necron componant, A shard of the Deceiver, and a Chronomancer,





and laatly the big bugs, a Flyrant and Harpy,



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Done! *New Pics* Mods feel free to do hidden contents thingie if there are to many pics.

Its very late here so I´ll take some better pics tomorrow morning.


The Warboss Brokk Gitzappa and his Pet squig Chomp



Edited by Azaiel
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On 7/18/2023 at 9:12 PM, Spyros said:

I, Spyros, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1 Necron Lord (converted), 1 Technomancer, 3 Lokhust Heavy Destroyers and 3 Tomb Blades for 25 points, for the Glory of Necrons and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 30th September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until years end.







Insane last minute gimmicks! Fan dried paints, paint over fresh paint etc... :biggrin:


Sweet Szarekh above all...

Vow upheld! I made it, and with shades too!




For the Infinite Empire!

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