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First 2k list of 10E.


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Gonna try using Champions of Russ just to see how it does. If it's as terrible as everyone is saying, I'll switch to GSF and change a few things around.


Bladeguard Vets x3 (100)

  • Ragnar (105)
  • Drop Pod (70)

Bladeguard Vets x3 (100)

  • Judiciar w/ Frost Weapon (90)
  • Drop Pod

Murderfang (190)

  • Iron Priest (60)

Thunderwolf Cavalry x3 (100)

  • Storm Shields
  • Wolf Guard Battle Leader w/ Black Death, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer (120)

Skyclaws x5 (95)

  • Pack Leader w/ Power Fist & Plasma Pistol
  • 2 Skyclaws w/ Flamer & CCW
  • Wolf Guard Pack Leader w/ Thunder Hammer & Plasma Pistol (40)

Skyclaws x5 (95)

  • Pack Leader w/ Power Fist & Plasma Pistol
  • 2 Skyclaws w/ Flamer & CCW
  • Wolf Guard Pack Leader w/ Thunder Hammer & Plasma Pistol (40)

Infiltrators x5 (90)

Long Fangs x6 (180)

  • Pack Leader w/ Flamer & Power Weapon
  • 2 Long Fangs w/ Missile Launcher
  • 3 Longs Fangs w/ Lascannon
  • Razorback w/ Twin Heavy Bolter (100)

Hellblasters x10 (250)


Both BGV squads going for Warrior Born, Murderfang and TWC going for Beastslayer, and both Skyclaws going for Majesty. If I get Bear, great. If the HBs don't perform like I'm wanting, I'll swap it for a Redemptor or Brutalis. C&C appreciated.

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Hey mate my 2 cents:


Your pods are a bit empty for the points they cost.

if you wanna go MSU with the drop pods keep as you have them and add 5 hellblasters in each to fill them up and deliver plasma death to the front lines while they have their backs covered by bladeguard

Hellblasters are very strong, one of the best units marines have right now

Wolf lord is better than battle leader of 5 more points ( the +1 to advance and charge and the 0 CP ability are really useful for thunderwolves)

ragnar and judiciar are great choices

You need some more reliable anti tank, the best choice is eradicators 

Infiltrators are great for keeping turn one deep strikers away

I am not a fun of  skyclaws and murderfang and priest(i would choose something else for the points)

The championsof russ detachment is garbage, you start with a great disadvantage ( i gave it a go and i didnt get any buffs for 3 turns)




Good luck with the list 


Edited by lonewolf81
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I have played two games now of 10E with slight variations of a similar list. I run all firstborn and for 10E have been including vehicles. Last night's game against an experienced DA player I ran:


Land Raider Redeemer with Logan Grimnar and five Wolf Guard Termies

Razorback with 6 Long Fangs

Iron Priest, Servitors guarding/buffing a Vindicator and Wihrlwind

10 Skyclaws and a Chaplain (Wolf Priest) with Jump Pack

10 Bloodclaws

Bjorn Fellhand


Bjorn went toe to toe with The Lion El Johnson and both survived a round of combat against each other. Saga of the Bear was triggered, giving me an Army Wide 6+ Feel No Pain. My Vindicator destroyed his Land Raider (in one turn!) and The Lion ( after Bjorn went at him in combat and was destroyed by the 2nd round). The Vindicator and Whirlwind are definitely amazing in this edition. I didn't bother staying on objectives as I wanted to just experiment and see how my units traded with his and what the Sagas could do. Even so, I only narrowly lost by 6 pts. Logan's termies left the Land Raider a little too early and most were destroyed , but Logan stuck around til the end and destroyed Sammael and a few attack bikes. He triggered more Sagas. My Bloodclaws captured an Objective from one of ihs Speeders and triggered the remaining Saga of Majesty. The new Overwatch rule combined with Oath of Moment is a bit ridiculous and he was hiding an awful lot in fear of that combo from the Landraider/Vindicator or Wihrlwind. Skyclaws and Chaplain with Jump Pack failed two crucial charge rolls in ridiculous fashion, unfortunately meaning I wasn't able to see how they traded in combat with the Exhortation of Rage etc. Was looking forward to seeing how hard that would hit on the charge with 10 Skyclaws etc. In all I am confident at present. I wasn't really playing to win - if I had stayed on Objectives I would likely have come away the victor. The DA player was quite disheartened - I think because his previously strong list was not really performing well with the new meta - his rolling was also not terribly good. People are saying that SW are not too good, but I suspect they will be reasonable once people play around a bit with the list building.


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