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Financially, having a range of models that can be used by basically every army is the smart move, just like Titanicus. It doesn’t matter if you play Loyalist or Traitor, you’re buying the same model as everyone else and so profits are good. It’s less risk and more reward for a company. 

First thoughts – I'm sceptical; but if these are the stats there are some interesting bits and bobs.


  • Return of close assault factor (CAF) – a mechanic from prior to Epic: 40,000 (E:40k), when combat was resolved on D6 + CAF. A very quick mechanic, which ties into the stated aims from WarCom.
  • Movement in imperial, rather than the more familiar (to Epic players) metric. 5in move for Marine infantry sounds reasonable – if the Advance and March orders remain (to double and triple move respectively), that'd allow for quite some pace.
  • Flyers use the same stats as any other vehicle, as opposed to the more simulational/abstract mechanics of Epic: Armageddon (E:A).
  • W is presumably for Wounds. Part of what makes me sceptical – I would have thought D for Damage or something similar would be used. Interesting to see that things are relatively fragile – former superheavies like Thunderhawks are down to 2 W.
  • 'Detachment sizes' include '+' values; suggesting that certain formations can be directly expanded as per E:A, rather than everythign kept separate as per Epic: Space Marine (SM2)
  • Points seem granular – and if this in genuine, that Tarantula cost must be a typo, right?


Shots like this are *chef's kiss*.


LI Comm Jul10 3


With painted armies and a proper set of terrain, this game is going to look absolutely awesome.


Consider me booking a ride on the hype train.

4 minutes ago, Xenith said:

I wonder why the Sicaran Omegas plasmas are horizontal in these models rather than vertical on the resin FW model - makes me wonder if they'll change it up for the plastic release. 

Could be a design choice to make it easier to mould in plastic

Yea these "please add xenos" requests have been around since heresy launched in 2012...and they never did. Sure, you could pull off some pretty convincing counts as with squats using provenances, and the more gribbly stuff using daemons, but there was never actual rules for it.


Same thing with AT. Expansion after expansion that kept it in the heresy, without any fringe xenos spinoffs. They even dialed back the black shield forces by moving tritonis over to traitors.


AI just got all their xenos support cut in its entirety.


The mentality of "buy enough and they might break out of the imperial v. Imperial mould" isn't exactly wrong, it's just very far off if it's even a possibility. It would be the last thing they do, and more likely than not, would be a straight up different game instead of being an expansion.

Edited by SkimaskMohawk

The thumbnail image on the new article shows all 3 IH Predators without the front ram, so seems like its a separate piece, which I glad about as I thought I'd have to cut them off all my Predators. The Contemptor legs seem to have some pose-ability in them also as there's more than 2 leg poses in the image. There's also some good images of the new wrecked building terrain.

1 hour ago, apologist said:

This information comes third-hand – sourced from 'Pastebin' (https://pastebin.com/GJfHMNzY?fbclid=IwAR1-xnFW9yzJmCdyrXbRO74ySC6Cua3GwXX9Rnc5eQeBrANjFfwrEzfJZxo) via the Tactical Command forum (https://www.tacticalwargames.net/taccmd/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=34821&start=15). 


I advise you take it very firmly cum grano salis:







So where is the Contemptor in this? Could be part of the Legion Dreadnought Talon but then it would have the same stats as a Leviathan and I don't think that's correct.

Also no Land Raiders? 

This list is of course not complete since they said most of the 28mm range will be coming and even teased Primarchs and Legion-specifics and they also wouldn't have rules for everything in the core book that won't be released yet.

But I have no idea where someone would get info that doesn't include the Contemptor which is in the Launch box and I would be very surprised if there are no Land Raiders at all in the initial wave

Edited by Matrindur

The biggie for me on that list is they talk about legion terminators and GW have clearly stated about cataphractii being in the launch box. As such, with the pic showing legion terminators I'm calling it false.


When I played a version of epic heresy I don't remember that differentiating different terminator types. 


Regardless, I'm on the fence of selling my 2nd edition Eldar metals to fund this...

2 hours ago, Matrindur said:

So where is the Contemptor in this? Could be part of the Legion Dreadnought Talon but then it would have the same stats as a Leviathan and I don't think that's correct.

Also no Land Raiders? 

This list is of course not complete since they said most of the 28mm range will be coming and even teased Primarchs and Legion-specifics and they also wouldn't have rules for everything in the core book that won't be released yet.

But I have no idea where someone would get info that doesn't include the Contemptor which is in the Launch box and I would be very surprised if there are no Land Raiders at all in the initial wave


If – and it's a big if – it is genuine, then I'd expect Contemptors to be the 'Legion Dreadnought Talon'. I'm not expecting the classic walking washing machine Dreadnought to appear, personally. The lack of Land Raiders could be explained by this being taken from a summary sheet of what's in the box; though that argument falls apart with the presence of things like the Rapier and Leviathan.


2 hours ago, 01RTB01 said:

The biggie for me on that list is they talk about legion terminators and GW have clearly stated about cataphractii being in the launch box. As such, with the pic showing legion terminators I'm calling it false.

When I played a version of epic heresy I don't remember that differentiating different terminator types. 


As with 'Legion Dreadnoughts' being a catch-all, I think 'Legion Terminators' is a catch-all term for all Terminator variants. Perhaps future-proofing for another armour mark sprue that is accompanied by (say) Tartaros.




LegionesImperialis Jul03 Image1


If the list is genuine, then the box as shown above contains:


Titans – 660pts

  • Warhound Hunting Pack  – 330 (Detachment size 1)
  • Warhound Hunting Pack  – 330 

Marines – 464pts*

  • Legion Dreadnought Talon – 70
  • Predator Squadron – 115 
  • Sicaran Squadron – 105
  • Legion Command – 25
  • Legion Tactical Detachment – 35
    • 2 x Legion Terminators – +15 +15 (comparing prices with the dedicated Legion Terminator Detachment, I think +15 is for each stand; giving a small discount on the larger standalone formation)
    • 2 x Assault Marines – +12 +12 (Again, with discount for the larger detachment. Price seems egregious)
  • Legion Command – 25
  • Legion Tactical Detachment – 35

*A point against this being genuine (or at least incomplete) is that there's no way to take Support Squads as shown – they're only available as four-stand detachments, not the two-stand 'attachments' for something else, like the (e.g.) Legion Terminators and Assault Marines.


[+Edited following @Mogger351’s comments+]

Solar Auxilia – 596pts

  • Auxilia Tactical Command Detachment(*)  – 10
  • Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio – 30
    • Veletarii – +12 +12**
  • Auxilia Tactical Command Detachment(*)  – 10
  • Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio – 30
    • Veletarii – +12 +12
  • Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Patrol  – 35
  • Leman Russ Strike Squadron – 175
  • Malcador Strike Squadron – 165
  • Auxilia Ogryn Charonite Section – 50
  • Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section – 40***


* Or possibly Legate Commander Detachment?

** Same reasoning as 'Attachments' for Space Marines

*** Point against here – if the Axe-wielding ones are the Veletaris Storm Section, they should be a separate formation n the picture; or allowed as attachments to the Laasrifle Tercio.



So, definitely a few problems, and points against it being genuine. If, however, the list is simply missing similar 'attachments' for the Marine's plasma and missile launchers, then we're probably looking at 500pts pretty much on the button – which you might take as a point in its favour. A box with two identical sprues that gives you 500pts seems a rather neat offering as a standalone release.


Likewise if the Veletaris are available as an independent formation with a similar discount (i.e. not taken as , the points included are as follows: 


Solar Auxilia – 585pts

  • Auxilia Tactical Command Detachment – 10
  • Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio – 30
  • Auxilia Tactical Command Detachment – 10
  • Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio – 30
  • Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Patrol  – 35
  • Leman Russ Strike Squadron – 175
  • Malcador Strike Squadron – 165
  • Auxilia Ogryn Charonite Section – 50
  • Auxilia Veletaris Section – 40
  • Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section – 40

... and that then looks like another believable standalone box of two sprues.


Finally; you also end up with a quite believably balanced box.


 So, final note; while there are definitely some points of hesitation in the linked list, and I'm still sceptical of it being genuine, I'm not going to dismiss it out of hand.


Edited by apologist
Incorrectly duplicated entries.
25 minutes ago, apologist said:


If – and it's a big if – it is genuine, then I'd expect Contemptors to be the 'Legion Dreadnought Talon'. I'm not expecting the classic walking washing machine Dreadnought to appear, personally. The lack of Land Raiders could be explained by this being taken from a summary sheet of what's in the box; though that argument falls apart with the presence of things like the Rapier and Leviathan.



As with 'Legion Dreadnoughts' being a catch-all, I think 'Legion Terminators' is a catch-all term for all Terminator variants. Perhaps future-proofing for another armour mark sprue that is accompanied by (say) Tartaros.




LegionesImperialis Jul03 Image1


If the list is genuine, then the box as shown above contains:


Titans – 660pts

  • Warhound Hunting Pack  – 330 (Detachment size 1)
  • Warhound Hunting Pack  – 330 

Marines – 464pts*

  • Legion Dreadnought Talon – 70
  • Predator Squadron – 115 
  • Sicaran Squadron – 105
  • Legion Command – 25
  • Legion Tactical Detachment – 35
    • 2 x Legion Terminators – +15 +15 (comparing prices with the dedicated Legion Terminator Detachment, I think +15 is for each stand; giving a small discount on the larger standalone formation)
    • 2 x Assault Marines – +12 +12 (Again, with discount for the larger detachment. Price seems egregious)
  • Legion Command – 25
  • Legion Tactical Detachment – 35

*A point against this being genuine (or at least incomplete) is that there's no way to take Support Squads as shown – they're only available as four-stand detachments, not the two-stand 'attachments' for something else, like the (e.g.) Legion Terminators and Assault Marines.



Solar Auxilia – 803pts

  • Auxilia Tactical Command Detachment(*)  – 10
  • Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio – 30
    • Veletarii – +12 +12**
  • Auxilia Tactical Command Detachment(*)  – 10
  • Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio – 30
    • Veletarii – +12 +12
  • Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Patrol  – 35
  • Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Patrol  – 35
  • Leman Russ Strike Squadron – 175
  • Leman Russ Strike Squadron – 175
  • Malcador Strike Squadron – 165
  • Auxilia Ogryn Charonite Section – 50
  • Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section – 40***


* Or possibly Legate Commander Detachment?

** Same reasoning as 'Attachments' for Space Marines

*** Point against here – if the Axe-wielding ones are the Veletaris Storm Section, they should be a separate formation n the picture; or allowed as attachments to the Laasrifle Tercio.



So, definitely a few problems, and points against it being genuine. If, however, the list is simply missing similar 'attachments' for the Marine's plasma and missile launchers, then we're probably looking at 500pts pretty much on the button – which you might take as a point in its favour. A box with two identical sprues that gives you 500pts seems a rather neat offering as a standalone release.


Likewise if the Veletaris are available as an independent formation with a similar discount (i.e. not taken as , the points included are as follows: 


Solar Auxilia – 795pts

  • Auxilia Tactical Command Detachment – 10
  • Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio – 30
  • Auxilia Tactical Command Detachment – 10
  • Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio – 30
  • Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Patrol  – 35
  • Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Patrol  – 35
  • Leman Russ Strike Squadron – 175
  • Leman Russ Strike Squadron – 175
  • Malcador Strike Squadron – 165
  • Auxilia Ogryn Charonite Section – 50
  • Auxilia Veletaris Section – 40
  • Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section – 40

... and that then looks like another believable standalone box of two sprues.


Finally; you also end up with a quite believably balanced box of 800pts worth of Solar Auxilia against the Marines and one Warhound – as that comes to 830pts.


 So, final note; while there are definitely some points of hesitation in the linked list, and I'm still sceptical of it being genuine, I'm not going to dismiss it out of hand.


You've duplicated the leman russ (listed as a unit size as 4) and the sentinel units for some reason. Makes the auxilia nearer 600.

So do you think this will be like the Contemptor in the AoD box and one of the units will be missing options that it gets in its separate release box? Maybe the Sicaran?


I’m hoping that we’ll see the other special and heavy weapons at some point. Hopefully in plastic but I could probably do resin if the price is decent (I don’t mind one piece resin, it’s multi part and the associated poor fitting I try and avoid). 

In the grand scheme of things I cannot imagine that it matters what Terminator Armor you’re wearing or which Dreadnought chassis you’re interred in when a Reaver Titan comes along and curb stomps you in the blink of an eye. I’m going to assume both are a catch-all. 

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