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Ech, ive always found weeks of continuous coverage super fatiguing, im hungry for the news but there is such a thing as too much! 

Interested in the Sentinel design though, were they thinking about its profile when they put everything on the top so it could hunker down in cover and fire at full effect, or were they herp de derping and accidentally got a sensible design? :D :P  

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I think they might’ve learned their lesson from the 10th Edition build up where everyone was just apathetic and pissed by the time it actually dropped. Some model previews and nostalgia tickles will keep us all nice and rabid for release day. I do hope they show us how armies are built though. I just splurged on a bunch of aircraft :biggrin:

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7 hours ago, matcap86 said:

Huh bit of light coverage this week then with a look at a unit and a look back at previous epic style games. That's a bummer, I had hopes the splurge of articles every 2-3 days would continue. 

Its not really any less than before, the first week had 2 info articles, one fluff article and one reveal article, the second week only had a single fluff article and this week we are getting one fluff (previous games), one info (Sentinel) and one new model (Thursdays confirmed last week)

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2 hours ago, Warmaster1988 said:

and we don't know in which Week of August the Game gets released...

I think the Tyranid/Space Marine codexes will be at the very start of September and GW will probably want a bit of space between them and LI so I would the 19th. This way it would release at the last Saturday in August while still having at least one week between them if SM/Tyranids are the first week of September

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I've read somewhere pre order 08/26...but who knows...

Tyranids and Space marines have a huge update (see the tyranids reveal) plus the 2 codex in september.  And the hollidays are ending in august. So, I think the 26 sounds pretty good for a "launch in august". I'd be happy if it is sooner but I know that the latest is the 26 :cool:. Only 40 days to wait (and build+paint my little planes+titans force)

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It'll be the longest month ever. I'm planning on buying at least 1 boxed set and several other boxes of whatever to boost my army up. Need Breachers and Destroyers...


Bedsides that, hopefully these releases will be available in 3rd party retailers so I can save some money on them.

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I wonder if the game will include psychic powers and primarchs besides unique legion units. The later seem like a no brainer for FW resin models, and a good way to introduce in the HH games the "ascended" DP versions of Angron, Mortarion, and Magnus without overlapping with 40k.

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18 minutes ago, lansalt said:

I wonder if the game will include psychic powers and primarchs besides unique legion units. The later seem like a no brainer for FW resin models, and a good way to introduce in the HH games the "ascended" DP versions of Angron, Mortarion, and Magnus without overlapping with 40k.

 I doubt you get much rules for psychic Powers.

Epic has always been really simple with such rules to not getting to complicated.

Expect something like Smite as an extra Shooting Attack with low range ich you Upgrade to a Librarian or something Like rerolling a failed save Roll.

Psykers arent that powerfull in an Epic sized Game.

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Agree with @Bung – depending on how much detail Legions goes into, I wouldn't expect relative minutiae like an individual's psychic powers to be reflected in anything but the broadest terms. If it's anything like the more recent previous editions, expect something like the presence of a psyker giving a minor bonus to its formation (a la Epic: 40,000), or perhaps operating simply as an additional weapon for the stand including a psyker (as in Epic: Armageddon).

Here's a couple of  examples:





As you can see, there's nothing inherently different about the fact these models are psychic in the background; it was represented through a combination of existing special rules like Invulnerable Save and Macro-weapon (the latter very rare, particularly on infantry). The Eldar had the nearest thing to a specific special rule:






Psi-Titans appeared in previous additions – most obviously for the Eldar Warlock Titan, but were again relatively simply treated in rules terms. In E:A, for example, they simply had a unique weapon option (the psychic lance or psycannon). Compare:





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4 minutes ago, Valkyrion said:

What about a Psi-Titan? Has that ever been in epic before? 

There were also Lords of Change, Magnus and other greater daemons and primarchs in past epic - how was psychic powers handled back then?

Eldar had a Warlock Titan. It was quite potent. I am not sure Imperial Psi titans where invented yet back then. 

As far as i recall psychic powers didn’t do much past being a small bonus or a shooting attack. Even a LoC won’t have much impact in a game featuring a full tank regiment

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On 7/12/2023 at 12:30 PM, Sword Brother Adelard said:

An Imperator would need to have a bigger base, a new arc template, and a lot of room on the board.


Bigger models with bigger bases has been GW's MO for the past decade though, so I can see it happenning when they get the ability to do so. 

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If psychic powers were included I hope it functions at a macro-scale that we read about in the novels and background books instead of fancier shooting attacks and buffs (which feels appropriate for squad based games like AoD). Things like messing with Reserves, not having to guess ranges, and area denial feels more fitting for Battalion/Regiment sized combat. 

One of my big hopes/fears for the game is it becomes a more abstracted 30K game instead of emphasizing the need to ‘stack’ capabilities. For example, a company of infantry unsupported by air, artillery, and armor should not just kicking [redacted] because it’s elite sword guys. Having infantry and armor fix the enemy in place while air and artillery cause major casualties is how it works in real life, and it would be cool to get that same kind of ‘gameplay loop’ at this scale. Understanding it is scifi and things like Titans and sci-fi weapons will change that loop up a bit. It just would feel kinda hollow if a fully supported company of Solar Auxili with tanks, air strikes, and accurate artillery still gets steam rolled by that detachment of space marines with plasma and missiles just because they are space marines. 

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Thanks for the link @Lord Marshal. Nice enough article, but not much meat that I can see. The text makes mention of:



the Heavy Sentinel [provides] a vital fire support asset for its vanguard companies, putting up a respectable fight against rival recon units like

Legion Outriders and Scimitar jet bikes.


My emphasis. Perhaps a nod that we'll see these at some point – though that could perhaps have been assumed anyway.


This picture also shows what looks like a few bits of scatter terrain – plastic, you think? – and a closer look at the tiles. 


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