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2 hours ago, Rik Lightstar said:


Orders on counters rather than dice allows you to have hidden orders, which could be a really nice addition along with alternating activations.




Wasn't this kind of confirmed to be the case? I'm pretty sure I heard this on stream...


Edit: Not on stream but in one of the articles: 


LI orders.PNG

Edited by matcap86
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True, but [blast markers] hugely added to the visual appeal – you could really see where the fighting was fiercest. One of those rare cases where tokens added to the appeal of the game.

(Edit for clarity)


By the sounds of things, they’re not likely to be included; so I’ll make my peace with it – and simply have my old ones to scatter about.

Edited by apologist
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Ah I get they were popular, but I wasn't so keen on them. They looked alright I guess, I found them tacky but that's just my personal opinion.


But the problems are moving your units and then moving your blast markers with them, then you get close to your opponent and mix them all up and have to move them again. Things got more laborious if you had additional units close to your detachments and then your opponent was in close.


Modern games are beyond that nowadays I feel.

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I hear you.

I sold my titans 4y ago.

I just bought a new bunch of titans for LI before they went out of stock everywhere 2 weeks ago with few plane of course.

I now have 2 titans of each (except 1 nemesis) and 11 knights (one pack of each). If the rules are nice, fielding all knights and titans is my dream: I'd like to add one starter of AT and one warmaster (I don't have warmaster).

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14 hours ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Hey Brother,

Forgive my ignorance, what is CAF and can you elaborate on how saves and weapons from Epic 2e worked for me?

I have a bunch of notions in my noggin, but as I never played the small game back then they blur in the old man mind.

I can answer these questions for epic: space marine/titan legions:


CAF was Close Assault Factor - melee combat normally saw both sides roll 1d6 and added their CAF, the one with the higher total wounded their opponent, most units died from one wound, thus ending the fight. (Super-heavies I remember having three wounds)

If a unit fought multiple opponents each additional opponent rolled an additional d6. ( so first is 1d6, second rolls 2d6, third rolls 3d6 etc)

I recall titans getting 2d6 by default and losing a fight caused a roll on their location table followed by a roll on the relevant damage table.(they also had huge CAF scores)


Shooting attacks were a basic 1d6 hit roll that went straight to a 1d6 saving roll with a failed save resulting in a wound and usually death. Infantry didnt normally have a save, though terminators and officers got a 6+. Ranged weapons had a range, hit chance, armour penetration value and a shot count. I think squad bolters were a 25cm range 6+ to hit, no ap, I think tactical squads just had one shot(vehicle bolters tended to be 15cm). Devastators I think had 50cm range, 5+ hit, -1 ap and two shots. A main tank weapon might be a 75cm range 4+ to hit with -2 ap. I recall rhinos having a 5+ save, predators a 4+ and vindicators being a 3+.


Most of the time it was pretty straightforward and fairly quick to resolve. Which was pretty important given the sheer number of units you often had to get through.

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Found over on dakkadakka, I don't think this was posted here yet?


This is apperantly another pastebin from July 6th so two days earlier than the other one and specifically calls out Sm2ed as main influence which we now know is true due to Tuesdays article:


The game is based off sm2ed with a movement phase, a shooting phase and an end phase.

Thousand Sons:
Legion Special Rules The following special rules apply to all Thousand Sons models in a Legiones Astartes Army.

Kine Shields: Thousand Sons models with the Commander special rule gain the Shield Generator (6+) special rule.

White Scars Legion rule makes jink saves better for units that have jink. However, in the core rules only flyers have jink so far. No idea when jetbikes/land speeders are coming out for LI…

Dark Angles:

Legion Special Rules The following special rules apply to all Dark Angels models in a Legiones Astartes Army.

Formations of the Hexagrammaton: At the start of the battle, before any Detachment is deployed, determine which Dark Angels Formations contain a total of three or more different Detachment types – Dedicated Transports are ignored for the purposes of this calculation.

Any Formation that meets these requirements gains one of the following benefits, chosen by the controlling player from the list below:

All Detachments within the Formation that contain only Dark Angels Infantry models gain the Phosphex and Implacable special rules.

All Detachments within the Formation that contain only Cavalry models gain the Outflank special rule.
All Detachments within the Formation that contain only Vehicle models gain the Nimble special rule.

If a Formation has a Dedicated Transport, the model types gain the relevant special rules but the Transports do not.

For example: A Dark Angels Formation contains two Legion Tactical Detachments, a Legion Dreadnought Detachment and a Legion Predator Detachment. Therefore it meets the requirements of the Formations of the Hexagrammaton special rule and chooses one of the special rules to apply.

If the Formation had two Legion Tactical Detachments and two Legion Dreadnought Detachments, it would not meet the requirements, even if the Tactical Detachments had Dedicated Transports.

Alpha Legion:

Legion Special Rules The following special rules apply to all Alpha Legion models in a Legiones Astartes Army.

Mutable Tactics: For each Formation in an Army made up entirely of Alpha Legion Detachments (ignoring Allied Contingents) the controlling player may select up to 3 Alpha Legion Detachments in the Army to be affected by Mutable Tactics. For each Allied Contingent in an Army made up entirely of Alpha Legion Detachments, the controlling player may select up to 1 Alpha Legion Detachment to be affected by Mutable Tactics. Detachments with the Flyer special rule cannot be chosen.

A Detachment chosen to be affected by Mutable Tactics gains a special rule dependent on the Detachment Type. If a selected Detachment is made up of Infantry, Cavalry, Walker or Vehicle models, all models within it gain either the Infiltrate, Outflank or Forward Deployment special rule – this is chosen by the controlling player and different Detachments can choose different rules. If the selected Detachment is of another type, it gains the Forward Deployment rule.


Legion Special Rules The following special rules apply to all Ultramarines models in a Legiones Astartes Army.

Interlocking Tactics: An Ultramarines model may re-roll any Hit rolls of a 1 when firing upon an enemy Detachment that has already had one or more Hits scored against it this round by an Ultramarines model from the same Formation as the firing model.

Emperor’s Children

Legion Special Rules The following special rules apply to all Emperor's Children models within a Legiones Astartes Army.

Exemplars of War: Once per battle, an Army that includes at least one Formation consisting entirely of Emperor's Children models (ignoring models within an Allied Contingent) may choose to win Initiative instead of rolling. They must declare they are doing this before rolling. If both players have this rule, the player who did not have Initiative last round chooses if they use the rule first – if they do so, no other player can use it this round.

If an Army includes at least one Allied Contingent comprised entirely of Emperor's Children Detachments then once per battle the controlling player may re-roll the dice roll for Initiative instead. They can only do this if at least one Emperor's Children Detachment is on the battlefield or in Reserve; if all have been destroyed or left the battlefield due to other special rules, this rule has no effect.

World Eaters:
The following special rules apply to all World Eaters models in a Legiones Astartes Army.

Incarnate Violence: Whenever they make a Fight Roll, all World Eaters Infantry, Cavalry and Walker models can re-roll a single D6 when making Fight rolls.

Word Bearers:
The following special rules apply to all Word Bearers models in a Legiones Astartes Army.

True Believers: Detachments within a Word Bearers Formation never count as Broken for the purposes of being issued an Order, i.e., they can be issued any Order they normally could instead of just the Advance Order or March Order. In addition, all Word Bearers Detachments ignore the effects of the Dread Aura (X) special rule.

Death Guard:
Sons of Barbarus: Death Guard Detachments do not suffer Hits for moving through Dangerous terrain.

In addition, at the start of the battle, before any Detachments are deployed, a player may pick up to two areas of terrain if their Army contains at least one Death Guard Formation. For the remainder of the battle, these areas count as Dangerous terrain, in addition to any other rules that apply.

Two Structures can be selected in place of a single area of terrain. Each time a model Garrisons or leaves a Structure designated as Dangerous terrain, it counts as having moved 1" through it.

Iron Warriors:

The Bitter End: When determining which player controls a neutral Objective marker, Iron Warriors Infantry and Walker models count their Tactical Strength as 1 higher than normal. In addition, when determining who controls an Objective marker in a deployment zone, Iron Warriors Infantry and Walker models count their Tactical Strength as 2 higher than normal if within their own deployment zone.

For example, an Iron Warriors Legion Tactical Detachment model would contribute 7 to the total Tactical Strength instead of 5 while in its own deployment zone, for the purposes of determining which player controls an objective within that deployment zone (but not for other reasons unless stated).


Strength of Will: When making a Morale check, a Detachment that contains only Salamanders models rolls two D6 and chooses which result they prefer. In addition, all Salamanders Detachments in the Army gain the Implacable special rule

Solar Auxilia Army List The following section presents the Army List for the Solar Auxilia, reflecting the foundation upon which the various Solar Auxilia cohorts were based. Within you'll find all the rules needed to build a Solar Auxilia Army.

A Solar Auxilia force can include a maximum of 1 Legate Commander per full 1,500 points of the points limit (e.g., a 2,000 point Army can include a single Legate Commander, a 3,000 point Army can include 2 Legate Commanders, etc.).

Close Formation Fighting: The Solar Auxilia train to fight shoulder to shoulder, each warrior supporting those next to them to present an unyielding wall. A Solar Auxilia Infantry model increases its CAF by 1 while in base to base contact with one or more friendly Solar Auxilia Infantry models. If a Detachment is Garrisoned within a Structure, it is presumed to be in base contact with at least one other model from that Detachment.

Solar Auxilia Command Structure: Many Solar Auxilia Detachments have the Chain of Command special rule, which limits the Orders they can be issued with unless they are in range of a Detachment with the Solar Auxilia HQ (X) special rule. These rules can be found in the Special Rules section to the right.

Tank Commander: Certain Formations and/or Detachments allow a model to be upgraded to a Tank Commander – where applicable, this will be stated in the relevant description. A model upgraded to a Tank Commander gains the Solar Auxilia HQ (6") special rule and increases its Morale characteristic by 1, to a maximum of 2+.

Where possible, a model upgraded to a Tank Commander should be clearly visible – this can be done through having an officer in the cupola, a small banner, an alternative paint scheme or similar identifiable method.

Chain of Command: Detachments with the Chain of Command special rule can only be issued an Advance Order unless instructed otherwise. If an Independent Unit (see page 91) contains only models without this rule, then that Independent Unit can be issued another Order, even if the larger Detachment can only be issued with the Advance Order.

Solar Auxilia HQ (X): If a Detachment with the Chain of Command special rule has at least one model wholly within the Command Range of a model with the Solar Auxilia HQ (X) special rule, it can be issued with any Order it would be eligible to be issued (i.e., First Fire Order, Charge Order, March Order or Advance Order), instead of just an Advance Order. A model's ‘Command Range' is a number of inches equal to the value in brackets noted as part of this special rule. This special rule does not allow a Broken Detachment to be issued an Order other than the Advance Order or Charge Order.


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Exciting stuff.


I have to believe it is slightly inaccurate mind, as the Ultramarines Interlocking Tactics rule stipulates Ultramarines from the same formation hitting an enemy receive a reroll hit rolls of 1 bonus. Well that's always gonna be in place if there's more than 1 model n the same formation. 


Also they use formation and Detachment, which seems incorrect somewhat. 

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37 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:

Exciting stuff.


I have to believe it is slightly inaccurate mind, as the Ultramarines Interlocking Tactics rule stipulates Ultramarines from the same formation hitting an enemy receive a reroll hit rolls of 1 bonus. Well that's always gonna be in place if there's more than 1 model n the same formation. 


Also they use formation and Detachment, which seems incorrect somewhat. 

Think of Formations as old IG platoons. You have multiple detachments inside a single formation. (the old Battalions and Companies)

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