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33 minutes ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

I hear you Brother;  but two seconds with a hobby knife and a bit of sand  will hide the cut outs, and rural areas aren't often known for their flatness.

He is talking about the sides of the base, the black rims. Those you would normally want to be smooth.

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1 hour ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Ah thanks, I didn't even see those wee bits; but seriously they will disappear with a tiny bit of sand too.

Yes they won't be smooth, but they won't be urban anymore too.


I presume you mean these bases:


Yeah, but it would genuinely surprise me if those are the only style of thin bases we get.

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I'll see when the game comes out but my preference goes to thin transparent acrylic bases. I didn't base my titans nore my planes. So, wait'n see...

The little soldiers being without base at their feet will help a lot gluing them to transparent bases. And the tanks/vehicles being way bigger than the Epic ones make them wonderful without bases.


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1 hour ago, BolterZorro said:

I'll see when the game comes out but my preference goes to thin transparent acrylic bases. I didn't base my titans nore my planes. So, wait'n see...

The little soldiers being without base at their feet will help a lot gluing them to transparent bases. And the tanks/vehicles being way bigger than the Epic ones make them wonderful without bases.


I’m coming around to using acrylic bases. What will you paint the little lump between the feet? 

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1 hour ago, nilsh said:

I like the bases to be thicker so I'm going to use 3mm mdf bases i think.


I got 2mm for my Tiny Tanks,


Got a mate printing my resin bases with random hole patterns for all my mk3 and mk4 I have coming.




His picture skills suck so much :).

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4 minutes ago, Nagashsnee said:

Have they talked about playable factions at all? On a official level? Are mechanicum getting minis? Deamons? Custodes? Imperial army proper? 


At launch just SA and Marines with the more quote "esoteric" factions arriving in the future. So I'd expect just marines and SA for the next 6 months/year. 

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2 minutes ago, nilsh said:

That was a bit different than I thought but it sounds good to me, now I just hope it plays well. I'm a little bit surprised by the recommended board size.


Agreed, 5 by 4 means 20 of the previewed tiles. Which are sold in set of 6... oh well.  

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43 minutes ago, matcap86 said:


At launch just SA and Marines with the more quote "esoteric" factions arriving in the future. So I'd expect just marines and SA for the next 6 months/year. 


Shame, but at least i will know if the game has managed to form a player base before i have to consider buying in. 

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First (little) disapointment: the rigid formation which doesn't help much to make thematic armies.

Second (little) disapointment: titans are allied giving max 900pts to them in a standart 3000pts game. Well, I'll try some big titans vs titans or titans vs armors  without constraints to test the rules and have some fun hahaha

third (little) disapointment: table size: 5*4. I thought that with so much units on the table that the 3k point game would be played on 6*4. The table will be crowded.


But globaly, the rules seem promising and DEADLY. I like that. Infantry has a chance vs everyone, especially in close combats. GOOD. All formations have  some chance to kill and mark some points. good!

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Hmmm no Titan or Knight armies and a return to the days of marauding bike gangs tearing titans to bits, not ideal, in fact regressing to individual fights in melee sounds bloody awful in general, its as extremely slow system that does not scale, even a stripped down version like this is bad in a massed battle game, which is why they dropped it originally! 

Looks like firefights are gone too which is a shame, granularity of small arms on this scale feels like a further waste of brain space.

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Titanicus didn't let you run Knight-only armies initially, did it? So I wouldn't be surprised if they're locking Titan and Knight-heavy armies behind a splatbook. A Mechanicum Knight Formation feels appropriate at any rate when looking at Liber: Mechanicum. Could also just be they're conscious of, "if you want to play an army of Titans there's a game called Titanicus you might enjoy..."


I am surprised at the 70% Primary restriction though. I was planning to mostly go Solar Auxilia anyway so it's no skin off my back, but the tone of earlier articles did seem like it was implying mixing-and-matching different forces was relatively relaxed. If you're planning on bringing any Titans it seems like you'd devour that 30% pretty quickly. 


Not sure about the sound of melee, but I'm reserving judgement until we have the full rules. 


Edited by Lord Marshal
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Would've been nice to see something about Solar Auxilia. I get that marines are probably the main draw for most people but Auxilia are the only other main army list at launch, they should probably get a bit more attention. The most they've shown was the baneblade last and even that was tacked on to an article mostly about marine vehicles anyway. That article was also, according to an earlier article on the prior Monday, supposed to be an Auxilia spotlight. Clearly Big Astartes is conspiring against the little guys.


Maybe the restriction on titan and knight points is to prevent particularly bad skew? I can't imagine going up against 3000 pts of titans with anything other than your own legio would be particularly fun.

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3k pts means at least 2 core boxes to start with, with some (a lot?) additional stuf, tanks, dreads and co. 900pts of titans is quickly done btw. (2 reavers, can't even align 3 warhounds....phhhh). Side effect: with a AT starter, you are almost done with titans, which is great and cheap.

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40 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Hmmm no Titan or Knight armies and a return to the days of marauding bike gangs tearing titans to bits, not ideal, in fact regressing to individual fights in melee sounds bloody awful in general, its as extremely slow system that does not scale, even a stripped down version like this is bad in a massed battle game, which is why they dropped it originally! 

Looks like firefights are gone too which is a shame, granularity of small arms on this scale feels like a further waste of brain space.

Yeah, I’m a bit miffed about this. I have a bad feeling Titans are going to be nerfed into the ground and any Titan v Titan battling or even against tank columns is going to be unrealistic and over very quickly. 

Quick Edit: no, Knight House rules did not release until Doom of Molech, which if memory serves me right was the second Campaign Book for AT, with Titandeath being the first of I recall correctly. 

Edited by DuskRaider
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