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22 minutes ago, Legionary Pallas said:

I think at 8mm with 3000 points a side on a big table, you hopefully won't notice visual differences between printed and official models like that too much.

For the based infantry, it'd be ok due to... the basing ;-)
But for the tanks, you WILL notice a huge difference because the new ones are at least 50% bigger making the new little ones (leman russ) bigger than the older bigger ones. They are way off.

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I see what GW's doing (understandable) they know there are heaps of people with AT Models but simply letting you plonk all your titans down and playing LI doesn't help GW's profit margin, hence why you have (for now) a limited amount of Titans in your army pool... they want you to buy little tanks and army men...they already sold you the titans...you have to buy more stuff now :tongue:

I also get the feeling GW knew there are 3d guys out there doing lots of 6mm Epic, I think 8mm was a way to avoid players trying to incorporate their 3d stuff with the new game... speaking of the new game, this will be the first army where it'll take me longer to save up and purchase it than to paint it...bit of a role reversal ...

"1 year to buy it all, 4 weeks to paint it all"  :sweat:


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7 minutes ago, Mumeishi said:



I also get the feeling GW knew there are 3d guys out there doing lots of 6mm Epic, I think 8mm was a way to avoid players trying to incorporate their 3d stuff with the new game...



Challenge accepted :)

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I also think they don’t really want AT players to show up with an army of nothing but titans out of the game.  That does not really show that this is a combined arms game when one side is all titans.  And the same thing for inf or armor,  the formation system seems to help make sure there is at least some combined arms elements.

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I think LI is going to work best with combined arms, that doesn't necessarily mean having SA, Astartes, Titans in your army.  But it does mean you will need a variety of stuff, infantry, armour, superheavies, aircraft, fast attack options.  If your army is entirely one type of unit it won't work as well.

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You guys realise you could still field 30% of your force as whatever with titans as the main force right? That seems to be eluding a lot of people for some reason...

I cant speak for everyone, but denying me options does not make me buy something else, ill 3d print or houserule and be considerably less inclined to buy official stuff down the line, im not sure its ever going to be a good sales strategy to annoy your customers tbh.

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44 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

You guys realise you could still field 30% of your force as whatever with titans as the main force right?

You do realise that thats not what they said? Your Primary Army List, which has to be at least 70% of your force, has to be either Legiones Astartes or Solar Auxilia. That means Titans and Knights can only be used as allies in the remaining 30% for now.



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42 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

You guys realise you could still field 30% of your force as whatever with titans as the main force right? That seems to be eluding a lot of people for some reason...

I cant speak for everyone, but denying me options does not make me buy something else, ill 3d print or houserule and be considerably less inclined to buy official stuff down the line, im not sure its ever going to be a good sales strategy to annoy your customers tbh.


GW isn't denying you. .It knows you're not the target Audience...Actually, I should rephrase that :sweat: Even though you are technically the Audience...Your wallet is not the target Audience, Sure you will play the game, Even change it to suit your Overly huge amount of titans...but GW is focusing on lil Jimmy and him and his friends buying into all the "NEW STUFF"...  little kids don't 3d Print models yet nor do they buy 3rd party gaming mats, they simply get what GW is handing out... :biggrin:


Note* I don't think fielding 70% Titans is their goal, it may be over powered (i don't know really) 30% troops would be really average and perhaps not even worth it....

It sounds like you want to play a game called Adeptus Titanicus :tongue: ....   

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Thing about AT is that once you start playing multiple Maniples and Houses it gets pretty heavy to keep track of.

LI is likely to be a better game system for mass games of Knights and Titans.


My wallet is already doing some warm ups for tanks and infantry, but that doesn't mean I'll not field pure Titan forces in LI for fun.

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11 minutes ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Thing about AT is that once you start playing multiple Maniples and Houses it gets pretty heavy to keep track of.

LI is likely to be a better game system for mass games of Knights and Titans.


My wallet is already doing some warm ups for tanks and infantry, but that doesn't mean I'll not field pure Titan forces in LI for fun.

Oh I agree wholeheartedly, In time All the AT guys will have fast paced rolling games of LI with only Titans (if there's a way you will find it :laugh:

I see LI with titans as the Lemon Solo (you can slam a game down fast :tongue:) & AT is Coca Cola (something to savour and sip with ice :biggrin:



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We all concluded that we can max out 30% of titans.

Well, we may be true. In fact, it is very probable. But...


LI is an open system with many potential fields of development, especially when it comes to primary army: astartes and solar auxilia are the FIRST 2 armies but GW told us yesterday "other factions may join the fray in future… ". In addition to this, you have to "declare your Allegiance – whether you’re a Loyalist or a Traitor" which means that even a same miniature army can have several factions choice. 


Add to this the "formations": we have the astates detailled one "Legion Demi-Company". But we already know that there are at least two others  specialised ones "Legion Armoured Company and Legion Aerial Assault" in a bunch of many others to choose from.


GW has here several tools to manage whatever they want, even if they use the rules to impact the sales (:tongue:).  For example, they may write a book/codex/campaign where all rules turn around titans or knights, they may already offer a faction of them. So, as long as I don't read all the rules I don't know if I can field more than 30% of my army with knights (which is not much according to the weaked list).


Last but not least: the game has a goal (for players! because for GW, it is to make profits hahahaha) : marking more points than your opponent. I don't know for you guys, but sometimes, I don't care about points: I just want to burn my ennemy to hell and destroy 'em all. Just for fun. just like that. Nothing forbid me to align a bunch of titans and kill whatever is in front of me. (well, with the consent of the other player which is here for the very same reason)

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1 hour ago, Colman said:

Am I right in thinking that the starter box will build two very small Astartes (or one small) forces each with titan and SA support elements?

Well, according to the leaked list, the warhound alone is 330pts. I don't really know how to interpret this list about the squads, but it seems that we have about 500+points of each side. We'll see how it really adds up. But I think that we have roughly a third or a quarter of an army on each side.


1 hour ago, Colman said:

Is the SA element big enough to be comparable to the marines?

Visualy, at least, yes.

According to points in the leaked list also, kinda yes.

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1 hour ago, Colman said:

Am I right in thinking that the starter box will build two very small Astartes (or one small) forces each with titan and SA support elements? Is the SA element big enough to be comparable to the marines?

I suspect that the starter box is meant to provide a small force of marines, a small force of solar auxilia, and a support titan for each, with the intent of having two opposing forces rather than one large one. While the initial reveal article has a large combined traitor force of Death Guard, Legio Mortis, and a nasty bad guy looking red SA colour scheme, possibly Cthonian Headhunters, the close-ups of the units show the Solar Auxilia in a more good guy coded colour scheme that I suspect are the loyalist Agathean "Lord Marshall's Own," and the two titans divided between Mortis and Astorum. I could also be reading way too much into insignificant details.


The Solar Auxilia do seem a bit underpowered compared to the Astartes, but then there's generally a trend in 40k of the non-marine halves of starter boxes having fewer points overall. Big Astartes strikes again. Not to say you couldn't run the Auxilia as support for the Marines, or vice versa, but with one titan likely already taking up most of your ally budget at this point level, let alone the second warhound, this just doesn't seem the intent to me.

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Someone over on DakkaDakka tracked down the source of the pastebin leaks and found another bit that makes it even more likely they are both true:



With a little bit of detective work I was able to track down the original source of the pastebin leaks... 4chan of all places. A series of posts were made before and after the game was officially unveiled.

May 18th: "Anyway they’re doing Solar Aux for their new Epic game. It’s called Legions Imperialis by the way."

June 4th: "Legions Imperialis is going to be a remake of Epic Spacemarine. It’s marine on marine but also will use Titans from AT and they’ll be adding Solar Auxilia in the core rules. "

Then from July 1st the poster begins answering specific questions from people, resulting in the contents of the two pastebin links that someone else assembled and shared.
Example: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/89481992/#89494695 (4chan warning)

However one post from July 4th was accidently missed from this summary.
https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/89440733/#q89450948 (4chan warning)

>Inviolate Armour: Iron Hands models with the Feel No Pain special rule benefit from its effects when they suffer a Wound from a weapon with the Light or Light AT trait, instead of just the Light trait. In addition, any Hits scored against an Iron Hands Vehicle or Super-heavy Vehicle issued with a First Fire Order worsen their AP by 1, to a minimum of 0, e.g., a weapon with an AP of -2 would become -1.

>The First Fire Order must still be in effect (i.e., it cannot have Overwatched or fired yet this round) for this rule to take effect. This does not affect the AP if Hits are allocated to Void Shields

This specifically mentions Light & Light AT traits from yesterdays article, all but confirming that the leaks are genuine.


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*Sigh* My (genuine) mistake for assuming people would read the thread in context rather than jumping on something for a quick dunk, yes, i am aware that Titans and knights are not supported as a main faction officially, thats why i am annoyed. Well, that and in the case of the previous post people bad faith assuming if you want a titan/knight main force you dont want anything else in your army, which, as mentioned a few times, should be a silly skew list for lols and not a particularly supported concept, which was the actual point of my last post.

And if you think little kids are the target market of specialist games rather than old grogs? Come on... :D  (And go read the thread in general posts)

8 hours ago, Noserenda said:

You guys realise you could still field 30% of your force as whatever with titans as the main force right? That seems to be eluding a lot of people for some reason...

I cant speak for everyone, but denying me options does not make me buy something else, ill 3d print or houserule and be considerably less inclined to buy official stuff down the line, im not sure its ever going to be a good sales strategy to annoy your customers tbh.


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