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2 minutes ago, Matrindur said:


I'm not so sure it does. Of course I know the Asterius is an Acastus chassis but the other Mechanicum Knights are upgrades to the normal versions and specifically called out in the article. The Asterius is the only version that wasn't named. Maybe that's irrelevant and you will just be able to take one in the Acastus banner, maybe you will only be able to take one in an eventual Mechanicum army, who knows. Just thought it was interesting how it was the only version not named in the article

Probably because you can't mix Asterius and Porphyrions in a banner unlike being able to upgrade one or more Ceratus to an Atrapos to run mixed banners. Or because the upgrades are the only ones that have a different cost compared to the baseline chassi?


For example, the Cerastus banner covers Lancers, Archeons and Castigators without having an upgrade shown for any. Neither of the latter two were mentioned in the article for that matter.

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Yeah they technically dont mention most of the knight classes in the article, presumably the weapon layouts are covered on the back or something? 

I think its interesting that in 32mm they are pushing armigers hard, needing 2:1 of any proper knight, but in 8mm its closer to the opposite :D 

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30 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:

Looks like the delay is big enough to spread the articles out to a weekly basis...


Anyway, Knights look powerful. I'm interested in what is meant by customised. 


At least 6 months is what I've heard, the entire Rulebook had to be scrapped due to:

Incorrect rules and/or a recognisably Nazi quote "40k"ified

No idea which quotes and how much of the rules is wrong but enough that they've had to scrap it and reprint rules

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4 minutes ago, Xanthous said:

Didn't Warcom say it would still be this year?

Yes, my assumption is that's 6 months from date of finding the issue so I'd expect the rulebook/starter set to release around December. That's assuming they found the issue when the books actually arrived and not within the last few weeks.


With how a new Flesh Eater Courts and Brettonnia model were "leaked" this weekend, I wouldn't be surprised to see more LI models "leaked" too

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14 minutes ago, Burni said:

So could be the end of the year? Yeesh. Well I guess it'll give me time build up some savings and continue my pile of shame sell off.


The article makes me hopeful for some more plastic knights. Wonder if we'll ever see the Dominus chassis.

Rules-wise I would love to see their weaponry brought to 8mm scale, though I’m not really sure where it would fall. Where would the Plasma Decimator stack compared to a Plasma Blastgun? It can’t be as powerful because it would be stepping on the Warhound’s feet but if it’s too weak it would be a waste of a model.

I think that’s the biggest issue with the Dominus and perhaps why it hasn’t made the jump yet. I honestly don’t know how the two weapons compare in 40K at this point in time, but it could explain some of it. This isn’t even considering the other weaponry it can be armed with, though I can’t imagine the Valiant being good for much… People already complain about the Acastus now and it’s been nerfed a couple times now due to it. 

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The Acastus suffers from the random upscaling they did on it, so its carrying warhound sized guns but cant outshine the warhound? Its all a bit of a mess really.

The Dominus suffers from being a GW kit and the FW teams being more than a little petty at times, i think there is plenty of room between Titan and Tank sized weaponry for its loadouts. Well that and its got way too many guns for one pilot, really wish they just had two in there like an Armiger class pilot running the top turrets and reactor or something.

Really would love some plastic Armigers, and ive already got a load because our group did some AT rules for them before GW so our printer guy just did a whole plate of them for me :D But you can never have enough tiny murder bots! 

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45 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

The Acastus suffers from the random upscaling they did on it, so its carrying warhound sized guns but cant outshine the warhound? Its all a bit of a mess really.

The Dominus suffers from being a GW kit and the FW teams being more than a little petty at times, i think there is plenty of room between Titan and Tank sized weaponry for its loadouts. Well that and its got way too many guns for one pilot, really wish they just had two in there like an Armiger class pilot running the top turrets and reactor or something.

Really would love some plastic Armigers, and ive already got a load because our group did some AT rules for them before GW so our printer guy just did a whole plate of them for me :D But you can never have enough tiny murder bots! 


The Acastus suffered no such issues in Titanicus, they massively outshone Warhounds until they got nerfed with a points rise and limited numbers after which they were STILL better than Warhounds you just couldn't take as many.



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They’re still fragile, even when compared to Warhounds. I can see it being tricky to balance something like the Acastus (and Dominus), they’re awfully close to a Warhound in terms of armament. If you make them too weak, what’s the point? If you make them too strong then people will complain that they’re outshining the Warhound. 

IMO they found a decent balance between the two. They’re limited in number but they’re still powerful. Knights definitely needed / need something to ensure they stand a chance against actual Titans because it’s an uphill battle as it is. 

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They're far better than warhounds in terms of firepower I reckon. Landing that many blast hits to one location is nasty.

Factor in that you can't degrade then for armour roll bonuses, or flank bonuses, and they move as fast as an unpushed warhound without arc restrictions, and they're arguably as good, if not better than a hound. Particularly at range.

One on one, starting at opposite ends of the board, unless the hound has very good cover, the Acastus would probably win.



Edited by Sword Brother Adelard
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Yeah they still totally outshoot Warhounds (And menace Reavers) but are weirdly fragile, like, you cant one shot a titan in AT but its not even particularly uncommon with Acastus to go out that way (In my experience anyhow :D )  which is exactly my point, if they had stuck to the original scale for them at (from memory) chonky cerastus-ish  you could pop similar weapons to the Dominus on there and it works fine as lumbering but shooty knight. 

Waaaaaay too late to fix that now ofc :D 

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On 8/10/2023 at 9:53 AM, FarvegNugan said:

 The most common Rangda was the cerebvores who are described as Vulpine humanoids.

Source for this? I've never come across a physical description of any Rangdan at all beyond "towering". I haven't read absolutely everything, though. (Yet)

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The Warhound also has Strategems (much better than Knights), upgrades, and a variety of weaponry that give it a more diverse role on the board when compared to the Acastus. Nine times out of ten, an Acastus player will sit them back and lob shots at the opponent and moving minimally while a Warhound is almost constantly on the move. 

We’re comparing the heaviest Knight in the game to the lightest Titan. There should be an overlap of sorts and when you view it outside of a vacuum, you start to see that while the Acastus can be nasty it has little in the way of support to help it while with Titans they only get bigger and nastier. These days, a Beamer or Graviton equipped Warhound is probably more effective than an Acastus and will wipe the floor with one in a turn. So thank FW for giving you options, lol

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