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On 8/19/2023 at 12:42 AM, Mumeishi said:

I find GW rather childish when it comes to giving reasons for delays /low stock amounts/sold out products … they tend to simply erase all knowledge, never mention it and move on while the rest of us sit around looking dumbfounded… 


they bury their head in the sand … :dry:


Erase all knowledge, never mention it and move on... They take advice from the Emperor! Now I'm thinking about the missing Primarchs, maybe one was a nazi and the other is stuck in a warehouse somewhere

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7 hours ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Hey Brother M, what is the diameter of the IA THawk base if someone were to just use a normal round with the AI stem?

This is what I’m wondering. 

edit: never mind, I didn’t realize there was a whole other page… sigh… 


That sheet is interesting… I notice that the new Conversion Beam weapon for the Dire Wolf is missing in those stats. 

Edited by DuskRaider
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Also those datasheets also include how weapons can be changed. Wonder if those are just full datasheets in the book with the cards being just a reference or if that layout is unique to Titans for some reason. Is there any other change apart from the loadout specifications to the cards?

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Interesting titan choices of weapons are clearly defined but don't seem to be for the smaller vehicles like Kratos.


I presume it'll say elsewhere, but does seem a little inconsistent eh.


Anyway, Warlords look immensely powerful yeah. 6 Void Shields and immune to weakling weapons on them.


Wonder how the Arioch power Claw will interact in melee exactly, since it doesn't seem to have a "combat" keyword?


Weapons wise... the Vulkan Mega Bolter array seems absurdly good for stripping Shields and killing infantry. Sure, hitting on a 5+ isn't great, but the potential is there.


Still sticking to my favourites paired Macro Plasma Annihilators and Turbo Lasers... super good at tanks and the like.

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Very odd ordering of the weapons rules on the Warlord *checks notes* Detachment card. All very sensible, with the arm weapons listed followed by the carapace weapons, followed by the defensive weapons (and all in the same order as the options in the bulleted list)... and then two additional arm weapons at the end. I can only guess that the most recently released weapons were added to the Detachment card sometime later than the rest. 


The rumours of poor editing of the rulebook aren't dispelled by previews like this – but hopefully it's the case that this is just for the article...




Ignoring that quibble, I'm relieved to see that the underlying mechanics are the same for Titans as anything else. Thus far the previews have made things look unnecessarily complicated (the wordy nature of the rules/cards and unintuitive jargon don't help with this), but seeing that Titans like this puts it somewhat into context. 


Perhaps Epic: Legions will avoid the problem of previous editions and achieve that balance between making all different arms of the army feel rewarding and interesting to play with. My beloved Epic: Armageddon, for example, was saddled with dull-as-ditchwater rules for Titans; while other editions have had to effectively 'smuggle in' a completely different set of mechanics for Titans and everything else to make them work on the same battlefield.


Do I still think Epic: Legions looks complicated? Yes I do – but if there's simply a steep learning curve to get to a properly complex and rewarding game that then doesn't need constant patching and oneupmanship of expansions, I'm happy to make the effort. 

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I mentioned this initially with power level points, but the warlord kinda underlines it. There's going to be just better options to do the same thing, and that feels really bad. I'll excuse the tanks and such where you're basically choosing a completely different role (anti infantry or anti tank), but these guys just take the best anti everything.

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40 minutes ago, DuskRaider said:

Man… this whole thing seems awfully streamlined… to the point where the only thing really differentiating a Warlord from a Dire Wolf is void shields. I’m not really sure how I feel about that. 

To be fair I think part of that is down to the daft design of the Dire Wolf. Warhounds were never meant to be able to carry that kind of weaponry but the dire Wolf kind of upends that design philosophy and puts it in a weird place.

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36 minutes ago, MARK0SIAN said:

To be fair I think part of that is down to the daft design of the Dire Wolf. Warhounds were never meant to be able to carry that kind of weaponry but the dire Wolf kind of upends that design philosophy and puts it in a weird place.

Yeah, but even in AT where it debuted its only slightly more durable than a Warhound. It’s still a Scout Titan whereas the Warlord is a full on Battle Titan, so I find it quite odd that other than obvious armament differences there’s only 2 more voids that keep the significantly larger and more hardy Warlord up. I can understand streamlining the game for the sake of time, but that’s a bit extreme… especially when you take the point differences into consideration. 

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19 minutes ago, DuskRaider said:

Yeah, but even in AT where it debuted its only slightly more durable than a Warhound. It’s still a Scout Titan whereas the Warlord is a full on Battle Titan, so I find it quite odd that other than obvious armament differences there’s only 2 more voids that keep the significantly larger and more hardy Warlord up. I can understand streamlining the game for the sake of time, but that’s a bit extreme… especially when you take the point differences into consideration. 

Hasn’t it got 4 more voids or am I misunderstanding it? It’s also got two more wounds. I think it’s going to take combined firepower from multiple units to put a single wound on a warlord whereas a warhound could probably be destroyed in one turn by one or two units. 

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10 minutes ago, MARK0SIAN said:

Hasn’t it got 4 more voids or am I misunderstanding it? It’s also got two more wounds. I think it’s going to take combined firepower from multiple units to put a single wound on a warlord whereas a warhound could probably be destroyed in one turn by one or two units. 

Yeah, 4 more voids. It may be more durable in the game than it sounds, but I would think there would be much more durability to it than just that. Maybe I’m just nitpicking here. 

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2 hours ago, DuskRaider said:

Yeah, 4 more voids. It may be more durable in the game than it sounds, but I would think there would be much more durability to it than just that. Maybe I’m just nitpicking here. 

I wouldn’t call it nitpicking, you could absolutely be right and taking a warlord won’t be worth it over the warhounds. If GW had their act together we would probably know by now :biggrin:

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6 voids will be much harder to take down and easier to get some back up. With 6 wounds to chip down, and with some shields returning each turn. 

Warlord is going to take much more concentrated heavy firepower than the Warhound.


Feels much easier to drop those 2 voids and get into the 4 wounds of a Warhound.

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Without looking at individual weapon options, here's the differences in stats:


Warlord - Dire Wolf

Move: 5" vs 7"

Void Shields: 6 vs 2

Wounds 6 vs 4

CAF: 14 vs 10


The Warlord then comes automatically with more weapons automatically:


Then it gets the shoulder and arm weapons.


EDIT: Void Shield (6) is a massive boon, because when they do go down you're more likely to get 2-3 back instead of maybe 1 back with Void Shield (2).


Edited by jaxom
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They are using the system from titan legions for shields (roughly) except from memory, getting the shields down was trivial, then in the old system it was landing the hits in the right area, this time its just doing 6 wounds, which i think shouldnt be too hard if you have any kind of anti titan weaponry, a volcano cannon would just one shot an unshielded scout it seems for example.

All in all i think it shifts the dynamics of the various titans and weapons, but i am far too tired to go over it in detail :D 

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It kinda feels like void shields really matter...until you're up against other titans. A vmb array strips a warlords shields on average, without even having to know what rapid fire does, and then your arm weapons like plasma and macro gatling can leave it half dead. They also have enough flexibility to shoot into other targets before/after/instead. 


Idk if they're worth their points, but their weapons seem effective enough against many different targets that I wouldn't bet on titan legions as a main faction any time soon.

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Considering they mentioned Titanicus in today's article, I think they want people to keep (start?) playing that for running all-titan/knight forces. Titans in LI are almost certain to stay in a support role. My guess is they'll rebox everything and switch the entire model line over to LI bases and then put Titanicus stuff back on the shelves once they've done that.

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4 hours ago, Black Cohort said:

It might just be my hope, but did the end of that article seem like they were saying they should have news next week on the release date?

Errr. I didn't get that Vibe... :sweat:  So they have a focus article every Monday and the usual Heresy article on Thursdays?... cause the last Monday one said Flyers will be the next faction Focus article...Not Arty which by the way Does look good, (Not being a Heresy Fan Boi) I Didn't know it used to be Mounted on a leman Russ Chassis!,

and 8 to a box  is Nice, 4 of each perhaps ....:wink: then expand later...  



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