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19 hours ago, Valkyrion said:

I have a question regarding CAF, as I never played old epic that used CAF, so this is a fun new mechanic for me.

You roll an extra D6 for each model after the first involved in the combat, so lets say there are 10 tactical squads wrapped around a Warhound Titan.

The first tactical squad and the warhound each roll 2D6 and add their CAF. The tactical squad loses and so is destroyed. The second tactical squad rolls 3D6, the third 4D6 and so on, each time losing a tactical squad (or wounding the warhound).


Is that right?


That's pretty much it, yes.

If it's like old Epic then the Warhound will be able to hit back at 2d6 + CAF each time.





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Yes that's it - it will be interesting how movement works in the new edition. In 2nd/TL, your Titan could just step through units that had charged it, as a Warhound surrounded by that much stuff was probably dead! So it was a massive advantage moving second for that reason, and you would always keep your titans on an advance order for that reason if there was a danger of them being charged.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Lord Marshal said:

No pre-order this week, but White Dwarf 493 will have a Battle Report.


Given that next weeks pre-orders are also two-week'ers and it's only Underworlds and Warcry it would seem the supply chain is scuffed, rather than Space Marines being a special case.


Yikes. 2 week preorder for a minor release wave is a bad sign


Good news is the Underworld Warband with a tail knife wielding monkey is getting a model only release. I only mention that as it contains 2 models thatd make great grots ;-)

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1 hour ago, Black Cohort said:

part of my says that a battle report means that it is coming sooner rather than later; the other part of me says some brand/content manager is pissed that they have a finished battle report article that they haven't used yet so they just tossed it in.

White dwarf is published about 3 months ahead so they'll have played this in July.


Nothing to do with brand managers. It just means that it should have been released and the WD battle report would have supported the release.


Nothing is ever "just tossed in" when dealing with a multi national that has to plan yonks in advance.

Edited by 01RTB01
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Man I'm just annoyed that the one release they were actively communicating release dates on, or at least what month to expect it, got :cuss:'d and delayed. 


They immediatly got the lid on the nose from this and retreated back into: "NEVER TELL ANYONE ANYTHING" mode. 

Edited by matcap86
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Not sure if this one's been shared/leaked yet, but here's the space wolves trait:



It looks extremely useful if it happens to come up, but otherwise vanilla (like a lot of other LI legion traits, which I kinda really like).


Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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Looks like the BatRep will be Blood Angels + Legio Defensor versus Death Guard, Emperor's Children, Solar Auxilia and Legio Mortis.


They also accidentally (?) spoilt that the first supplement will be called The Great Slaughter - Beta-Garmon? - and that some of the units featured will be included there.



WarCom article on the White Dwarf issue.


Edited by Lord Marshal
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This is really just emblematic of GW. Make a full release for the game (rules and models), but then chop it up and sit on it to sell as expansions to refresh interest. Like, they've delayed the actual game for almost two months and have had to show their next wave of stuff to maintain release hype, so everyone knows we're not getting the "full" rules to start with.


Remember when forgeworld would just release models when they were done with an experimental rules page so you could play asap? Kinda felt better to be a customer then. 


Also, the bat rep pic just looks like a mega battle and kinda undermines the spectacle (imo) of the "epic, large scale battles that you can't recreate" when it's 4 factions.



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On 10/1/2023 at 7:05 PM, Lord Marshal said:

No pre-order this week, but White Dwarf 493 will have a Battle Report.


Given that next weeks pre-orders are also two-week'ers and it's only Underworlds and Warcry it would seem the supply chain is scuffed, rather than Space Marines being a special case.


Guess I will buy a WD again. The last occurrence that happened was maybe ten years ago. :)


On 9/14/2023 at 5:30 PM, Mendi Warrior said:

I saw your post and immediately thought adding markers to these buildings could solve the problem. E.g. cotton markers to indicate the building is on fire (or something similar), hence considered destroyed.


Ruined versions would be top of course and don't need to be overly expensive. Some base with the same footprint and a burnt shell of a building made of styrofoam and some plasticard? Eager to see the actual rules so as to better figure out what could work.


I'm probably in the same boat as you with the many buildings I made for AT :biggrin:

In a pinch you could use flat rubble markers on which infantry stands can deploy without trouble. That was the way destroyed buildings were handled in the 90s to prevent wobbly model syndrome.


On 10/9/2023 at 2:15 PM, Lord Marshal said:

Looks like the BatRep will be Blood Angels + Legio Defensor versus Death Guard, Emperor's Children, Solar Auxilia and Legio Mortis.


They also accidentally (?) spoilt that the first supplement will be called The Great Slaughter - Beta-Garmon? - and that some of the units featured will be included there.



WarCom article on the White Dwarf issue.


I hope this is only a promotional shot for the battle report as both armies look too tightly wedged in among all the terrain. The selling factor of Epic is the big table. In 30K/40K you can speed with a bike squad in two turns from board edge to board edge. However in Epic said bike squad would be moving for several turns until it reaches the other side. Scope and freedom of movement needs to be addressed and not just to cram in as many models among the new terrain as you can.

Edited by Deus_Ex_Machina
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6 minutes ago, Deus_Ex_Machina said:

I hope this is only a promotional shot for the battle report as both armies look to tightly wedged in among all the terrain. The selling factor of Epic is the big table. In 30K/40K you can speed with a bike squad in two turns from board edge to board edge. However in Epic said bike squad would be moving for several turns until it reaches the other side. Scope and freedom of movement needs to be addressed and not just to cram in as many models among the new terrain as you can.

Looks like all the forces concentrated on about a third of a 6x4 table for their pre-battle selfie.

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1 hour ago, SkimaskMohawk said:


Also, the bat rep pic just looks like a mega battle and kinda undermines the spectacle (imo) of the "epic, large scale battles that you can't recreate" when it's 4 factions.



I think this is a standard battle really.  The picture is clearly just everything shoved together since it would normally be spread over a 5’ x 4’ battlefield.  There are also not four factions on a side.  The sides are Legion or Solar Aux and only 70% of your battle force has to be from your main faction.  So Death Guard and Emperor’s Children are a single faction.  They said you could mix legions on a side, which I am happy to see confirmed and love doing.  The Solar Aux and the Titan are just part of the 30% max allies.  There are four detachments of Solar Aux I can see, and based on leaks are:

HQ - Auxilia Tactical Command Detachment - 10 pts

Core - Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio - 4 bases, - 30 pts.

Battle Tank - Leman Russ Strike Squadron - 4 tanks, - 175 pts

Bastion - Auxilia Rapier Battery - 3 bases, - 50 pts.

(Which does not currently match any formations leaked, so there may be others out there.)


add a Reaver Titan for 415 and you get 680 points, well within 30% of 3000.


Therefore I think these will be good examples of exactly what you can build.


looking forward to this…


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2 minutes ago, vadersson said:

I think this is a standard battle really.  The picture is clearly just everything shoved together since it would normally be spread over a 5’ x 4’ battlefield.  There are also not four factions on a side.  The sides are Legion or Solar Aux and only 70% of your battle force has to be from your main faction.  So Death Guard and Emperor’s Children are a single faction.  They said you could mix legions on a side, which I am happy to see confirmed and love doing.  The Solar Aux and the Titan are just part of the 30% max allies.  There are four detachments of Solar Aux I can see, and based on leaks are:

HQ - Auxilia Tactical Command Detachment - 10 pts

Core - Auxilia Lasrifle Tercio - 4 bases, - 30 pts.

Battle Tank - Leman Russ Strike Squadron - 4 tanks, - 175 pts

Bastion - Auxilia Rapier Battery - 3 bases, - 50 pts.

(Which does not currently match any formations leaked, so there may be others out there.)


add a Reaver Titan for 415 and you get 680 points, well within 30% of 3000.


Therefore I think these will be good examples of exactly what you can build.


looking forward to this…



Ya slip of the tongue on the factions thing. But it doesn't really matter, because you've missed the point I was trying to make.


I ike the volume of stuff, but I dont like how it looks like a disjointed mess of 6 different paint schemes; it looks like a mega battle, sloppy apocalypse game, or a circus.


In my opinion, the draw of epic is to really increase the scale of the battles past the standard 40k/realistic apocalypse size. When people used to play epic at the GW about 15 years ago, it was cool because it was a huge ultramarines force of a few companies against an invading tyranid hive fleet. Having a huge force of the same army just looks way cooler than a conglomerate.



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I was very interested in some teenyweeny armies when this was first announced etc. maybe it's a fool me once type situation, but I hadn't stopped to consider they'd take such a disrespectful method to bring rules for the minis as they were released. I aren't interested in being forced to buy an expansion book quarterly or whatever just to make use of basic units, whilst simultaneously running the risk of a condensed volume potentially appearing and invalidating them all in 2 years time.

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I’ve been playing AT again in preparation for LI release and needing three hardback books to hand (rules, Legio and Maniple) is definitely annoying.


I’m still excited about the game and any expansions though, just might have to make a cheatsheet or two.


I just hope the rule set is decent. I love the AT rules but bounced hard off the AI ones (although I loved almost everything else about that game).


At least the net Epic rules could be used instead, would just need some new unit stats and maybe some scaling adjustments?

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I was committed but their delay without a word has put me off. I'm not giving them my money now, instead enjoying the 3D printers my friends have.


GW could have avoided such behaviour had they been more open to their customer base. There's usually some "whales" who'll burn cash at everything GW says... but nah they've turned me off.


Sure, I'm not everyone. But if I feels this way, likely others do too.

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