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2 hours ago, Bung said:

Fixed Warbands and Terrain were a thing when the game started with the first Edition and a reason noone bought into it.

I rather suspect giving out free rules and giving the Warbands AoS Rules was an attempt to gather some interest in the game and miniatures.


I'll nip this in the bud before a mod does, the only reason I brought up Warcry was the fact it does have free rules. Kill Team does too actually, though they are the lite rules

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4 hours ago, Black Cohort said:


I didn't say free rules, I said digital rules, you can still charge for pdfs/ebooks of rules, rpg companies do it all the time.

Yes it’s a shame there wasn’t more imagination. Could have had a voucher either in the box or in the digital rules, alongside maybe a free “lite” version (as there is now for Kill Team, as Sitnam points out).


Did starter boxes back in the day of (say) 4th edition40k  even come with the full rulebook? Certainly not in full size, maybe in diddy paperback.

Edited by LameBeard
Didn’t see Sitnam’s post had beaten me to it
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2 hours ago, Black Cohort said:

Pretty sure the 5th ed starter set I got had a small paperback that was rules only, not all the other stuff the hardback rulebook had.  Everyone wanted one because it was way handier tableside.


8th WFB (same era) did too, and then you had the mini-ish books of 6th and 7th 40k too 

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It is really baffling - like, if the physical books are borked, then why not just treat it like a MTO and everyone who buys a copy gets a digital version and the physical copy when it comes out?


I guess we'll see what happens - maybe it'll make sense in retrospect - but just about anything's got to be better than what they're doing now 

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6 hours ago, Captain Idaho said:

@Pacific81 unfortunately the odds of my regular gaming group embracing and even participating in an unsupported and out of production game are fairly low. Probably zero.

I think this sort of thing varies so much between gaming groups. I play mostly with some fairly close friends and we literally play whatever (usually we take it in turns to choose something) - I love Epic so that has been my choice over the past few years but we've gone through Fallout, One Page Rules (using Necromunda and kill team minis), next we are thinking of AoS.

In this context 'unsupported' is a relative thing - in many ways something like Epic is far easier to play than 40k, as we don't need many hundreds of ££ to buy an army, the latest books etc - and people being very tight-fisted with their wallets tends to be our groups prime directive lol.

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7 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:

It definitely does vary between groups. I'm hoping to convince mine to engage with this game for sure.


A strategic Christmas present or 2 might help that sneakily as well!


With free presents on the offering How does one go about becoming friends with you and your gaming group ....:tongue:....:laugh: 



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51 minutes ago, Mumeishi said:


With free presents on the offering How does one go about becoming friends with you and your gaming group ....:tongue:....:laugh: 




Location will help a lot... but I do already know you're into Nu Epic so...


(Nah I'm generally pretty generous. Just the way I am)

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16 hours ago, sitnam said:


I'll nip this in the bud before a mod does, the only reason I brought up Warcry was the fact it does have free rules. Kill Team does too actually, though they are the lite rules


AoS had free rules too at some Point, the Problem is AoS like Warcry werent really successfull in their first Editions, thats why you got free rules, Not while GW tries to be nice to players.


LI is a new game, so the chances for free rules, even Lite Rules are non existent if you look at GWs Release history.



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On 11/6/2023 at 8:39 AM, Mandragola said:

They even have AI planes for xenos races and I’m sure they’ve got CAD files for loads of them

Tangentially for this threadm but something I can;t help but point out every time it comes up...

GW have "CAD files" for everything, or if, in an outside case, something doesn;t exist they could have it drawn up within a matter of hours. Drawing 3D pictures is neither difficult nor particularly time consuming (see everyone making their own STL files on any number of file repositories). 

Engineering those files into model kits and producing them in the quantity required is the thing. 

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11 hours ago, tinpact said:

It is really baffling - like, if the physical books are borked, then why not just treat it like a MTO and everyone who buys a copy gets a digital version and the physical copy when it comes out?

Thats fine if you only sell it online. But it creates an administrative nightmare if you sell a box over the counter.


"Here's your box of models, and your download code, which is the only way to obtain the rules for this game, now, can I please have your address and we'll post you the rest of your product at some unspecified time."I


And then, does GW pay the postage on all those books? Or is that charge added on? Or, do the stores have to keep a record of everyone who bought a box and a stack of books to give out later?


Or, the core box is a GW MTO only, and stuff the independent stores?


It just wouldn't work.

Edited by Sword Brother Adelard
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Lots of other companies manage digital rules though; Infinity has had it for years, ASOIAF, Fallout, just off the top of my head. And they work absolutely fine, ASOIAF has an absolutely brutal tournament scene and game change process and that game and community seem to manage.


GW would be capable, but choose not to as the edition and army book churn is a central part of their business model, getting people to buy new army books, a new rulebook and expansions every 2-3 years. I would love to see a bare-bones online rule resource, updated as FAQs as they release, and linked to an army builder - then sell people the books for the lore, artwork etc. Infinity has this (has had it for almost a decade) and seemingly no shortage of people buying rulebooks, but I assume it's very unlikely GW will do it.


The only saving grace for those of us getting Legions is that I don't expect this game to have the edition churn of GWs 'core' games (if AoD is any indication)

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The same guy who was correct about the whole Age of Sigmar Ironjawz release and the preorder dates for the Tyranid and Space Marine releases just said Legions Imperialis would release on the 2nd December. So either 25th or 18th preorder depending if its a two or one week preorder and as another rumour that correctly predicted the Battleforce preorder date said preorder on the 25th I think a one week preorder on the 25th is basically confirmed.

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22 hours ago, Redcomet said:

This. The bean counters said no to more than 2 factions. The institutional fear of the system tanking like it did back in the day, still plays a big part.


The irony is that with just 2 factions, I probably won't buy into LI at all whereas I would have been jumping at a properly rebooted Epic. Even if they only had a handful of factions to start with, that would have been enough to get going.


My 2 problems with LI in its current form are that I do not like mirror matches. Games are more interesting when there is variety and players can engage in asymmetric warfare. Secondly, the HH as a setting just does not interest me so much because it is closed history. We know what happens so that makes it harder to invest in the games. In 40K, the future history is still being written. With each game you can imagine humanity clinging on just a little longer or the darkness closing in that little bit tighter. This is why I don't play HH games despite the fact I love the novels.

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32 minutes ago, Karhedron said:


The irony is that with just 2 factions, I probably won't buy into LI at all whereas I would have been jumping at a properly rebooted Epic. Even if they only had a handful of factions to start with, that would have been enough to get going.


My 2 problems with LI in its current form are that I do not like mirror matches. Games are more interesting when there is variety and players can engage in asymmetric warfare. Secondly, the HH as a setting just does not interest me so much because it is closed history. We know what happens so that makes it harder to invest in the games. In 40K, the future history is still being written. With each game you can imagine humanity clinging on just a little longer or the darkness closing in that little bit tighter. This is why I don't play HH games despite the fact I love the novels.


I mean the amount of factions that we'll see is bigger than 2, as mechanicus, custodes, demons are all likely to make an appearance, not even looking at knights and titans being their own thing as well. 


As a counterpoint. I'd probably never would have considered LI if it wasn't horus heresy based. The current storyline 40k is taking, plus a lot of the model designs are boring to me as it's becoming more and more herohammer. Whereas I really like the "historical" aspect of HH based games. "My guys" have plenty of scope to take part in known battles, but the galaxy is also big enough to tell their own story during this period. 

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36 minutes ago, Xenith said:

I love tanks but owning and fielding shedloads of tanks at 28mm scale is quite impractical, I might have to dabble in this and get my tank company off the ground. But do I do AL or BA. I dn't think we'v seen any LI models in the AL scheme yet, right?


Also I find painting 28mm tanks intimidating; this scale, much less so!

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1 hour ago, Karhedron said:


The irony is that with just 2 factions, I probably won't buy into LI at all whereas I would have been jumping at a properly rebooted Epic. Even if they only had a handful of factions to start with, that would have been enough to get going.


My 2 problems with LI in its current form are that I do not like mirror matches. Games are more interesting when there is variety and players can engage in asymmetric warfare. Secondly, the HH as a setting just does not interest me so much because it is closed history. We know what happens so that makes it harder to invest in the games. In 40K, the future history is still being written. With each game you can imagine humanity clinging on just a little longer or the darkness closing in that little bit tighter. This is why I don't play HH games despite the fact I love the novels.

You have to be meta-gaming or going out of your way to make mirror matches in the Horus Heresy. Especially since Titan Legions and Mechanicum will almost certainly be the first expansion faction. 

Edited by Marshal Rohr
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5 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:

A new WarCom article which collects all the previous LI articles, I quote, "as the Legions of the Emperor and Horus muster for the final push before battle is joined".



And on twitter:



God some people are bad at their jobs (not the soc. media team which are probably hamstrung by higherups).

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