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I was disapointed at first when I saw LI being HH themed. 

But now, I'm projecting to print several armies LI compatibles in size. I bought few 3D authors licences to create full ranges of armies proxies. My goal is to build slowly some new armies rules compatible LI with the comunity, each army having some specific rules to make them different. And the good thing is that it is NOT a copy of GW products :cool:


So now, I have at least 3 more armies, from single infantry to big titans.

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4 hours ago, Xenith said:


From the 1/2/2/2, I believe tat they're trying to tell us the release date is 1st February 2022, which might be wrong. 

I do wish they’d tell everyone the real release date. I know their marketing strategy is to keep us hungry so we buy other stuff in the meantime, but surely this case is different. Oh well. 

I finally got round to reading the WD battle report, which I quite enjoyed. It mentions that they’re using stuff from an expansion. Presumably that was meant to be coming out around now. I wonder if that will appear at the same time as the launch (around its intended release date) or later (with around the original delay). 

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=][= Sweet Emperor, let's not make snide comments when someone is making a joke and then someone missed it but wrote a nice reply trying to help.


Moving on, let's focus on this game. =][=

Edited by Captain Idaho
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Yeah, it's so awful.

I went looking for FW AT toys to buy but I couldn't find anything before my brain started twitching.


What with making half the SM range redundant, wrecking the core rules, making all the good lore books limited edition and butchering the rest, making things impossible to find on that abortive new website and failing to bring us this one last glimmer of hope called LI, they are making ignoring their franchise altogether super easy.

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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I’ve had three orders get cancelled. I’ve varied the cart up each time to see if it would stick. Nope. Just takes the payment, and 24 hours on the dot later it sends me an email it’s been cancelled. The first refund processed, still waiting on the second two before I try again. 

edit: customer service said it’s a “glitch” and I will receive an email asking what I want to do with the orders tomorrow. 

Edited by Marshal Rohr
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10 hours ago, Captain Idaho said:

That's a cool point. I'd like to see the sizes in general and seeing them alongside a plethora of models more people are readily aware of is a great way to give a sense of size and scale!

Cheers. One of the earlier previews alluded/implied that the dreads were about half the size of an intercessor sic


I think it will increase hype/popularity when people get a tangible idea about the size

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Do people always order from GW direct? I always try and support a local gaming store - although I know sometimes they miss out on quantity of new releases, if you try and get upon release.


I am guessing the likes of Wayland and Firestorm Games will be doing very well out of the new GW website!

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Us Veterans are probably not the biggest loss of earnings. My dad, for example, is going to struggle to get me my Christmas stuff from them (and he's too stubborn and old to use another source) so I imagine they will have to fix the issues sharpish.


Legions Imperialis is likely going to have more of a long term presence through online sales directly from GW and other retailers.


Again, I hope this doesn't hurt our beautiful game too much.

Edited by Captain Idaho
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Flicking through the battle report and it seems to me that I've failed to understand some basic mechanics.


I thought orders were issued to a detachment - is that not the case?

e.g, I thought all models in the Sky Hunter Phalanx would have to be given the same order, and stay within a certain distance of each other, but I'm clearly wrong on both counts.


This then begs the question of why have detachments at all? What's the point? 


Of course, there's every chance I'm wrong, in which case I request enlightenment!


edit - no, wait, it appears that detachments are indeed issued orders, but detachments don't need to stay together....so, if you want to charge with an assault squad, you've also got to charge with a missile launcher squad that is on the other side of the board?

Edited by Valkyrion
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If it is anything like previous versions of Epic - we have been told it is based on 2nd edition - then it is definitely one order per detachment.


It depends though how many sky hunters are in detachment? If it just one, as is the case in old Epic for larger units (super heavies and things like that) then that could be why?

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12 minutes ago, Valkyrion said:

Flicking through the battle report and it seems to me that I've failed to understand some basic mechanics.


I thought orders were issued to a detachment - is that not the case?

e.g, I thought all models in the Sky Hunter Phalanx would have to be given the same order, and stay within a certain distance of each other, but I'm clearly wrong on both counts.


This then begs the question of why have detachments at all? What's the point? 


Of course, there's every chance I'm wrong, in which case I request enlightenment!


edit - no, wait, it appears that detachments are indeed issued orders, but detachments don't need to stay together....so, if you want to charge with an assault squad, you've also got to charge with a missile launcher squad that is on the other side of the board?

I think you're confused between detachments and formations? Detachments are the equivalent of squads in larger scale games, formations are the collections of detachments used to build an army, such as the Sky-Hunter Phalanx or the Legion Demi-Company.

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