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I think @Xanthous has hit me on the head with the truth hammer.

So, the Sky-Hunter Phalanx is a formation consisting of detachments, which in turn consist of units

The blood angels player would therefore need to issue 5 orders to that formation, one for each detachment. 


We're gonna need lots of tokens....

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Just now, Astartes Consul said:

Warhammer Community Team Showcase - https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/11/09/warhammer-community-takes-on-legions-imperialis/ 


Surely, pre-order announced this weekend then?



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1 hour ago, Burni said:

That is some tiny lightning! Good to see some other legions - they look good. 

After ‘sooner than you think’ I am still suspicious of WHC’s definition of ‘very, very soon’… my wallet stands ready though!


Night Lords do look good at that scale! I'm still dreading the lightning but it doesn't look as bad as I thought!

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9 hours ago, 01RTB01 said:

I'd put money on Sunday being the day of announcement and Monday morning being the day whereby a million wallets cry out...


Unfortunately my Christmas budget is done and dusted so no crying from my wallet (I know it won't affect GW's money making machine in the slightest but it's a shame it had a unfortunate release muck up, it has made my hype for it drop waaay down now :confused:)

... hopefully I'll still be able to get a box in the new year sometime. 



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5 hours ago, Mumeishi said:


Unfortunately my Christmas budget is done and dusted so no crying from my wallet (I know it won't affect GW's money making machine in the slightest but it's a shame it had a unfortunate release muck up, it has made my hype for it drop waaay down now :confused:)

... hopefully I'll still be able to get a box in the new year sometime. 



Same here, christmas budget has been allocated and there's no space for LI due to not knowing whether it would exist outside of the GW offices at that time. I'll see next year, if it's available indeed but also, only if it's fully/mostly available at independent retailers. I'm not going to go through that new site of theirs to order directly from them.


Having said that, seeing those LI tanks in a proper color scheme, makes me wonder whether I shouldn't go with that rather than my marine legions in tiny scale. They look so good.

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On 11/8/2023 at 10:21 AM, Pacific81 said:

Do people always order from GW direct? I always try and support a local gaming store - although I know sometimes they miss out on quantity of new releases, if you try and get upon release.


I try and alternate between a local FLGS to support them, but also run some cash through the till of my local GW stores to both support the local and keep them sweet, particularly as I usually want the mini of the month and the coin. Anything potentially limited, the much more organised LGS's get my vote as they're more likely to get the stock than my local tiny GW store. 

8 hours ago, Interrogator Stobz said:


I may not be painting Iron Warriors and Dark Angels for that reason.

Maybe Scars and Alphas.... maybe.


Do Alphas pretending to be white scars pretending to be alphas. 


They do look a lot better in other colours, though I think the BA still look the best we've seen so far.


I guess this confirms that the new sicaran omega will have re-oriented omega destroyers like the LI model, as opposed to the vertical FW one. Strange choice, I wonder if they struggle dto convert it to plastic. The LI one seems to omit the coils and cables on the main turret

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2 hours ago, matcap86 said:

Seeing the stuff that the team painted I'm expecting the starter and wave 1 to launch pretty close together or even simultaneous. The Kratos and Baneblades probably wouldn't have been included otherwise. 

Yes, but the great unknown is "what's about the boxes relatives to the starter set?", I mean: many things should be available quickly at/around the starting point. For example: infantry SM box, infantry SA box, light tanks boxes (SM/SA which are in the starter) ... None have been revealed yet.

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34 minutes ago, BolterZorro said:

Yes, but the great unknown is "what's about the boxes relatives to the starter set?", I mean: many things should be available quickly at/around the starting point. For example: infantry SM box, infantry SA box, light tanks boxes (SM/SA which are in the starter) ... None have been revealed yet.

I expect the boxes that contain starter set units, to be some of the last to be released. 

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Had White dwarf through and theres an article on collecting/painting forces and even a focus on the staff collections in the back. Really good to see a variety of legions and skill levels on display, shows how easy painting epic is :D 

Cant be long now! :P

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