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1 hour ago, Lord Marshal said:

This has started doing the rounds. 




$50 = £30 once you remove the GW Colony Tax. I was fearful the 'normal' boxes would be £37.50 RRP so this is a pleasant surprise.


Seems the Thunderhawks, Knights and I think most of the Titans haven't changed in price from prior to re-boxing?


Interesting to note that the standalone rulebook, non-Thunderhawk Flyers, Road Tiles and Army Cards are Direct Only.

This is the worst case scenario. 



It is affordable :biggrin: My wallet is doomed. 

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So just some perspective on how some of these prices can translate.


A thunder hawk is 150 points for £30 

The Kratos squadron is 260 points for £30

The rhinos are 50 points for £30

The auxilia are 218 points for £30

The lightnings are 170 points for £30

The marauders are 170 points for £30

The baneblades are 190 points for £30

The questoris banner is (i think) 180 for £27.5


A lot of things seem to be around the same price, with the main battle tanks giving some unsurprising value proposition. Even assuming you could average 200 points per box, that'd be about £450 for the 3000 points they're pushing. Or $900 cad+taxes over here in Canada. It's just as affordable as 40k, which is something I'd say...isn't very. 


I'd recommend building a core out of units that give you good value for points; titans really do that, as do battle tanks, and surprisingly the infantry boxes.


I'd also note that the AT stuff seems to have kept its pricing models, so get ready for a gouge with those armigers and knights. It's £27.5 for 3 marine sized models, when you can get 20 marine sized models for £45 with the new mk3.


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15 minutes ago, Interrogator Stobz said:

Thanks for all the info lads.

Has anyone Calculated the savings for the big box?

My brain hurts ATM...

We don't know for sure as we don't yet know exactly how the tanks will be sold/how much they will be but assuming they are the same as everything else it would be:


Rulebook - $60

Warhounds - $75

SM Infantry - $50

SA Infantry - $50

SM Tanks - $50

SA Tanks - $50


Total - $335

Price - $200

Discount - 40%


So you basically get the warhounds/rulebook for free as we already expected. 


Edited by Matrindur
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Much appreciated, thanks Brother.


I think we can safely assume:

3 Preds to a sprue, ergo 6 to a box.

2 Sicarans to a sprue, ergo 4 to a box. 

2 half boxes.

No idea about the SA ones though. 


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33 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

I was kinda expecting the Dire wolf to come out alongside these given its early preview, Plastic armigers felt like a no brainer too, maybe an expansion or two down the line when they do Mechanicum or revamp knights?

Since they aren't in the price list it seems the Warhounds/Cerastus Knights/Porphyrion aren't coming next Saturday so I expect the Dire Wolf together with those whenever they show up. Probably together with the Knights/Titan Battlegroups


All the resin knights seem likely whenever Mechanicum is added as most of them are the Mechanicum versions. Normal Armigers would be the only non-Mechanicum versions and they might get a dual kit with the Moriax which would explain why they aren't here yet

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Pricing is pretty much where I expected it to be apart from the scenery which is sadly higher than I hoped. 

Am leaning towards two big boxes as I can use everything apart from a second rule book (am doing SoH and don’t have traitor Legio).


just wish we knew when the next wave is coming for budgeting. 

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19 minutes ago, Burni said:

Pricing is pretty much where I expected it to be apart from the scenery which is sadly higher than I hoped. 

Am leaning towards two big boxes as I can use everything apart from a second rule book (am doing SoH and don’t have traitor Legio).


just wish we knew when the next wave is coming for budgeting. 

I think we will get another preorder soon as some AT stuff (Warhounds, Cerastus, Porphyrion, Warbringer) and AI stuff (All SM flyers except Thunderhawk and SA Thunderbolts if they are playable) are still missing. Now if that preorder will only have that stuff and probably the Titan/Knight Battlegroups and maybe the rest of the terrain or if there will be more LI kits is another thing

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Well, well, well, I was thinking to get at least 2 core sets for financial bonus: it seems that it'll be only for convenience and the additional warhounds. I'll get only 2 (wanted 3).

For the rest: rhino, 1 box seems enough to start with. Big tanks boxes: big hesitation here but at least 2 kratos and probably 3 baneblades.

I already have enough titans/knights and one of each plane box. Maybe another thunderhawk later...

Decors: 3d print all the way.

....And by the side of all those, a complete 3d printed army of something different. I'm just waiting to get the boxes to set the right scale/size before printing (a ockish army and a zepplin one...To be continued :tongue:).

Edited by BolterZorro
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Due to the christmas boxes just being released and the tyranids being too good a fit with leviathan, I might just stick with the starter and maybe some terrain. Otherwise I'd also have gotten one of each of the tank boxes. 

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8 hours ago, Lord Marshal said:

This has started doing the rounds. 






Are these versions of the spreadsheet (with Web Only products/prices detailed) available to the general public? Only ever been able to access the trade pricelist before on the GW Trade website, but would love to be able see these ones instead (especially UK version). Thanks to any who can help locate!

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I've just let go of a big set of titans (full Grand Master, 2x Reavers, Warhounds, loyalist / traitor / campaign books, etc) I had nobody to play with and no time to put together, so I'm happy that makes this completely off the table. I'd be tempted if I still had them. Money saved, money regained, I guess! :D

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25 minutes ago, Vassakov said:

Ask and ye shall receive. 

EDIT: And it is available through the GW Trade website from roughly 9am UK time, as a publically accessible spreadsheet.




Yes I can access these thanks, but I'm asking specifically about the one Lord Marshal shared which includes Web Only products/prices detailed, which the Trade website one doesn't include?

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1 minute ago, skylerboodie said:


Yes I can access these thanks, but I'm asking specifically about the one Lord Marshal shared which includes Web Only products/prices detailed, which the Trade website one doesn't include?

As far as I know we can only see the version without web only stuff. As the US doesn't even get that sheet on the trade portal normally that one might be from a GW store instead? Would explain why it has the web only products on there

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The prices are ok, and I am sure retailers will be knocking at least 10% off, I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Wayland does the starter for £100.


Rulebooks - there will be a metric tonne of these flooding the market right after launch as people bulk buy the starter boxes, as with AoD I expect these to be available for £10 or so within local hobby groups.

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4 minutes ago, Pacific81 said:

Rulebooks - there will be a metric tonne of these flooding the market right after launch as people bulk buy the starter boxes, as with AoD I expect these to be available for £10 or so within local hobby groups.

I think so: as side effect, I hope that it helps the game to expand quickly a good player base.

And there will be sooooo many warhound for super cheap on the second market :tongue: 

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