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15 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

New painting video with a few closer looks at the models and sprues


As nice as it is to get a better look at some of the models, the quality of the assembly and painting in that video is done absolutely no favours by how close the camera has to get to actually show the models properly.

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On 11/10/2023 at 3:15 PM, BolterZorro said:

Are you kidding? The infantry and light/core tanks are the backbone of this game. I can't imagine a late release of those boxes.


Yes, GW would never release a game without all basic troops/core units available at release :sweat:


I think we're 18 months into HH2.0 and we still only have 25% (1 of 4) of the compulsory troops units in plastic, and we are still minimum 6 months out from plastic breachers and despoilers. 

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I just finished a quick & dirty analysis of the infantry sprue, based on the single shot we had so far. I'll review the painting tutorial which might have some more details and could lead to some revisions/corrections.


I counted 76 elements on the sprue.


In green, the 2 dreadnoughts, which seem to have 19 elements in total, divided into:

  • 2 torso backs
  • 2 torso fronts
  • 4 left legs
  • 4 right legs
  • 2 left arms
  • 2 left arm claws
  • 1 right arm multibarrel
  • 1 right arm lascannon
  • 1 lascannon

In yellow, the 5 devastator space marines, each being made of two elements: the body and the right arm with launcher.


In red, the cataphractii terminators. I count 6 of them.


In purple, the assault marines. I also count 6 of them.


In light blue the tactical space marines. I count 30 of them.


In dark blue the officers and flag bearer. I count 5 of them.


The picture's resolution is not that great so I expect some mistakes in my analysis but that should give an idea.



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8 minutes ago, Mendi Warrior said:

I just finished a quick & dirty analysis of the infantry sprue, based on the single shot we had so far. I'll review the painting tutorial which might have some more details and could lead to some revisions/corrections.


I counted 76 elements on the sprue.


In green, the 2 dreadnoughts, which seem to have 19 elements in total, divided into:

  • 2 torso backs
  • 2 torso fronts
  • 4 left legs
  • 4 right legs
  • 2 left arms
  • 2 left arm claws
  • 1 right arm multibarrel
  • 1 right arm lascannon
  • 1 lascannon

In yellow, the 5 devastator space marines, each being made of two elements: the body and the right arm with launcher.


In red, the cataphractii terminators. I count 6 of them.


In purple, the assault marines. I also count 6 of them.


In light blue the tactical space marines. I count 30 of them.


In dark blue the officers and flag bearer. I count 5 of them.


The picture's resolution is not that great so I expect some mistakes in my analysis but that should give an idea.



To clarify for anyone wondering, the cataphractii and assault marines have options for unit leaders, thats why its 6. The missile marines also have a leader option (headcrest) so should be one more.

That leaves the 29 Tacticals for the 20 normal marines on four bases, five plasma marines on a single base and four more marines which consist of unit leaders and vexillia bearers


Edited by Matrindur
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2 minutes ago, Valkyrion said:

Are you guys going to paint the infantry on the sprue, or glue them to bases as normal, or snip from the sprue and attach them to a stick with blu-tac or similar?


If it's possible to get at some of the mould lines while leaving them on sprue then I'll give that a shot. Otherwise it'll be clip them off, clean them up and attach them to a stick for spraying/painting.

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10 minutes ago, Valkyrion said:

Are you guys going to paint the infantry on the sprue, or glue them to bases as normal, or snip from the sprue and attach them to a stick with blu-tac or similar?


I plan to leave the model itself attached to the sprue as the only connection is on the underside which is easy to clean after painting but I will clip out the sprue itself at the red markings below so I can actually have a place to grab the model. This way I should have 360° access for painting



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34 minutes ago, EmpiricalReed said:

If it's possible to get at some of the mould lines while leaving them on sprue then I'll give that a shot.

At the scale of these models, I think mold lines are probably only worth bothering to sort out on Vehicles, Aircraft and Titans; on infantry the details are that small anyway it shouldn't make a massive difference! :biggrin:


I'll probably be leaving my infantry on sprues to batch paint :smile:

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13 minutes ago, firestorm40k said:

At the scale of these models, I think mold lines are probably only worth bothering to sort out on Vehicles, Aircraft and Titans; on infantry the details are that small anyway it shouldn't make a massive difference! :biggrin:


I'll probably be leaving my infantry on sprues to batch paint :smile:


Mold lines are a relatively bigger part of the model in total, compared to regular sized stuff. So would probably have a bigger impact on the look of the mini-mini.

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20 minutes ago, Sword Brother Adelard said:

Or, you could clip off the vertical sprue bars and leave a squad all on one horizontal?

I'll probably do just that for priming but for painting being able to turn each one around however I want without having others in the way is more important for me. 

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I think it's definitely worth removing the mold lines on the shoulders and upper areas of infantry. It's a prominent flat surface and once painted a line will stand out quite strongly, doubly so if you paint using contrast/speedpaints. As for the lower areas, I guess it will depend on how bad the lines are or any possible flash there might be, if it's not so bad I'd probably be lazy and skip it. :tongue:

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Ive always found epic infantry easier to paint on their bases, though thats partially due to working on the bases, if you want to settle for the bare ones its probably less important. Definitely clean them up first though! 

Also, i was watching the paint video over lunch and had to chuckle at the "headstrong" Iron hands :D 

Looks like contrast will be a godsend for most legions, i certainly found washes a game changer back in the day and contrast (or speed paint) even more so i suspect.

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100% - either washes over a basecoat or contrast, then a dry brush if you need it (ooopss.. sorry am I meant to call that slapchop now? :ermm: ) and some detail work on guns.

And paint based first, much easier than doing after or trying to paint on the sprue.


This is my voice of expertience after painting many hundreds (probably thousands!) of Epic scale infantry!

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6 minutes ago, Pacific81 said:

100% - either washes over a basecoat or contrast, then a dry brush if you need it (ooopss.. sorry am I meant to call that slapchop now? :ermm: ) and some detail work on guns.

And paint based first, much easier than doing after or trying to paint on the sprue.


This is my voice of expertience after painting many hundreds (probably thousands!) of Epic scale infantry!

Drybrushing after a basecoat/contrast is still called drybrushing, slapchop means drybrushing the model before using contrast so you get nicer highlights out of the contrast layer on top. This shows it nicely.

But I don't think slapchop would work well with tiny models like this

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10 minutes ago, Haranin said:

Do we know if the cards are in the release box set?


I doubt it, since they're selling packs of them separately. 


Hopefully they won't just be the one-print run, but I won't hold my breath. 

Edited by Lord Marshal
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