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19 hours ago, Lord_Valorion said:

WarCom confirmed that the game will be in english only. So Legions will be dead on arrival in germany.


Is that so? I have played tabletop games in Germany for more than 20 years and rules being in English has rarely been an issue from my experience. 


It is an unneeded hurdle though, definitely agree with that. 

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27 minutes ago, Sword Brother Adelard said:

I always thought the Germans spoke better English than most English speakers.


Depends on your area / federal state.

Saarland had decades of French as first foreign language at school and most didnt bother or hadnt enough Lessons in english later.

I know of a Heresy Group that has to deal with 4 different rulebooks for HH (German, French, English print and english ePub) and every version is slightly different from the others and GW doesnt bother to correct that.

Then you had the desaster of the german Translation of the Titanicus Rulebook which led to the point people Trading their German Rules for an english Version.

As i life on the border of Saarland / Rhineland Palatinate and know groups / stores in both federal states the difference can be extreme.


(Sorry for offtopic)

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Will it still be a problem for anything east of Berlin? That was my experience of visiting that part of the country in the past, although that was almost a decade ago now.


Considering much smaller games companies manage to produce multiple language versions, really there is no excuse for GW not to do it.

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3 hours ago, Marshal Rohr said:

If you are printing your own cards or drawing on the GW cards, you have circled all the way back to just printing your own reference sheets and defeated the purpose of cards. 

Not really no. If the cards contain all the info about the unit, then it is easier to just glance down at the cards you have laid out for the units you are playing with, instead of browsing through long lists of text.

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9 minutes ago, Redcomet said:

Not really no. If the cards contain all the info about the unit, then it is easier to just glance down at the cards you have laid out for the units you are playing with, instead of browsing through long lists of text.


Except that

1. those GW cards are way too small (for my old eyes)

2. the pack is way too much incomplete (no cards of upcoming units in the supplement campaign: fast attacks etc...)

So, for me: pass. I'll print mine myself.


Edited by BolterZorro
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15 minutes ago, BolterZorro said:


Except that

1. those GW cards are way too small (for my old eyes)

2. the pack is way too much incomplete (no cards of upcoming units in the supplement campaign: fast attacks etc...)

So, for me: pass. I'll print mine myself.


If you can print them yourself I don't see any reason not to even if the GW version was complete as you can change to layout to what works best for you.

Buying the cards from GW is really only for those who either can't print them cheaply/at all or who really don't want to put in the work themself

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3 hours ago, Pacific81 said:

Will it still be a problem for anything east of Berlin? That was my experience of visiting that part of the country in the past, although that was almost a decade ago now.


Considering much smaller games companies manage to produce multiple language versions, really there is no excuse for GW not to do it.


It really depends on the group.

But i cant say anything about that area.

Its basically the other side of the country for me.

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8 hours ago, Marshal Rohr said:

No one here should be critiquing anyone else painting. 


I mean, were not dunking on a hobbyist who's trying their best and sharing their work on social media. 


This is a company marketing their new product, in an instructional "how to" video, with one of their employees who's capable of far higher levels of painting. Saying that the end result looks low quality and doesn't really show the models in the best light is fine commentary, since it's the company's in-house production to support their marketing of the product.


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That would be relevant if people didn’t used to dig at Peachy, who has won multiple painting competitions. They paint to the brief and meet expectations. There’s nothing to critique. That end result looks like the vast majority of armies you’d see at an hobby shop. 

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I'm just buying the one starter, and either swapping the Astartes for another half of Solar Auxilia or flogging them on Ebay.


I'm holding off on buying two, because I have a sneaking suspicion a lot of Solar Auxilia halves are similarly going to go for cheap on Ebay with how many people will no doubt want to run pure-Marine armies.

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Despite not wanting quite a bit of the box – the Malcadors, Sicarans and Warhounds – what I do want makes the big box a better purchase than buying separate smaller boxes. Rather shows the discount inherent in the big box (or the mark-up of the smaller ones, if you prefer)!


I've been saving up for this, so I'll be picking up the boxed set along with a box of Rhinos – that'll be more than enough for me to be getting on with this close to Christmas.

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The box is way cheaper than i thought it'd be, so it's very tempting. 


Despite being pro-printer, the biggest downside is cleaning the supports off (and it is a pain); the plastic guys are one snip and glue and you're done. The tanks are also very welcomed, as they're very good at filing up points and can be good Jack of all trades. 


Theres still some things I'm not big on, which is tempering my urge to get a box. First is the marine sculpts are pretty iffy compared to the prints; I get they're tiny and all, but it is still part of the product. Second, i just don't want to paint that many auxilia; I'd I'm going to have a mass of infantry, I'd personally prefer it to be marines as it's more rare to see visually. Third, i have a bunch of warhounds already lol; i really don't need another 2, especially for a game that limits their inculsion to such an extent. 


In some ways, I'd probably like 3x tactical boxes and the rulebook instead. Get the annoying 3d print stuff out of the way, get some good value for points (if the solar aux infantry is a good guideline), and don't get stuck with things i don't really want.

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1 hour ago, BolterZorro said:

Guys, how many stater sets do you plan to buy? (and boxes? and why )

Tough call.  I really like the idea of this game but none of the local game stores seem to be doing anything special for it.  I plan to get at a min 1 starter.  But I have been really looking forward to it so might go a bit wild and get 2 plus some other sets.  It depends on if I can find some discounts which is hard in the US.  Seriously considering asking a friend in London to swing by the famous Tottenham Count GW store to avoid Colony tax.  That may determine if I go hog wild since stuff is so much cheaper in pounds.  (Grr.)


only reasons to get two boxes is to get more tanks.  Can’t decide if that is worth it at this point.  However I may become a local cheerleader and try and build a community so having extra stuff to start showing the game off might be useful…

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1 hour ago, BolterZorro said:

Guys, how many stater sets do you plan to buy? (and boxes? and why )

Just the one, but I've already asked my FLGS to reserve me the Legiones Astartes, Rhinos and Kratos boxes, plus some terrain. I'll get the Titan Maniple box when it's eventually released, and other Marine Tanks when they're available. I've already got Marine aircraft from AI, so I think in two waves of releases I'll get everything I could possibly want for this game! :biggrin:

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I do wonder if there is a bit of an incongruity with the release timing. On the one hand, release it for Xmas so it goes onto your customer's gift lists, it's traditionally the best way to get sales for a 'toy'. But on the other hand, I feel like this is aimed at 'kids' now in their 40s and those customers are potentially having to find money for this as well as budget for Christmas.


Or are we all just putting it on our Christmas lists :biggrin:

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As much as I want the Solar Aux, my Fist Regiment doesn’t use mark 6 and the prospect of redoing the heads to match my Blood Angels at that scale while also extensively rebuilding most of my AoD marines is discouraging. 

I’ll probably wait until they release more armors and units and see from there. For now I’ll just start nickel and dime-ing Solar aux on eBay and build out the Armored Battalion and Sub-Cohort of Infantry. 

Edited by Marshal Rohr
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1 hour ago, Dark Shepherd said:

Im skipping the starter set, if its not stupid money will get BRB and then wait for more releases esp mechanised forces/marine tanks


Though tbh this is competing with the Old World for me

Same. I am far more hyped for Bretonnia than this. So I am saving my money

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