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If the starter had some more tanks instead of the Titans I'd be hyped for it. As it is now it's been confirmed the Kratos aren't in it, I'm a bit ho hum about it. I'll pick one up, but if they are not easily available (pre-order sell out) I'm happy to wait until after Christmas shipping has calmed down.


I will be trying to snaffle up Russes and Malcadors going spare though, hopefully an initial glut from marine only players.

12 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

As much as I want the Solar Aux, my Fist Regiment doesn’t use mark 6 and the prospect of redoing the heads to match my Blood Angels at that scale while also extensively rebuilding most of my AoD marines is discouraging. 

I’ll probably wait until they release more armors and units and see from there. For now I’ll just start nickel and dime-ing Solar aux on eBay and build out the Armored Battalion and Sub-Cohort of Infantry. 


Looking at the number of comments in the social media groups about people intending to collect marines, I suspect there may be some excess Solar Auxiliary units available on eBay fairly quickly..

My funds are low in general ATM, and so is storage space, and more interested in the KT boxset, so I'll probably hold off on it till the new year. If this thread is anything to go by I'll be able to get some discounted Solar Auxilia and Warhounds :biggrin:

51 minutes ago, Pacific81 said:

I do wonder if there is a bit of an incongruity with the release timing. On the one hand, release it for Xmas so it goes onto your customer's gift lists, it's traditionally the best way to get sales for a 'toy'. But on the other hand, I feel like this is aimed at 'kids' now in their 40s and those customers are potentially having to find money for this as well as budget for Christmas.


Or are we all just putting it on our Christmas lists :biggrin:

Yeah my mum loves me and all, but I think this might look excessive if I ask for it for Christmas. Funny, as she probably bought me Space Hulk for Christmas in 1989. Although I did have to share that with my brother … so the conclusion is I need to convince my brother to get back into Warhammer specifically Solar Auxillia.



I’m torn between one and two big boxes. I could definitely use everything apart from a second rule book (which would make a good Xmas gift for a mate) but having a SA force isn’t a high priority (although I do want one eventually).


Will be ordering a box of rhinos, kratos and a thawk though. And if I don’t get a second box, I’ll order a box of marines too. 

Although I worry about how hard to get the terrain will be after the launch weekend (based on Necromunda), I’m going to look to get that in the new year as it’s so close to Xmas. 

I really wish they had done Marines and either more Marines or Mechanicum for the starter box.  Seems like the poor SA is not very popular.  But once I get Artillery people will rue the day they ignored the SA!  Bwahah-hah!

Thinking about how to get more ‘Legion’ out of the Legion Imperialis box:


At the risk of triggering some Heresy players, Malcadors can be legion assets in 28mm (legacy unit) so it would seem no harm to co-opt them under a house rule perhaps, and paint up in Astartes colours. Or perhaps the way to go is paint *all* the Solar Auxillia in Legion colours - as if they really were auxiliaries  in a closer sense. It sort of chimes with the old Ultramarines Rite of War (too shiny to be the Word Bearers’ hordes, but maybe you could dirty up the tanks).

10 minutes ago, LameBeard said:

Thinking about how to get more ‘Legion’ out of the Legion Imperialis box:


At the risk of triggering some Heresy players, Malcadors can be legion assets in 28mm (legacy unit) so it would seem no harm to co-opt them under a house rule perhaps, and paint up in Astartes colours. Or perhaps the way to go is paint *all* the Solar Auxillia in Legion colours - as if they really were auxiliaries  in a closer sense. It sort of chimes with the old Ultramarines Rite of War (too shiny to be the Word Bearers’ hordes, but maybe you could dirty up the tanks).


I imagine the Panopticans will introduce many rules like this!

15 minutes ago, jaxom said:

Does anyone have an idea of titan point costs? I’m wondering what different combinations would fit in 30% of 2k and 3k points.

From the leaked points a while ago:

Warhound Hunting Pack - 330pts for one (will probably be slightly cheaper to have a second Warhound in the same Pack, I suspect to the order of 600pts for 2 so you can fit them in 2000pts)

Dire Wolf - 385pts

Reaver - 415pts

Warbringer - 525pts

Warlord - 600pts

Warlord-Sinister - 675pts

Both variant of Warmaster - 750pts

TBH, I'll be playing 90% AT units until I get more smol infantry, vehicles and aircraft. Gonna ignore the 30% rule for a while, casual only of course. (Is there any other way ?)


I'm looking to make an air mobile SM force with THawks, Storm Eagles, Fire Raptors zooming, and drop pods for the lads.

With some tanks of course. They be smexy.


My son has volunteered me to buy and paint for him SA, heavy on Leman Russ's and Baneblades, and later Artillery and Bombers.


So, one BrB box will do for the Infantry, small boxes to follow.

Edited by Interrogator Stobz

Damn they're small and well painted :wub: what's with people going Over the top ...NMM on tiny guys ...i guess if your skilled then flex it...

although that unit may last a few minutes more than normal "hey!, I really like your command squad, I'll shoot them next instead of now, cause they're soo pretty" :biggrin: 


this is building the hype up again seeing tiny smurfs :cool:



++EDIT++ i noted even in tiny marines they have Tactical Rocks... :laugh:

Edited by Mumeishi
4 hours ago, Xanthous said:

From the leaked points a while ago:

Warhound Hunting Pack - 330pts for one (will probably be slightly cheaper to have a second Warhound in the same Pack, I suspect to the order of 600pts for 2 so you can fit them in 2000pts)

Dire Wolf - 385pts

Reaver - 415pts

Warbringer - 525pts

Warlord - 600pts

Warlord-Sinister - 675pts

Both variant of Warmaster - 750pts

Thank you! Looks like 3k would let you take one big boy and a little friend or two-three scout titans and/or a medium titan.

Could go both ways for the individual boxes. Four boxes with double the tanks so 8 Russes, 4 Malcadors, 6 Predators and 4 Sicarans or two boxes with the same numbers as in the starter combining the Russes/Malcadors and Predators/Sicarans. The first is obviously better for consumers as they can pick whatever they want but the second would be half the SKUs so would be better for GW

Edited by Matrindur
31 minutes ago, Nova-V said:

Am I right in thinking it seems we are getting half boxes of the Tanks? So £15 of Russes, £15 of Sicarans, etc.

I was thinking something similar yesterday. In fact , I have the feeling that the tanks (2 bigs+3or4 little per side) are each half a box (4 bigs or 6/8 little), making the tanks content kinda 2 halves boxes per side => sort of financialy a full box of tanks per side which is close to the usual way of making a starter set, what do you think?


Remember the WD battle rep? To have that many terminators, you need a truck load of infantry packs!!!!


Edited by BolterZorro
15 hours ago, Pacific81 said:

I do wonder if there is a bit of an incongruity with the release timing. On the one hand, release it for Xmas so it goes onto your customer's gift lists, it's traditionally the best way to get sales for a 'toy'. But on the other hand, I feel like this is aimed at 'kids' now in their 40s and those customers are potentially having to find money for this as well as budget for Christmas.


Or are we all just putting it on our Christmas lists :biggrin:


Agreed, and I definitely fall into the second category - I knew it was coming before Christmas and knew I'd have to get this and presents for the wife and my 8yo son


I wonder if he'd like some Epic miniatures from Santa...? :laugh:

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