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1 hour ago, Matrindur said:

Could go both ways for the individual boxes. Four boxes with double the tanks so 8 Russes, 4 Malcadors, 6 Predators and 4 Sicarans or two boxes with the same numbers as in the starter combining the Russes/Malcadors and Predators/Sicarans. The first is obviously better for consumers as they can pick whatever they want but the second would be half the SKUs so would be better for GW

I do Not want to be paying for Malcadors to get Russes, I feel that you may well be right though. Especially how they spread Dreads and TDA around.

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Am I correct in thinking that the Astartes Infantry set is the same contents as the Space Marine contents of the starter box?


So a starter box plus the Infantry set will be effectively 2 sets of the space Marine half? Less the tanks, of course...

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I think the eventual battle tank boxes will each be two spruces. Ā So I guess it depends on if the predators/Sicarans are on the same sprue if they will be in separate boxes. Ā If so I expect 6 preds or 4 Sicarans to a box. Ā If not separate spruces then you will get either the same as the starter or double depending on how the spruces are set up. Ā (Do we know how they are laid out?)


same logic applies to the SA tanks.

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If I go LI, I'll get 2 starters+2 kratos+1rhino+3baneblade, reselling 1 rules+addons and 1 pair of warhounds.

I already have Titans, knights and planes. This way, I can play 1.5k and 2k points games with some variations with each army.

I'll try to get all of this with discount.

I think that reselling 2 leviathan boxes will cover a great part of this new acquisition.

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I missed it yesterday but they showed some of the transfers over on twitter:

The transfers themselves aren't anything special but why only these four? But there should be more in the individual boxes as they also showed SW and EC in the painting video



Edited by Matrindur
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That's disappointing about the transfers. I've gone with Mortis to support my upcoming SoH for exactly this kind of reason - I like transfers but having to buy the overpriced Legio sheets (if they are available) is a bit much. At least I'll have some decals to put on my SoH tanks too, just annoying for those who want to do other Legions.


Can anyone even name 8 different Solar Aux regiments?! Interested to see what those are.

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5 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:

I can't even name 8 people who want to collect Solar Auxilia!


I might get some custom decals done for cheap efficiency then. Since I'm Ultramarines and none of those shown.

I'm painting up the guard as mechanicum troops. I am also poking my local groups to see who doesn't want the solar aux side....


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6 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:

I can't even name 8 people who want to collect Solar Auxilia!


I might get some custom decals done for cheap efficiency then. Since I'm Ultramarines and none of those shown.

I am only interested in the Baneblades. The SA infantry just doesnā€™t float my boat

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50 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:

How To Play article on WarCom.


Brief, but it's something.Ā 

Quite interesting and it confirms a few things:

- Alternating movement *and* shooting. So they have taken a leaf from NetEpic's book here, which I think is for the better.

- Has kept the same turn structure as Epic Space Marine: First Fire, melee combat then advance fire. Guys take it from me this is why you have a few 'hoover' units on advance behind a melee combat, ready to wipe out that bererker or space wolf unit that was looking so pleased with itself after winning a combat :)


Interested to see what the 'overwatch fire' they mention is about. In the original game First Fire fulfilled this function, as it basically allowed units that were charged to have a round of shooting at the unit that was attacking them. So would like to know how that differs from it.

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From the article on video games:


ā€As the name suggests, this is only the first part ofĀ The Traitor Curse, and the second is coming sooner than you may think ā€“ right in time for the winter holidays, in fact.Ā ā€


the WarCom team loves ā€œSooner than You May Thinkā€ (tm).


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